Status: Active

I Met You At The Crossroads Of Love And Hate

There Is Going To Be A Showdown

Valentina's POV

I had a splitting headache was the first thing I thought when I gain consciousness. It didn't help that when I opened my eyes the sun's rays were all I could see. I flinched back letting a groan escape my lips. This was not going to be a good morning. I could feel it from my head to my toes. I then felt something stir from beside me. Did I go into Yasmine's room and spoon her thinking she was my boyfriend again?

I could feel the cotton of the blankets rub against my arm. Wait, cotton blankets? Me and Yasmine had the whole satin comforters going on. I shot up just to fall right back against the bed with a grunt. I looked down to see an arm wrapped around my waist.

My eyes drifted to the head of black hair. Blake had dark brown hair with blonde highlights. This definitely wasn't him. I'm such a whore! I cheated on my boyfriend of five years with a random guy who was good for a fuck. Was I that desperate for sex?...Yeah I was pretty desperate. I thought shrugging my shoulders.

I shook my head trying to block the guilt from my mind. Who in the hell was this guy that got the better half of my desperation?

"Hey." I said slapping the guy's back trying to wake him up. I waited and all he did was stir. I let a breath of air out and continued to try to wake him up"Oh Mr. One night stand, get the hell up!" I yelled hitting him a few more times.

"Why are you so fucking hard to wake up?" I yelled right in his ear.

He mumbled something about regretting doing something. I wasn't paying too much attention anyway. Suddenly, he slammed his hand on the other side of my waist into the bed lifting himself up. I flinched by is sudden movement.

I went into shock when I saw his face. I seen those deep green eyes with a spark of hazel lined with blue all reason went out the window. I have seen these eyes before but it was vague in my mind. I probably had the best sex in the world with this hot guy and I couldn't remember it. What the hell was wrong with me? He probably thinks I'm easy now.

"What's your problem?" he asked furrowing his eyebrows.

Was he always a jerk? My reason just walked back into the mother fucking room and slapped me like a bitch.

"You took advantage of a senseless woman! How dare you, you pervert!" I said lifting the blanket over my bra.

"What are you talking about? You were in my car-"

"You took me in the car too? Wasn't one enough?"

"No, you were throwing yourself-"

"At you? Oh God, I'm such a slut!"

"No, you just passed out in my car and I carried you in here and-"

"Had hot, passionate, rough sex with me?" I asked looking at my shorts and bra.

"Can you let me explain for a fucking second?" He yelled.

Normally I would tell someone to go to hell but this guy had such a demanding and powerful voice that shut me up.

"You thought my car was yours so you passed out in the back seat. When I got home you woke up and threw yourself out of my car and vomited over my front lawn. I couldn't leave you out there so I brought you inside."

I folded my arms still wondering why I didn't have a shirt on. "Can you explain why I don't have a shirt on then?"

"Well you had vomit on it and I assumed you wouldn't want to wake up to a shirt like that. I surely didn't want you in my bed if you had it on so I put it in the washer."

Okay maybe I went a bit overboard. Obviously, he was an okay guy. Especially if he didn't take advantage of a girl like myself. I sighed dropping the blanket.

"Where's your refreshment room?" I asked. I hated saying restroom or bathroom. It was my weird OCD habit. Not that I had OCD but it's like not having you T.V volume on an odd number like...Yasmine. I believe she is the one who gave me weird habits like this.

"Behind you." He said sitting up on the bed.

I turned and hurried into the refreshment room. It was definitely a nice and spacious house. I turned and looked into the mirror. I jumped when I looked at myself. I looked like a hot mess. How could he even stand the sight of me when I couldn't? I dug through his cabinets looking for a bar of soap...tampons? Then it hit me and I suddenly remember that hat and glasses in the car..

Oh I definitely wasn't going to give him an easy time. I shook my head and continued to look for a bar of soap. When I finally found it I realized he had a lot of feminine products. Maybe he wanted to be a girl, who knows. I washed my face taking away the smudged make up and then threw my hair in a messy and stylish bun.

