Status: Part 27 and Part 28 posted 11/24

I Fear I Might Break

Part 4

"Finally," exclaimed Damien, when Octave and I reached the table.

"Shut up," Octave rolled his eyes.

"Can we go look at the bands now?" Damien asked Jennifer.

"Umm... Sure," Jennifer said uncertainly, looking around.

"Shweetness!" Damien stood from the seat he had taken, only to be pushed back down by Jennifer.

"I lied. No, you can't," she stared in fear at a group of people, whose backs were facing us.

We followed her gaze.

"See that girl, Damien? She has a nice ass... and some nice hair... I know that hair from somewhere," I said.

Damien gasped. "I know that ass anywhere!" He stood, "Zac Farro, I love you!" he screamed at the top of his lungs.

That means...

The entire room looked toward us, including the group Jennifer was so afraid of.

"So you think Hayley Williams has a nice ass?" asked Mina, obviously amused.

"That's not what I said," I replied, quickly.

Fix it.

"I do believe you said, and I quote, 'See that girl, Damien? She has a nice ass.' Sin, don't lie to us."

"I'm not. You never let me finish. Her jeans make her have a pancake ass and her hair is an ugly shade of red."

"First of all, your hair is that shade of red," started Mina.

I hate my hair.

"Secondly, pancakes are damn good. Especially with syrup," Damien ended.


"I just had the most disturbing image pop into my head," shuttered Octave.

"Do you realize everyone is still staring at us?" asked Edward, yawning slightly.

The four of us looked at the enormous amount of eyes looking intently back at us.

"Hey, that's Zac Farro. I love you, Zac Farro!" Damien yelled.

Can you say A.D.D.?

"Did he not already say that?" asked Octave.

"That's how we ended up in our current situation," answered Mina.

I can't deal with this.

"Nurse, why didn't you tell us what groups we were going on tour with," I asked.

"Because you wouldn't want to go," she answered.

"Oh really?"

She nodded.

"Well guess what, I'm going home," I began walking away.

Jennifer grabbed my arm. "Sin, please. We can not find a new lead singer on such short notice."

"Does it look like I care?"

"Red alert, here they come," Damien said.

Both Paramore and Panic! At the Disco were on a direct course to our table.

"I told you it was Ryan Ross," gloated Damien.

"Looks like I'm leaving. It was nice knowing all of you," I said.

"Sin, sit down and shut up. We need you here, god damn it," said Octave.

"No you don't."

"I have a solution," said Damien.

"And that would be," I trailed off, waving my hands for him to continue.

"Sin is going to be a nice front man and give Hayley Williams an apology kiss."

Mmm, apology kiss sounds good... I mean ew.

"I rather get bitten by a rabies infested animal and get hit by four tour buses."

"That's not saying much considering you'd rather die than live."

"Then I rather stay in psych ward."

"She's serious," Damien said, appalled.

"That psych ward visit can be arranged," threatened Nurse.

Bring it.

"Sin, sit down and try to be civil. That's all we're asking," pleaded Octave.

"Am I the only one entertained by this?" asked Edward.

"Hi, I'm Hayley Williams," said the vibrant red-head, who was now standing in front of us, hand outstretched.

She even has cute hands... Stop thinking like that, Sin!

"Hi, I'm Damien," he shook her expecting hand.

"Mina," she shook her hand as well.

"Octave," he gave her a high five.

"Edward," he looked toward me, smirking slightly, while shaking her hand.

Her hand was outstretched in front of me, waiting.

Well, she'll be waiting for a while.

I glared at her, causing her to drop her hand to her side.


"Did I do something wrong?" she asked.

"Yes, you and your crap band exist," I replied.

"Excuse me," confusion clearly written on her face.

"Sin, don't," commanded Mina.

I held my hand up to silence her. "You heard me, Red. So why don't you take your untalented self and that piece of shit you call a band and jump off a cliff?"

"Look, I don't know what I did to you but—"

"I already told you," I cut her off. "You exist. Please, take your presence away from me."

"Ignore her. She's in bitch mode today. Tomorrow, she'll be nice. It's just the mood swings," covered Octave.

"Oh no, honey. I'm not the bipolar one. I just hate Paramore." I turned to Hayley, "What are you still doing here? I do believe I asked you to leave."

Tears perched ready to flow from her eyes. Zac, Jeremy, and Josh were attempting to calm her down. People stared in shock.

"Hun," I said, catching her attention.

She looked at me.

"Go die."

Octave choked on air and Mina gasped audibly. Both Edward and Damien looked at me in shock.

Did I just say that?

"I'll just leave then," she said, silent tears stormed down her face as she turned and walked away, the rest of her band and the other band following close behind.

I know how it feels to be told that. Why did I say it?

"Sin, you took it way too far," said Edward, standing and following the now sobbing Hayley Williams.

Don't cry. I can't stand it when girls cry.

"I'm... going to go see if she's okay," said Mina, leaving the table.

Peter Wentz stomped to us. "What the hell was that?"

"I told you this wasn't going to work, Pete," said Jennifer, still thrown off by my earlier statement.

"If this is how the entire tour is going to be, someone is going to have to leave. Hayley is too sweet to have to deal with this."

"We'll go. It was a dumb idea to accept the offer."

"No," I said.

They looked at me.

"Then what do you propose we do?" asked Octave.

"I'll just stay on the tour bus the entire time. I won't leave, at all. Other than to perform. It's my fault, like always," I took a deep breath.

I have blades in the hotel room. Punishment awaits.

"I'll go now and make everything easier," I stood and walked out of the room.

And pick up my devices while I'm at it.

Hayley's loud sobs were the last thing I heard before entering the silent hallway. I walked to the hotel room to get my bags, then made my way to my solitary confinement.
♠ ♠ ♠
I definately almost forgot I had to post this. -_-
I know, I'm special.
They might make me update on Wednesday