Status: Active

Forever Broken Nostalgic Mannequins


I walked about two blocks when I had a strange feeling that I was being followed so I slowed down and noticed that a car next to me slowed down. I started running all the while laughing. I looked back to see my best friend speeding up in his car. He was right beside me driving at my speed, when he rolled down his window and hollered at "Hey you, little girl! If you get in my car, I'll give you candy." I rolled my eyes and shook my head at the creeper tactics that Jasper was using. He slowed the car to a stop and I hopped in the passenger seat. "Thank you Jazzy" I said leaning over and kissing him on the cheek. Okay, I know what you are thinking 'Oh they are a couple' well you are wrong, we are just bestest friends I kiss all my friends on the cheek, it's just a normal thing. "Any time Kai, you should have just called and I would have picked you up from your house." he replied. He was always so nice to me. He was the only one alowed to call me Kai. He has seniority, we have been best friends since preschool when a bigger kid pushed me down, he came over and helped me up, we have been inseprable ever since. He is the only one who knows the full extent of my family issues. At times when the beatings got really bad and her 'boyfriend' *cough*fuckbuddy*cough* would try and sneek into my room after he was done with my mother, I would climb down my balcony and down the street and around the corner to his house. His family was the closest thing I had to a real family and they always let me stay over, no matter time it is, I was always welcome. I guess that is one of the things that has kept me sane through everything, but sometimes I feel bad for barging into their family and so I stay and pray that mr. fuckbuddy doesn't come in, and when he does, I endure it. That is one thing I try to keep from Jasper, but he always knows when I have been raped, I guess it takes away a part of me and I become distant for a few days.

"Hey, you okay?" Jasper asked in a concerned tone, bring me back to reality. "Huh, yeah I am fine." I replied. He looked at me questioningly. I just gave him a small reasurring smile. But he kept glancing towards me. "Ugh I am fine really will you stop monitering me? I ran out of my sleeping meds and didn't get any sleep.." I sighed. "Kaaaaaiiiii You need to remember to get a refil before they run out." He complained, giving me a stern look. "I know, I just forgot." He dropped the subject as we pulled into the school parking lot and into the same spot he parks every single day. We got out and he locked it. As we walked towards the front of the school we were ignored by most of the population of the school because we were different I guess Punk...Emo... what ever you wanna call us, and that made us invisible. I don't care though.

After we got the right books from our lockers that were placed three lockers down from eachother, we headed to Statistics. When we reached the room we retreated to the back corner next to the window, where we met up with one of our friends, Matt. "Heeeyyy Mattie" I said kissing him on the cheek and sitting in the desk behind him as Jasper sat in the desk next to me. Matt turned around and replied "Hey Sky, Jasper. How was your guys' morning." I spoke before Jasper could. "Hmm well let me think..uhm Jasper kidnapped me!!" I pointed an acusing finger at my best friend.Matt laughed, he was used to this stupidity. Jasper retorted "Hey you're the one who got in the car!!" "And you promised candy!!1"


When the bell rang at the end of calculus I hugged my friends goodbye as I made my way to Field Biology. I sighed as I walked down the hallway of my high school. I have been pretty down lately, I dunno, I want to just say that it's my lack of sleep, but I know that it is more than that.Today is the 'anniversery' I guess you would say, of my father leaving seventeen years ago. I just know that my mother remembers this and I am dreading going home tonight. Sometimes I wish I could find my dad, but then I remind myself that all I was to him was "what happens in Vegas" he and my mother were just a fling, my birth was just one of the things that "stays in Vegas" I wonder if he grew up to be successful, a wife and kids to be proud of. I wonder if he ever thinks about me. I wish I could find him but I am so afraid of becoming a dissapointment to him, a dreaded past that he left behind. I don't want to ruin any relationships he may be in. "Hey Skylar! You there?" I was snapped back to reality as the person sitting next to me waved their hand in my face. I turned and gav a half-hearted smile at one of my friends, Nicholas. "huh? Oh hey Nickster, sorry
I am a little out of it today" I replied. I kissed him on the cheek and he gave me a side hug. "Are you okay Sky?" "Yah don't worry about me, I'll be fine, just a little tired is all" I lied. He didn't pry and class begun. He was my lab partner and we spent most of the class outside collecting insect and plant specimen to present to our teacher. The next two classes passed by uneventful as I had no friends in those classes. Soon it was lunchtime. I retreated to the music room on the third floor. As soon as I opened the door to the old music room(yes old, it isn't used any more, there is a newer one on the first floor.) I was jumped by my four friends in a tackle of hugs. "Sky!!" they all yelled. "Hey guys, how goes it?" I laughed. One of them caught me in a headlock "How is my pretty little Skylarry today?" I rolled my eyes at Cameron the least mature of the group. "Cammy you know I hate it when you call me that!!" I whined. "Oh shut up, I know you love it!" "whatever" I loved hanging out with the guys they always upped my mood, it was just that weird effect that they had on me.

"So Kai, what do you have for us today?" Jasper asked. He was refering to lyrics. Yes a few months ago we put all of our music talents together to form a band that we like to call "Forever Broken Nastolgic Mannequins" I need music like I need oxygen to breathe. I promised them that I would come up with some new lyrics since so far we only had one song. The rest of the time we just practiced with some songs from our favorite bands.

"Yeah, hear hand over the acoustic, I'll sing it for you"
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Sorry it is still slow and kinda short but I had internet problems today and I have school in the morning but thought that I would update. I'll have the lyrics in the next one. I'll try to update by tommorow night. Feedback would be great but I guess it's not required :) Have a nice day.