Status: Active

I Met You At The Crossroads Of Love And Hate

One More Long Night

Jimmy's POV

"Don't forget my tampons!" Val yelled as we left Matt's apartment.

"Well, I'm not getting them." I announced, "Matt, shes your girl so you get them."

"Fuck no. Matt sanders is not a tampon delivery boy." He gave Johnny a shove, "you go get them since you're the shortest."

"What the fuck does my height have anything to do with getting Val her tampons?" He retorted, getting a little pissed, "Why doesn't Jimmy get them? He plays the drums and the drumsticks resemble the most to tampons." he grinned. I bit my lip so that I wouldn't beat the shit out of Johnny.But it was funny...and gross.

"Ew, dude. That's gross. I don't know if I can ever play the same again with you comparing tampons to drumsticks." I said furrowing my eyebrows. Matt stifled a laugh and the look on my face had no words, I looked disgusted.

"Ugh, I'll get them, you guys. I've got a killer headache and I want to drop you guys off at the club already so I can get home." Zacky told us, as he unlocked the car and we all got in.

Syn clapped him on the shoulder, "Way to be a man Zacky."

"Yeah, way to go, man. Thanks a lot, too by the way." Matt told him and rolled down all the windows. "I don't think I'd ever be able to buy tampons for Val."

"Well you should know that we're not gonna be with you 24/7, so you might have to end up buying them some time." Johnny informed him.

"What the fuck, dude? You weren't supposed to tell him. It would have been a great surprise" I told him, smacking him. Matt just glared at us both from the passenger seat.

"Hey guys, get your heads out of your asses. We're going out tonight to have fun, not argue about tampons." Syn told us.

I really wanted to go out and have some fun. Get drunk and fuck a girl or two. I just needed to get my tension and frustration about Jade dumping me out of my system.

"Yeah Jimmy is right," Zacky agreed, "you all sound like a bunch of pussies when you argue about tampons."

"Hey, you say that like we argue about tampons all the time." Johnny said.

"Well, you have argued about tampons with Val before." Matt told him, then he looked back at Johnny in horror. "Holy shit, you guys. Johnny's gay." that made all of us laugh...well except Johnny he saw nothing funny about him being gay.

"Fuck you, guys." He told us.

"Sorry to burst your bubble Johnny, but we don't fuck guys." I said with grin and we all started laughing again.

We stopped at a red light and Syn pointed out the car next to us. There were two girls in the midnight blue Infinite G32. I whistled checking out the car but then my attention turned on the girls. They were both pretty hot, but the one in the passenger seat- putting some lip stuff on- caught my attention.

Before I knew it all of us-except Zacky- started whistling and howling at them. They looked over and smiled, but before we could really observe them anymore, the light turned green and Zacky drove on.

"Where the hell are you going Zacky?" Matt asked when we pulled into the Walgreen's parking lot.

"Getting the tampons, and something for my headache." he said getting out of the car and walking into the store.

"Who cares about the tampons?" Johnny grumbled crossing his arms.

"Well if you care about me, then you care about the tampons because if Val doesn't get them, she'll kill me." Matt told him.

"Hey look! Its the girls from the red light over there." He pointed towards the car and there they were- well it was only the one in the passenger seat. The one that was driving was obviously in the store.

"Go talk to her and try to get a name and number." Syn urged him grinning. "Then we'll see if you really are gay or not."

"Okay." He said and got out of the car then walked over to her. She looked up, a little startled, then she looked over here and we all grinned at her.

"Fifty bucks says he's not getting anything." I said.

"Fifty bucks says that he's only getting a name." Syn put in

"I say he'll get both." Matt said, is snorted. We all looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He shrugged, "What? I taught him everything he knows. He'll do great."

"Short shit, there has about as much chance with one of those girls as my mom does with you." I told him

"Well then, he has about a 98% chance with one of them, because believe it or not, your mom's hot for her age, Rev." Syn said.

"That's fucking sick dude. You hitting on Jimmy's mom is even worse than Johnny being gay." Matt told him, and I nodded my head in agreement.

"I'm not fucking gay, dip shits." Johnny told us, getting back in the car. looking over to where the girls were parked, I noticed they were gone

"Then you got her name and number?" Syn asked surprised

"Well, no but-"

"Fuck yeah! Now I'm a hundred dollars richer." I yelled, "pay up, douches."

"Actually I did get her name. Her friend yelled it when she was walking to us. It's Yasmine." Johnny added with a smirk.

"Ha! Now I'm a hundred dollars richer." Syn said getting up in my disappointed face.

Zacky got in the car, "Now lets get the hell out of here." He said as he pulled out of the parking lot.

"Did you have fun getting the tampons?" Johnny asked grinning.

"Oh yeah, because buying tampons is so much fun and it's something that I wanna start doing for val every month she's on her period." he said sarcastically. "No dumb ass it wasn't fun. Especially when another bitch needs those same tampons and you get the last ones and she starts yelling at you, and calling you gay."

"Well you werebuying tampons." Matt told him

"Hey Zacky you're gonna hang out with us for a while right?' Syn asked, desperate to change the subject.

I heard him sigh, "Yeah I'll stay with you guys for a while. An hour and that's it though. I'm not gonna become your guys chauffeur."

I chuckled and glanced out the window. This was going to take my mind off things for at least tonight. I could feel something good was going to happen. Maybe a good fuck but tonight was just:

One More Long Night
♠ ♠ ♠
Edited ;; Ashley
This is kind of a filler so you guys know why Zacky
was in there buying tampons. Yep, the first three
chapters are filled with Tampons. Hehe. Next Chapter
Should be out later today. Chapter Title Credit:
Vegas ;; All Time Low