Status: Active

I Met You At The Crossroads Of Love And Hate

In Love With Ego And Intention

Valentina's POV

Damn that Eve

I wasn't religious but when my mother used to drag me to church I picked up a few things. Like if she wasn't so fucking gullible and bit the damn apple I wouldn't have a monthly visit from Tom- Time Of Month. I swear she was definitely a blonde.

Just thinking about it was getting me more agitated and then Yasmine likes to take forever picking out a bloody dress or outfit. But I don't blame her; not everybody could look as likable as myself in anything. But not every guy can lick this because of a man named Blake. He was the reason I was going to live tonight.

I need a Tequila Sunrise.

My boyfriend of five dreadful years is being a complete and total asshole at the moment and I haven't had sex for four days. Just tonight and I shall be done with Tom until another month comes around.

As I rambled on in the car about how much fun tonight was going to be I heard wolf whistles and dirty little comments coming from the car that was next to us. I took a long glance admiring some of their biceps- I mean artwork! Tattoos and piercings were a total turn on for me. Yasmine always asked me why was I with Blake since he was the model for squeaky clean momma's boy.

I guess he's always been by my side and I knew nothing beside him. We were high school sweethearts and to end that would seem like I wasted the last five years. Then I would be alone and admitting that I made a mistake because he's the only guy that would ever stay with me for such a long period but there was no passion in our relationship.

When the light turned green and the car filled with the guys sped off Yasmine turned to me, "Those were some hot guys, huh Valentina."

"Yeah they were." I agreed parking the car in front of a local Walgreen's.

Fuck, I hated buying the tampons. Everybody acted like they never saw them before and stare. I hurried out the door and practically ran inside. I bumped into someone in the process.

"Watch it." I said going through the automatic doors.

"Tampons, tampons, tampons." I mumbled looking down the aisles.

When I found it there was another guy already looking at them I wanted to laugh so badly but I was just focusing on getting what I had to get and get the hell out of this piece. I started to walk in the aisle thinking about the paper sticks that ever girl shove up their vagina. Why was I born as a girl?

Looking at them I finally found the ones we usually get. Not the cheap kinds that feel like cardboard. I was about to grab them but the guy picked them up as my hand landed on it.

"Um, I really don't think you need those." I said trying to inch the box out of his palms and into my hands.

He shook his head,"Sorry sweetheart, I'm kind of in a hurry so just let them go." He pulled them at the same time.

I forced a smile, "I don't know what you do with these but they're not used to go up the ass hole and seeing as you have a dick and not a vagina I would let go if I was you." I pulled a little harder.

He took them from my hand saying, "Nothing is wrong with shoving them up the ass hole and just so you know, it's not good to PMS in public." He turned mumbling,"bitch."

My mouth dropped. This asshole just made a fool of me. Stupid guy with his stupid hat and his stupid shades. I was not going to take this from a snotty, jerk like this guy. I walked up to him stopping him by grabbing his arm.

"Look it you fucking bastard, you don't bleed from a fucking hole. I really need these. I'm PMS-ing, I need some alcohol in my system, my cat died a week ago, and I need to get laid!" I yelled bringing tears to my eyes.

"I don't know about everything else but I can take care of the you getting laid." He smirked.

I grimaced and cleared my face,"I have a boyfriend you pervert."

He shrugged moving towards the check-out line. I sighed crossing my arms. "Fine then you bastard. If you were that desperate for ass sex you could have call someone like Zacky Vengeance."

He looked shocked, "Are you calling me gay."

I shrugged once again, "You're the one buying tampons, right."

A lady walked on between us looking at me with hard eyes. "Mam, I'm going to have to tell you to leave. You are disturbing the costumers."

The guy with the shades and hat started chuckling and I rolled my eyes stomping to the way I came in. Yasmine was talking to some short shit when I came out.

"Yasmine, what are you doing?" Get in the car we have to go." She said something to the guy as I shut the car door then strapped myself in my seat belt.

"Look, if you're mad at me for talking to him, I'm sorry. He just started talking to me and I was just being polite plus he looked harmless enough to talk to."

I rolled my eyes at Yasmine trying to explain herself. I mean damn, she really doesn't have to explain herself because I sure wouldn't if I was her. I would probably curse her out nicely if she talked to me like I talked to her half the time.

" What the fuck do I look like? Your parents? I don't care who you fuck with." I started the car furrowing my eyebrows, "That's not why I'm mad, Yasmine. I'm mad because some fucking jerk- I mean the fucking store didn't have our kind of tampons, so all this shit was for nothing."

I did not want to tell her about what just happened in the store. It was embarrassing enough just to know I got told off by some guy. I was supposed to be hard as a rock and I couldn't even win my way with some guy buying tampons.

Yasmine looked at me probably knowing I was lying or not telling the whole truth but she never pushed me when I never told her something. That's what I liked about her."Okay, I wouldn't want you to be mad at me anyways. Can you do me a favor, though?" She asked glancing my way.

"Hmm...what's that." I asked, most of my concentration on the road. There were always speeders and they got on my fucking nerves. I swear sometimes they make me have road rage. Yeah, I'm the girl to roll down my window, give you the finger, and throw a long sentence of curse words at you.

"Please be happy. I didn't agree to come with you, for you to be pissy all night." She said smiling.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'll be happy Valentina for the rest of the night." I smiled back at her.

"Thanks, cause I have a feeling tonight Is going to be so much fun." She smiled again looking out the window with anticipation.

I was also looking forward to tonight. Without Blake I could really have fun and feel a bit more free. I seriously don't know why I'm with him. Maybe because he puts up with my bitchiness and my problem of being arrogant and cocky sometimes. Not really because I'm like a different woman around him. But as much as Ilove him I'm more:

In Love With Ego And Intention
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry guys but we really need comments
so there might not be another chapter until
there is enough to our satisfaction. I know I hate
doing this too because I hate when other authors do it.
Enough repeats in chapters!
Chapter Title Credit: Intensity In Ten Cities ;; Chiodos
Readers Please: