Status: Active

I Met You At The Crossroads Of Love And Hate

One Of Those Nights

"Yasmine, will you hurry up already?" Valentina yelled at me, "Were gonna be late. You look good, so get your purse and whatever shit you put in there and lets get the hell out of here."

Valentina is my roommate and best friend. We've known each other since middle school and even then she was blunt and rude. That's just her own way of her affection. If she was nice I would be downright scared. Right now she's trying to hurry up because she wants to get to the club already to get pissed drunk.

"Okay, okay will you keep your pants on? I'm coming." I told her stepping out of my room with all of my 'shit' as Valentina calls it.

"What the hell were you doing that too took you an extra half hour to get ready?" she asked pissed and annoyed as we got in the car and rolled down the windows.

"I was..." I paused thinking of a good excuse to make so that Valentina wouldn't get mad at me.

Can you really blame a girl for trying on almost everything in her closet to find the perfect outfit? So, you can't blame her. We can't all be like Valentina who looks good in anything and everything. Some of us have to actually put some effort into looking good.

"Oh, well I was looking for tampons. It turns out that I had the last one in my purse."

"Well no wonder it took you half an hour to find it. Your purse is like a black hole" She paused raising an eyebrow, "But with rhinestones. I don't know how the hell you can find anything in there, let alone necessities like fucking tampons."

She went on, ranting about my purses and how I should get new ones. We've had this argument before so I didn't even try defending my purses. So what, I like big purses.

"Wait- did you say that the tampon that you found was the last one?" Valentina asked with a panicked face. I nodded slowly as she slapped her hand to her face.

"Shit Yasmine, you could have told me earlier, like when we left the house. Not when I passed Walgreen's. I'm on my period at the moment too, you know." she sighed, "I'll go right now, just because I know that I won't have any common sense when I leave the club."

She did a u-turn to go back to the Walgreen's. As we were at the stop light I applied some lip gloss but interrupted by the wolf whistles and howls from the car next to us. I looked over and saw that it was full of muscular guys that were pierced and covered in tattoos. Normally, I wasn't really into piercing and tattoos but on them it was what made them even hotter.

Obviously they thought we were hot, what with the howls and wolf whistles. The only one not paying attention to us was the one driving. By the look on his face they had to be somewhere and they had to be there fast.

The light then turned green and they sped off. "Those were some hot guys, huh, Valentina?"

"Yeah, they were." she agreed as she parked at Walgreen's. "I'll be right back." she told me

"Yes mother." I mumbled. I shook my head in amusement as she practically ran into the store. She always had to be in a rush for something but that's only because she was such an inpatient woman.

I started flipping through the radio stations for something good to listen to, and finally settled on a Led Zeppelin song that was currently drowning the speakers.

"Hey, whats up?" I looked up and saw one of the guys from the stoplight . I glanced behind him and saw that the rest of the guys except for the driver. They were all looking over here with shit eating grins. I rolled my eyes chuckling.

Guys were so obvious

"Oh, not much." I said looking back at him, "just waiting for my friend to get something." I motioned toward the little store.

"Well, that's cool. So anyways, would you girls like to know what fun really is? My buddies and I are going to this really great place not far from here and we were wondering if you girls would like to go."

"That's really sweet of you, but we already have plans, sorry." I gave him a sympathetic smile, "Maybe some other time."

"You'll regret it but anyways I'm Johnny." He said holding out his hand.

When Valentina and I started going out to party it up together we got a lot of male attention. So after a while we got really good at reading guys. I could tell that this johnny fellow was just being friendly

I shook his hand, "My name is-"

"Yasmine, what the fuck are you doing? get in the car, we have to go." Valentina yelled at me as she exited the store and started toward the car.

"I am in the car, Valentina." I looked back at Johnny. "look, we have to go. I'll see you around... maybe."

He nodded his head," later" he walked back to his car as we pulled out of the parking lot.

"Look, if you're mad at me for talking to him, I'm sorry. He's the one that came over here and started talking to me. I was just being polite plus he looked harmless enough to talk to."

" What the fuck do I look like? Your parents? I don't care who you fuck with." She started the car furrowing her eyebrows, "That's not why I'm mad, Yasmine. I'm mad because some fucking jerk- I mean the fucking store didn't have our kind of tampons, so all this shit was for nothing."

I suspected that there was more to the story, but I didn't push her for details. "Okay, I wouldn't want you to be mad at me anyways. Can you do me a favor, though?"

"Hmm...what's that." she asked, most of her concentration on the road.

"Please be happy. I didn't agree to come with you, for you to be pissy all night."

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'll be happy Valentina for the rest of the night." she smiled at me

"Thanks, cause I have a feeling tonight Is going to be so much fun." I smiled looking out the window with anticipating. Tonight was going to be carefree and crazy but definitely without someone's significant other. With out knowing I looked forward to what seemed to be:

One Of Those Nights
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Chapter Title Credit: One Of Those Night ;; The Cab
Next Chapter Should be out later.
Gets better I promise. So please