Status: Part 27 and Part 28 posted 11/24

I Fear I Might Break

Part 3

Jennifer parked the van and we piled out. My eyes gazed lazily at the building.

Hilton. Wow.

We managed to find our way out of the maze of a parking lot and into the hotel.

"We're here. We're here. We're here," Damien sang repeatedly.

"If you don't stop that, they'll think we're crazy," said Mina

"We are crazy. Look at our band name: Asylum Inc. How much crazier can we get?" asked Damien as we walked through the revolving doors.

"You could be in a straight jacket right now with a muzzle over your mouth," replied Edward.

"You'd like that wouldn't you?"

"It would make you shut up."

"Well, maybe my mouth doesn't want shut up."

"Or maybe it does."

"Let's ask him. Mouth, do you want to shut up?" In a high pitch voice he continued, "No, Damien I don't want to shut up. In fact, I want to keep going just to piss Edward off. He can just shove it up his—" An unfamiliar voice cut Damien off.

"This is your band?"

We turned our attention to the owner of the voice.

Oh my word. That's...

"Yes, Peter it is," replied Jennifer, shaking her head in disapproval.

"Ohmigosh, you're Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the third! Could you turn around for me?" asked Damien, feigning politeness.

He is not asking that.

Pete rose an eyebrow. "Why?"

"I need to see how amazing your ass looks in real life."

Jennifer covered her face with her hands. Mina slapped her forehead.

"Where's the muzzle when you need it," asked Edward.

"Obviously not here," answered Octave.

"I'm flattered... I think. Let me bring you to your rooms," Pete dismissed the request.

"But you never turned around for me," complained Damien.

"You'll see while we're walking. Let's go," commanded Octave

We followed Peter Wentz to the elevator, Damien's eyes stuck to Pete's hind quarters the entire time. Pete clicked the up button, causing the light to flash on. Seconds later, the elevator doors opened, allowing us entrance. The doors closed slowly and Pete pressed the button marked 13.

Unlucky number, not a good sign.

"So we're your opening band?" asked Mina.

"Um, no. Didn't Jennifer tell you that Patrick, Andy, Joe, and I are only here to make sure nothing goes wrong? It was her idea. It's a break between our last tour and recording for a new album."

So nothing goes wrong? Is the bus going to set on fire?

"She didn't tell us anything... Who are we opening for?" Mina asked again.


"If you have the want to see to your next birthday, you will not tell them," Jennifer said quickly.

"Oh come on. It can't be that bad. If worse comes to worse, it'll be Paramore. They're just a bullshit, sell out band anyway," I said.

"Sin, what did I tell you about being nice?" asked Mina.

"... Don't?" I asked.

Her glare pierced my faux innocent stare.

"From that statement I'm going to assume you're the lead singer, Sin," said Peter, smirking slightly.

"Yes, I am."

"Jennifer told me all about you."


"Just to prep him for what will happen," replied Jennifer.

"And what will happen?" I asked her, eyebrow raised.

"You'll see."

"Why is thing so damn slow?!" exclaimed Damien.

"Better question: Do you ever shut the fuck up?" asked Edward.

"The loud mouth is Damien and the vampire is Edward, right?" asked Pete.

"I'm not a vampire!"

"Yes you are. Just the other day you had blood dripping from the corner of your mouth. Explain that, mister," countered Damien

The circle marked 13 lit up and the elevator made a dinging noise. The doors opened again, this time allowing us to get out of the elevator. We followed Peter to a door marked 1313.

"This is the room for the ladies," said Pete, giving us the key to the room.

"And this," he turned to the door across from it, "is the gentlemen's room."

"Does that mean we can't destroy things and have to act like good little girls and boys?" asked Octave.

"You must be Octave. Jennifer told me that you tend to break things because you're clumsy. Apparently, it makes a good show. Try to act like good little boys and girls, please," said Pete.

"You told him I'm a klutz?" Octave turned to Jennifer.

"Well, you are," she shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm Mina. Whatever Nurse told you is a lie," said Mina to Pete.

"Who's Nurse?"


"Oh. That's an odd nickname... She told me you're the only sane one."

"Well, she wasn't lying then," Mina smiled.

"Right. Anyway, we're having a little party downstairs to introduce all the bands and get ready to kick off the tour. Come down as soon as you're ready."

"Awesome! I'm going to put on my yellow pants!" exclaimed Octave.

"Please don't. You'll blind everyone," Mina rolled her eyes.

"Once again, you're just jealous because you don't have sexy yellow pants," Octave began dancing around.

"I'm not jealous."

"The first step to recovery is to admit you have a problem."

"Yes, I have a problem. It's your stupid pants and the fact that if you keep dancing you'll break something."

Octave stopped his outrageous motions and rolled his eyes.

"Okay, I'm going to go downstairs. Come down when you're ready." Pete walked away and was soon out of sight.

"Let's get ready, gang!" exclaimed Damien.

"What did I get myself into?" asked Jennifer.

"Everything," I replied.

