Status: Active

I Met You At The Crossroads Of Love And Hate

Give Me Therapy; I'm A Walking Travesty

Valentina's POV

"Come on Yasmine, you have to get pissed drunk tonight!" I yelled persistently passing her a shot of tequila.

Yasmine shook her head declining the shot, "You of all people knows what happens to me when I get drunk." She said placing the tequila on the hard surface.

I chuckled remembering when she got drunk-off of five measly shots of tequila- in Vegas last summer. She was really a sight to see. Definitely a hot mess. I rolled my eyes, "Dry humping every hot guy you see is not a bad thing or a sin."

She shook her head one again, "You would say something like that. Anyway, it's not a sin but it's called sexual harassment you whore." She paused the said, "Plus, I see nothing funny with the guy's girlfriends coming up to me having a bitch flip seriously."

I ignored her last sentence glancing around the club spotting a table where four really hot guys sat. I shook my head smiling as Yasmine had a confused face on.

"Why are you smiling like that? You're fucking freaking me out." She said suspecting something was going on in my weird head.

"I have no idea about you but I'll let one of those guys harass me...literally." I said moving away and towards the table containing the really good-looking men.

I was going to have fun whether I had a boyfriend or not. Blake was not going to ruin my night and it's not like I was going to sleep with anyone...right? Damn, I just realized I really am a whore.

"Hey any of you guys want to dance?" I asked trying not to slur. Yasmine was right I should have stopped after five shots, a vodka tonic, and a Hurricane.

Two of them stood up. One had slightly spiked hair with eye-liner but looked sort of cocky and the other was a short shit. Oh, it was the guy Yasmine was talking to earlier.

"Sorry Johnny, you're not man enough to handle this one." The cocky one said.

I rolled my eyes annoyed with his arrogance.

"What? Because I'm not some over sized giant like Jimmy?" The one known as Johnny said.

"I'm no even in this but to tell you the truth it's because your erect dick wouldn't even be able to reach the vagina." A guy sitting said.

"Oh, That's so wrong." The big, muscular guy said laughing.

I was seriously getting tired of these guys arguing over whose dick was bigger. Seriously, all I asked for a few dances not hot, monkey sex on the dance floor. I rolled m eyes sighing; guys were so immature sometimes.

I tapped my feet impatiently, "You know what? Never mind." I said starting to move from the group.

My arm was pulled back as the cocky one pulled me back. "I'll dance with you." He said moving with me. "The name is Brian but you can call me Syn."

I smiled as we moved on the dance floor. Some rap song was on but I paid no attention to the lyrics just the beat. I moved my hips as my back pressed against Syn's front. His hands slid down my side and latched onto my hips. My hands reached up for his neck and his head reached down and pressed into my neck.

After another two songs I stumbled leading Syn to the bar. I still wasn't feeling so sober but I wanted another drink. I looked around for the bartender, who was nowhere in sight.

"How about you go get me something to drink and I'll wait here, Brian." I half slurred and half purred trying to stand straight.

He nodded and walked away to my relief. I guess this is where I ditch him. I stumbled out the back doors tracing the brick walls with my hand. My legs felt like they were going to fall off at any minute and my arms were slightly shaking. My eyelids were heavy and I wanted to drop to sleep. Wait, I drove! I could just lay out in the back seat.

I stumbled to the parking lot and found my car. I patted my pockets for the keys. Dammit, I gave it to Yasmine since she was going to be the sober one. Kill joy she was. I reached for the handle anyways and found that it opened.

Weird, I thought I locked it.

I shrugged the thought off and got into the car shutting the door laying out. I guess sleep can only Give Me Therapy

Zacky's POV

"Where the fuck is Syn again?" I asked scanning the surroundings once again.

Johnny sighed,"He left with that hot ass girl." he paused shaking his head,"I was this close." he brought his thumb and index finger together leaving a bit of space between them.

"Too bad your height isn't that close." Matt joked.

"You know what, fuck you Matt." Johnny said shrinking in his seat.

"Sorry to spoil your dream Johnny but Val has taken that job." Jimmy put in smacking Johnny's back.

Damn I was tired. It was bad enough I got into that argument with that woman in Wal Green's. It was kind of pathetic fighting with a woman for tampons. I got up grabbing my hat and glasses.

"Where are you going?" Johnny asked.

"Leaving. I said I was only staying an hour." I said looking at them.

"Zacky, get over that bitch. She wasn't worth your time or dick. Now stop moaning and groaning like a girl you're starting to sound like a fag." Matt tried to comfort me.

I shook my head placing my hat on my head. Nicole was the best and worst thing that ever happened to me. I still can't stop thinking of her after two months. All of her smiles and frowns were imprinted in my brain.It was perfect in the beginning but then she started acting moody and wanted to argue about every thing. But she went too far with that damn ultimatum.

"I know what can help." Jimmy said leaning back. "You need a mind blowing fuck for the night. No relationship or strings attached."

"You make it sound like he's buying a hooker." Johnny said.

"Or a hooker." Jimmy replied nodding his head. Matt cracked up laughing.

I rolled my eyes saying, "I'll see you guys tomorrow at Syn's place."

They all said their own versions of good-bye. Lately I've been a fucking kill joy and I know the guys are getting frustrated with all my female emotions. I let this fucking woman ruin my life. I swear tonight I will never let that happen again. I got into my car and put it on Misfits.

I needed to get my life back on track. I mean I went from sex god to tampon pussy. Damn, that sounded so wrong. My mind wondered as I drove home. Sighing, I turned the car off.

"Fuck me!" A woman's voice yelled.

"Damn it!" I jumped at the sudden outburst of the unknown woman. I quickly turned to see a black mane cover her face.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked hoping she wasn't one of those obsessed fan-rapist. It would be so wrong if she had a whip, handcuffs, and a gag...on second thought it sounded pretty kinky to me.

"Who the fuck are you?" She asked moving her hair back.

"This is my car. How did you even get in here?"

She shook her head, "What the hell are you talking about? I passed out in the back of my car."

Poor woman.

It was quiet for a bit while we both got our thoughts together. She squinted her eyes as if she was trying to figure something out. I wanted to say "don't hurt yourself now," but decided against it.

"Bastard!" She yelled.

I was confused. Did I know her? I-

"That stupid hat and those stupid glasses. You're the tampon 'transvestite'."

"What?" I asked. She did look familiar. Of this was really that girl how unlucky am I to have her out of every girl in Huntington Beach in the back of my car.

"I mean you would have to have some kind of surgery for tampons. Oh god!" She moaned.

"Oh god?" I asked clueless. "No, no 'oh god'." I panicked once I realized she had to be drunk. Please don't throw up on my seats or even in my car! My car isn't a fucking toilet.

She opened the door spilling out of the car. All the food from her previous meals were on my front lawn. No Fucking Way.

"Do you have a number I could call? Surely one of your friends can come and pick you up." I said trying to get rid of her.

Under all her mumbled words I couldn't understand a single thing she said. I only hear, "No phone!"

Dammit, if I leave her here she may pass out. Fuck, why do I have to be so fucking nice? I'll most likely regret this in the morning.

I bent over and helped her up. I can't catch a break, can I?

I'm A Walking Travestyg
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Title CreditTherapy ;; All Time Low
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