"So Mr. Rockstar, can you take me back to my place?" I said walking out seeing him all dressed. I saw all the tattoos and piercings on him so it's only natural that he's one of those guys who desperately want to be in a band.

"No, I have to take care of some business." He buttoned his last button on his shirt and grabbed his wallet placing it in his back pocket.

"Well seeing as you brought me here, you should be the one to take me back home." I crossed my arms stubbornly.

"Walk then." He answered shortly.

What was wrong with this guy? He was such an asshole.

"I don't even know where I am. For whatever reason I could be in Laguna Beach or something." I have to stop watching MTV. It's giving that blonde syndrome.

"That sounds like a personal problem to me."

Was he fucking kidding me? Okay he can have it his way.

"Well then sweetheart, I shall be here waiting for you when you come home. I might even try to make you dinner. Hopefully I won't almost burn the house down. Last time it wasn't so pretty." I sat on his bed crossing my legs; smiling sweetly and leaned back on my elbows.

He sighed running a hand over his face, "Oh hell no. Come on."

I smiled saying, "Glad you saw it my way."

He rolled his eyes walking out the room. I almost walked out without a shirt covering my almost bare body. I hurried to one of his drawers and opened it grabbing whatever shirt was on top. It so happens that a Jack Daniels shirt with cut sleeves was on the pile. I didn't have a clue where his room with the washer was but I bet my shirt was still wet. Today has to be the worst day in my life. Good thing I will never see this jerk again after today. I went outside to join him in his car.

After two minutes we were at each others throats.

"It's just a fucking car. What's your problem?" I asked trying to change the song.

He slapped my hand away from the stereo, "I told you not touch anything in the car besides the seat you are sitting your ass on." He said trying to keep an eye on me and the road, "I should have dropped you off first."

"Whatever." I said leaning back into the seat. "Where are we going anyways?" I asked.

"We're going to Syn's house." He said turning left.

I remembered the guy I met last night whose name was Brian but for some weird reason he wanted to be called Syn. And to think I ditched him to pass out and end up with the grumpy old man who couldn't be a day over twenty-five.

"Um, why?" I asked.

"Because we always- No, I don't need to explain that to you. Just shut the fuck up and let me drive in silence."

I don't how a cute guy could be such a jerk. He must not have gotten laid in a long time. Maybe that's what he needed. Well whoever that girl would be I felt sorry for her.

"What's your problem anyway?" I asked slightly turning so I could see his face.

"What do you mean?" He asked pretending he had no clue of what I was talking about.

"I mean, you were a class A prick since yesterday."

"And you would know that because...?"

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. Was he seriously going to sit here and play Mr. innocent? Well he had another thing coming.

"Don't think I forgot about the tampons incident yesterday!"

He slammed on the breaks, "You remember that?" He asked panicking.

I smirked bringing my hand to his cheek, "Of course I do Mr..." I trailed off realizing for the first time that I didn't know his name.

"Zacky." He said.

"Well Zacky, I'm Valentina but you can call me Tina." I drew my hand back and moved closer to my window.

After a few minuted of silence I started to become fidgety and that is not a good sign because then I start getting annoyed. I could get annoyed by the air and start bitching about it.

"Are we there yet?" I whined.

Then Zacky made a sharp turn making my head hit against the window and hard. I screamed and my hand automatically latched itself to my wounded side.

"What the fuck? You did that on purpose you bastard!" I yelled in pain.

He smiled and motioned to where we were, "We're here."

"Thank God." I mumbled getting out the car. "I swear if I had to be there with you for another minute one of would have had a new face by the end of the ride."

"Stop being a bitch about it." He said ringing the doorbell a million of times.

"Yeah keep ringing, they didn't hear the first ten times." I said annoyed. It was one of my pet peeves and it pissed me off.

"Do you have to be a smart ass about everything?" He asked as the door opened.

"Zacky, you made it and Tina?" Brian said looking confused.

"It's definitely not how it looks." I said rolling my eyes.

