Status: Active

I Met You At The Crossroads Of Love And Hate

Zacky Is Now Gay

Valentina's POV

As Zacky pulled up in front of me and Yasmine's apartment I felt relieved to know that I didn't have to be with the jerk for another hour. He parked and turned the car off leaving us in silence. I fiddled with the bottom of Zacky's shirt that was currently drowning my body. I decided to break the ice and try to be fair to him.

"Do you want to come in?" I asked turning my head to face him.

He made an unsure face rubbing his chin with his right hand,"I don't know." he answered looking me in my eye.

I'm sure it was his gaze that sent a shiver deep in my stomach. I told myself it was just the hormones from not having sex in a while. I looked down and remembered I had his shirt on.

"You can come in while I change since I still have your favorite shirt on. Then you can leave and have your shirt back." I said smiling at him.

He shrugged and pulled the key out of the ignition moving to open his door. I moved getting out the car. I led him to our apartment in silence. I didn't say a word nor did Zacky. It was a bit awkward only because we knew if one of us said something it would be the beginning
of an argument. I opened the door and the coolness of the place welcomed us.

"Sorry it's a bit chilly. I'll turn off the AC." I said walking farther into my home. Zacky seemed to be taking in the place slowly.

"You can get a drink or whatever. Make yourself at home." I yelled turning off the cold air and putting the heater on at a warm degree.

I moved to Yasmine's door and opened it. A cold swish of air hit my face making me flinch. I looked inside to find her bed perfectly made and looked as if no one even sat on it. I closed the door figuring she was still out and possibly at some random guy. I went to my room stripping my shorts off of my body and grabbed a pair of sweats. Then I could hear the doorbell ring.

"Zacky, can you get the door?" I yelled knowing I would take a bit long than if he did it.

Figuring it was, my friend and co-worker, Shawn I walked into the living room in the middle of taking Zacky's shirt off. After I the shirt flew off my head I saw a very angry face. The face of my not so understanding boyfriend.

I hurried and grabbed the shirt pulling it over my head. "Blake, you didn't call." I hurried an said.

Zacky stood there with an amused face. He probably knew what was going on. It was obvious to any person with eyes that I looked guilty even though I wasn't guilty of anything.

"Why I didn't call? I've been calling you on your cell all night and morning! Then I come over to see you about to cheat on me?" He asked moving past Zacky bumping his shoulder.

I was panicking now. Where was my cell phone anyway? Would he believe that nothing really happened? I didn't know what to say so I said the first thing that came to mind.

"He's Shawn's boyfriend!" I squeaked turning to Zacky with wide eyes. I mouthed 'go along with it.'

Blake looked at Zacky doubtful with a deep frown and looked at me suspiciously. "Is that true?" he asked

I looked at Blake with a raised eyebrow,"Do you think I'm lying to you?" I asked crossing my arms.

I know I was lying but according to Zacky nothing really happened between us. Then Blake had the audacity to doubt me when I have never lied to him until now. After all the times he lied to me about who he was with. I knew about the few girls he have had his fun with when I couldn't give him all my attention because of school.

"Yeah, we only got together in the past two weeks and he wanted me to get his schedule from Tina." Zacky said trying to come up with his best lie.

Blake gave him a judgmental face looking him up and down,"You don't look gay to me."

My head snapped at Blake and I raised an eyebrow angry that he would even say such a thing. "And how is a gay guy supposed to look?" I asked sharply.

Zacky shook his head with a small smile. He was most likely thinking what everyone thought once they met Blake. How much of a douche he was. The only people who actually accepted Blake was my mother and sister. My father didn't even like Blake around him. He usually called him that sissy boy.

"That's okay Tina. I'll tell Shawn to just call. I'll come over when your boyfriend isn't feeling as threatened and so insecure." Zacky said turning to leave out the door.

I needed to apologize to Zacky about having him go along with it and explain myself. With that thought I looked at Blake with a glare, "Look what you did. You stay here while I go apologize for your rude behavior."

Blake shrugged and I could hear him mumble,"Threatened? Insecure?" before I closed the door shut.

I ran down stairs to see Zacky already starting his car up. He looked up and I caught his eyes. I didn't know what to say to him. All I knew was how to bitch at him and not say anything nice.

"Thanks for going along with it." I said looking into his window.

Zacky shrugged nonchalantly. He obvious didn't care and wanted to get away from me as soon as possible. I cleared my throat and placed a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Look, I don't care about you and your asshole of a boyfriend. Let's just hope that we never see each other again." he said starting to turn the car the other way.

How in the hell did he just snap like that? I don't care but I refuse to just let him treat me like a hoe off the corner. I don't ask for respect, I demand it.

"I hope I never see your fucking face around here either!" I yelled as he drove off.

Great now I have another thing that I won't have to worry about.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm currently failing english did I say english? I meant Algebra 2.
please ask me anything here.
Read my other stories here.

since there was a complaint I re-read it and edited.
I actually didn't want you guys to wait any longer so this was written on my ipod
that's why it had minor mistakes. Thanks for the criticism though it always helps.

I find it lame that this story only got really popular after Jimmy died and
it pisses me off. He seriously had to die to make you want to read it.
but other than that thank you to the people who continue to support us.

comment goal: 32