Status: Active

I Met You At The Crossroads Of Love And Hate

He's the Epitome of Sex

Yasmine's P.O.V

Waking up was not fun. Someone had opened my blinds letting the damn sun light up the whole room, making my headache worse.

I got up, mumbling about Tina’s bitchy behavior which was most likely due to her dumbass boyfriend, and closed my blinds. I walked back to the bed and nestled into the soft comforter.
Wait a second, I thought to myself. I have satin sheets, not Egyptian cotton.

I tried to replay last night’s events in my head but I really couldn’t remember much of anything after dancing with Johnny.

“Fuck. I was probably so wasted I ended up fucking him.” I thought to myself
Just then I heard the shower turn off. “Well,” I mumbled under my breath, “lets see how big of a mess I made.”

The door opened and out came Jimmy with a towel wrapped around his waist. I breathed out a sigh of relief and said the first thing that came to my mind “I didn’t fuck Johnny?!”

I felt my cheeks getting hot when I realized how stupid I sounded. “No,” he chuckled, “you didn’t”

I felt as if he was laughing at me and that really pissed me off. “Well I’m sure he’s a much better fuck than you.” I told him raising an eyebrow. I bit my lip and gave him a smirk.

Knowing this guys huge ego, I thought he would get pissed, but instead, I got: “Honey, until you’ve fucked me, you don’t even know what a fuck feels like.” With that dammed smirk on his

Then, before I knew it he was right there. His naked, plus towel body pressed against mine.
“If you want I’ll show you right now what a fuck feels like.” He murmured in my ear.

I mentally slapped myself for not getting laid earlier, thus putting me in the situation and not being able to push him away. Then I couldn't help but noticed how sexy those lips of his looked, and finally realizing what a turn on tattoos can be

Jimmy however, unaware of my mental battle, just kept backing me up until my back hit a wall, trapping me there between the cold hard wall and his sexy wet body. He finally leaned in for a kiss and right before his lips mine the doorbell rang about ten million times.

“Fuck!” he swore stepping away from me. “That must be the guys.”

When he walked out of the room I let out the breath I didn’t even realize I was holding.
Jimmy came back up putting some black skinnies on and not even bothering with a shirt or underwear giving me a quick glance at his package. “go ahead and take a shower and stuff if you want.” He offered “you’re welcome to any of my clothes. The guys and I will just be watching the football game downstairs.”

“ok. Thanks.” I told him and shut the bathroom door in his face before he could try to kiss me again.

I jumped in the shower hoping that it could take my mind off of Jimmy, and it did work, however it made me start thinking of my abusive ex-boyfriend, James. Always telling me how worthless I was. Always calling me names like slut, bitch, whore, and even physically hurt me once or twice, when in reality he was the guy I lost my virginity to. I gave him my all.In the end though, he destroyed me. After him is when I decided to just say “fuck you” you everything and started living like I am now.

After that horrid shower I went downstairs into the living room where I heard all of the guys shouting at the TV. There was a bunch of beer, soda, vodka, ships, dip, and other snacks scattered around any flat surface. I also noticed two other guys that I didn’t know besides Matt, Johnny, and Jimmy. They were all devouring all the food and watching the football game on a huge flat screen TV on the wall.

Johnny when he finally noticed me, jumped up and rushed over to me to envelope me in a hug. “its nice to see you see you.” He said with a huge smile.

When the other guys noticed he stopped yelling along with them, they looked over and saw me.

“oh, hey Yasmine.” Matt said and turned back to continue watching the game. Jimmy gave me a smoldering look, telling me he wanted finish what we had started upstairs.
“that’s Zacky.” He said introducing a very sullen looking guy. He nodded his head my way then went back to the TV. “And that’s Brian.” Jimmy continued, pointing at a big guy with spiky hair and a smirk.

“are you hungry?” Jimmy asked, getting my attention back and taking my hand leading me to the kitchen.

“just some advice, try not to get wrapped up with Brian. He may look harmless, but he’ll go after anything with a vagina.” The fact that he looked sincerely concerned was cute.
“don’t worry, Jimbo.” I said with a smirk. “ I invented the game he plays.”

Just then, Brian walked in, “don’t worry dude, I’ll help her feel at home. You can go back to watch the game. I already know how it ends.”

Jimmy walked back hesitantly to the living room, giving me one more look before he cleared the door.

“so what is Jimmy doing with a girl like you?” he asked, sitting on the counter, once he knew Jimmy was gone, while I got milk and Captain Crunch with a bowl. “I mean you’re way to cute than what he usually goes for. His ex girl was a fucking porn star. Way trashy. You, on the other hand,” he jumped off the counter and started walking towards me “you’re cute, innocent, young…” he stroked my cheek.

“ummm… I’m only 24. not that young, and how can I really be that innocent if I used to be a stripper?” backing away from him I sat at the table. “isn’t that just one step away from being a porn star? And actually its better than a porn star because the guys can just act like it feels good, us strippers know things that will most likely surprise even you.” I told him around a mouth full of cereal and a smirk on my face.

“you already fucked him?!” he exclaimed. “well I guess I shouldn’t be that surprised. Once an easy slut, always an easy slut.” He said with a smug look
I almost choked on the cereal. Sure I’ve been called many names, slut being one of them, but never from someone that I met 5 minutes ago. “right,” I said getting up from the table and walking towards him, “and that coming from a horny bastard like you, already planning on trying to score with me, someone you barely met two seconds ago? Yeah. That totally makes me a slut.”

We were standing so close together now, I could smell his musky cologne. Suddenly he crashed his lips against mine and I couldn’t help myself but to wrap my arms around his broad shoulders and kissed him back.

I heard the door and opened my eyes to see Johnny going back out and that’s when common sense slammed back into me and I pushed Brian away.

I narrowed my eyes at him and stormed out of the room.

“still an easy slut I guess.” I murmured to myself
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sorry its taken forever to update. ashley's lame and doesnt do this shit herself. anyways comment :)