Brian's eyes drifted to the shirt covering my body. Damn, I forgot all about that. He laughed and shook his head.

"Says the girl who is wearing his favorite shirt. I couldn't even touch that thing without him flipping out." He laughed as Zacky pushed past him making him open the door wider.

"Is he always like that?" I asked with a face full of annoyance. Brian motioned for me to come in so I followed him.

"No, he's only been like this lately. He has a good reason though." Brian said.

He brought me to the kitchen where a few guys were seated around the table with beers in their hands. Zacky was digging through the fridge for one I believe.

"Get me one too, Zacky." I said before moving to the table sitting down across one who was wearing a bandanna and sported a lip ring. He was a bit muscular but in a good was that increased his sex appeal.

Zacky grumbled slamming a beer in front of me. I smiled looking up at him, "Thanks doll."

The guys sitting around burst into laughter. I could see why they were laughing. None of them looked like the type to listen to a girl.

"Hey aren't you Yasmine's friend?"

I looked at the guy who looked very familiar. Oh how can I forget him. He was the one talking to Yasmine in front of the drug store.

Before I knew it I said, "Short shit!" I exclaimed making the guys continue to laugh but Zacky who looked pissed off. Maybe he was made I was getting along with his friends.

"Well, that's not exactly my name. It's Johnny and the one with the muscles is Matt." He said in a joking way.

"Fuck you Johnny." Matt laughed.

"So, any reason you guys meet up here at noon on the weekend?" I asked looking around the table.

"You seriously didn't know who we are?" Brian asked looking amused.

I shook my head not knowing what to say. Were they in a mafia or something? Maybe short shit was the leader. You know it's always the one you least expect.

"We're in a band called Avenged Sevenfold. We are quite popular." Matt spoke putting his elbows on the table.

"Stop being so modest," Zacky decided to put his input, "We're fucking famous. Everyone around the world have heard us once in their life. Stop acting like you don't know who we are." Zacky said rolling his eyes.

The guys gave him a what-the-fuck look. I tried to think back. Maybe his green eyes could make me remember. I bit my lip and shook my head.

"I don't think so although I feel like I saw you before." I told Zacky. "Are you guys a rock band maybe?" I asked remembering my older sister into metal and rock bands and had all kinds of posters on her wall.

"Yeah we are." Brian said before gulping down some beer.

I bit my lip and my eyes widened, "I remember now!" I exclaimed. Zacky smirked nodding his head.

"My sister had a poster of you guys and I thought you all were handsome well almost all of you." I looked at Zacky and smirked, "Zacky kind of looked liked a freak."

Zacky rolled his eyes, "Fuck you."

"Sorry, you'll never have that chance seeing how much of a loser you are." I said taking a swig of my beer.

"Zacky, maybe you should give up. I don't think you'll win with her." Brian laughed shaking his head.

"Damn right he won't." I said standing. "Zacky, I need to be home in an hour so if you please don't mind your royal rockstar can you get off your fat ass and take me home?" I asked.

"Can you sit you shapeless ass down and wait?" He snapped.

"No, I can't because someone decided to come here first. Some of us actually have a life besides bitching at the girl who you fought with over tampons!" I said furrowing my eyebrow.

Matt's laughter along with the other two came to my ear. "Dude, she's the girl?" Johnny said trying to breathe.

Zacky pushed his chair back slamming his bottle on the table, "Fuck you jackasses. I'm out." He said then grabbed my arm dragging me along.

"Hey, stop it. That hurts you fucking prick." I said yanking my arm from him.

"Get in the car and let's try not to speak to one another." He grumbled.

I definitely couldn't care less about talking to him but I was worried Blake would be at the apartment seeing as I can't find my phone anywhere. He probably called me a hundred times.I could already see it, There Is Going To Be A Showdown.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ashley <3
So I couldn't wait for the comment goal but now since I don't
have Valentina's next chapter written out there is definitely going
to have to be some major encouragement from you guys for another
chapter. Remember you can follow as at twitter for
update concerns or to keep up with each of us authors.

comment goal: 25