We entered our rooms with more ease than expected. I sat on one of the two king size beds in the room. Mina automatically stood in front of the mirror, attracted to it like a bug to a light. Jennifer let the bags she was holding fall to the floor with a thud and laid on the other large bed. Minutes later, Mina turned to us.

"So, do you think there are any hot guys down there?" she asked.

"For your sake, let's hope so," I replied.

"We should all hope Paramore doesn't show up in any way, shape, or form. You can't even be civil towards them when someone mentions them," Mina remarked.

Jennifer shifted, visibly uncomfortable.

"Okay, Nurse, spill. That bed isn't so lumpy that you'd be in any bit of discomfort. What do you know that we don't," Mina leaned against the drawers.

"Obviously, she knows who we're going on tour with and she knows how to pronounce the names of all those really big disorders," I picked under my nail.

"Let's just go. They're waiting for us downstairs." Nurse jumped from the bed and headed out the door.

"Strange woman," Mina and I shrugged our shoulders.

We walked out of the room and into the hallway where Jennifer was trying to calm the overly excited boys, one of which was clad in bright yellow pants and a black and white skelanimals shirt.

Since when is Octave a Hayley Williams impersonator?

"Having fun, Nurse?" Mina taunted.

"Down stairs, now," Jennifer said, jaw clenched.

"Yay!" exclaimed Damien.

Octave and Damien hooked arms and began skipping towards the elevator, Jennifer trailing behind them.

"What did you give Octave?" Mina asked Edward.

"My shirt," he replied, and walked to the elevator.

Mina and I walked slowly to the unopened elevator.

"Plan Make-Sin-the-Front-Man has failed... partially. On to Plan B," Mina said.

"What's Plan B? By the way, I don't like Plan MStFM" I asked.

Where does she come up with this stuff?

"Duck tape Damien and Octave together. Then duck tape them to a flag pole and release the pigeons"

"I don't think that's going to work."

"Too bad."

When we reached the elevator, the rest of the band and Jennifer were waiting for the doors to open. Seconds later, the doors pulled apart, letting us get in. The ride down to the first floor was quiet, save for Damien singing horribly off key. Downstairs, we followed signs to get to the "ball room" in, once again, pure silence. We stood out side the door, all fidgeting nervously. Eyes shifted anxiously around the small group.

"Who wants to open the door?" asked Mina.

"I nominate the front man," replied Damien.

"Can we change that to front woman?" I asked.

"No, it doesn't have that ring to it like front man does," Damien shook his head.

"Fine. I'll open the door, you pansies."

"I personally like being a pansy," countered Octave.

I disregarded his comment and place a hand on the copper door handle, opening it to reveal a large mass of people and a decorated room.

"Who are all of those people?" asked Damien in awe.

"Stage crews, merch tent workers, and all of the people that make this tour go," answered Jennifer.

"Are there any male groupies in tight pants walking around?" asked Damien.

"Dami—" Damien interrupted her.

"Oh, I see one! He has a nice hind area," He tilted his head to the side.

"Damien, that's not a groupie. That's a band member from one of the two bands we're on tour with."

"Let's go talk to him!"

"We're finding our table first."

"Fine. I'll just figure out who he is."

"You are not yelling across this room to get his attention."

"It's called the study of the buttocks. You really ought to learn it sometime."

"There is more to life than looking at someone's backside," commented Edward.

"Says you till I find out what bands we're touring with."

A sigh came from Edward's lips. Damien tilted his head.

"If we just find our seats, we'll find out sooner," said Edward.

Damien ignored him, "That can not be Ryan Ross' ass."

All eyes were on him. His shoulders shrugged.

"Look, Nurse found our table," Damien giggled.

"You need help," said Edward, walking to the table Jennifer was standing by.

Damien scrunched his nose and mouth, then followed Edward. Octave and Mina trailed behind.

I could turn around now, leave, and never come back...

Octave turned his head to look at me, red mane slapping him lightly in the face.

"Sin, come on." He motioned with his hands.

Or I could stay here. That is until I beckon death to claim me.

A ceramic smile plastered itself on my lips and my legs graciously brought the rest of my body to his side.

"What's with the hold up, doll? Not thinking of anything you shouldn't be, are you?" he put an arm around my shoulder.

"Of course not," no life filled my voice

"That was a pathetic excuse for a lie. We'll talk about it later, 'kay? Try to enjoy the party."

"Stop caring."

"I'm sorry, I can't do that."

"Why not?" I demanded.

"You are my little sister. If you hurt yourself, the world as I know it is over. I want you to be happy," he laid his head on mine.

I leaned my weight against him.

"Hurry up! Save the brother sister moment for later!" yelled Damien.

The arm from my shoulder was removed and I regained my balance.

"C'mon," Octave grabbed my hand and dragged me the rest of the way to the table marked Asylum Inc.
♠ ♠ ♠
Told you I would post a second one.
Its kinda long and Paramore still hasn't really shown up.
And I know you guys probably don't like how bitchy and almost bipolar the narrator is but she does get better.
Or more bearable.
Comments are awesome. =]