Status: Part 27 and Part 28 posted 11/24

I Fear I Might Break

Part 9

"No! Not the bucket!" I could hear Octave scream, pulling me from sleep.

My arms struggled to push my body up.


Octave's screams pierced through the air.

"Shut up," Mina yelled from her bed, voice muffled slightly by the pillow.

Someone knocked on the door.

"Come in," she yelled.

"You kind of have to open the door for me," the voice yelled back.

Mina groaned.

"I'll get it," I stood on shaky legs.

The person knocked again.

"I'm coming. Just give me a second," I walked up to the door, stumbling on a discarded shirt.

My hand opened the door. Pete Wentz stood there, arms crossed, with Hayley and Ryan by his side.

"What's going on?" Pete asked.

"Huh?" I returned.

Oh, real intelligent.

"What's all the noise about?" Pete walked past me and into our room.

"I don't know. I just woke up."

Ryan and Hayley walked in.

"Is she trying to smother herself?" asked Ryan pointing to Mina.

"No, she's trying to block out the sound of Octave pleading for his life."

"Sin St. James," mumbled Mina.


"Shut the fuck up; I'm trying to sleep."

"Do you have a hangover?"


"Nurse is going to kill you."

"She won't find out."

"Um, excuse me," Ryan interrupted the conversation.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I know this is rude but um... what happened to your arms and legs?"

I looked down. The tank top and shorts I had worn to bed showed a majority of my scars.

Aw shit.

Mina peeked out from the pillow. Her eyes widened.

"It's nothing," I replied quickly, covering myself with my hands.

That's not going to cover anything.

"It doesn't look like nothing," he pushed.

Eyes pierced through me.

"We should go check on Octave," Mina attempted to change the subject.

The door clicked, drawing our attention to it. Nurse stood there with a large bucket. Droplets of water dripped down the sides.

"Hi," Nurse smiled.

Catching a glimpse of my attire, her smile fell.

"Sin, you should go change," she said.

"Too late. They asked," said Mina, burying her head back into the pillow.

Nurse scrunched her eyebrows and walked to the side of Mina's bed.

Kneeling down she said, "Look at me."

Mina looked at her. Nurse studied her face.

"Does this hurt?" she said, a little above her normal speaking voice.

"Stop," Mina groaned.

Nurse stood up. "You have a hang over, which means you were drunk last night."


"What happened to quitting?"

"Can we talk about this some other time?"

"Uh, no."

"Hey, we came here for a reason," said Pete.

Mina and Nurse looked at him.

"We're leaving in about 30 minutes. I'm leaving Hayley with you girls to show you where the busses are and I'll leave Ryan with the guys to show them where the busses are, just in case you get separated," Pete explained.

"Anything else?" asked Nurse.

"Where did her scars come from?" Pete pointed in my direction.


Edward and Damien barged into the room.

"Tell him to stop purging for fuck's sake," yelled Damien, pointing at Edward.

"Tell him to eat something," Edward yelled, pointing at Damien.

"Shut up," yelled Mina.

"Oooh, you have a hang over. Bad Mina," Damien said, wagging his finger at her.

Edward jabbed Damien in the ribcage and motioned to the now wide-eyed Pete, Hayley, and Ryan. Damien made an "o" shape with his mouth.

"Where's Octave?"

"He needs a fix," Damien covered his mouth. "I didn't mean to say that."

"Someone want to explain what's going on?" asked Pete.

"Not really," replied Damien.

"Sin, go get your brother," commanded Nurse.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked.

"They're not the press."

"True," I stood. "But people could use it against us." I glanced at Hayley.

"Just go get him."

I sighed.

"Hey, Ryan," said Damien.

"Yes, Damien," asked Ryan.

"You're hot."
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah I'm posting another one early.
This is for whoa!letsgo (aka the person who has left one bajillion comments on this story)
She's awesome.
I officially know how I'm going to end this story, which excites me.
There are about 24 parts written so far and it should end around the 30th part.
You guys still have a lot to read.
Also, I am deleting Hidden.
Sad, but I have another story idea and I may repost Hidden when I make more parts to it.