Status: Active

Forever Broken Nostalgic Mannequins


Jasper gave me the acoustic guitar that we keep up here. As soon as my fingers came in contact with the instrument, I felt a joy a sentsational excitement, knowing that soon music would flow from this beautiful contraption. And when I say contaption, I mean contraption. It wasn't just some acoustic. It was my first acoustic given to me by a music teacher in eighth grade, it was used and worn by the time it got into my hands, so the guys and me took all the bumber stickers that we had collected over the years and completely covered it. We call her Lucy. After a minute of admiring Lucy, I began to strum a tune that came from the bottom depths of my very inner soul. I closed my eyes as the music continued to flow. I then began to sing starting off soft and then going in to screams at given spots.

"Could you just turn your cheek?
As the world falls apart
Just there to watch it burn
Wither and decay
Till the rain falls down
Wash away the red paint
The evidence left on your hands
We will drown
We will surely drown

And there you are
Through the blaze
In the forest through the haze
You will live another day
I saw you smile
As you turned and walked away

Watching the murder
Just an innocent child
So young and fragile
You escaped
But I know you better than they do
I know these lies, I know the truth
You are the one with the match
With a chainsaw, with an ax
Not to mention that tank of gas

You lit the flame
as the world crashes down
Will you take the blame
for what you have done
No you will just go about untouched unscathed
Live alone in the abolished world
There won't be anything left for you to take

Could you just turn your cheek?
As the world falls apart
Just there to watch it burn
Wither and decay
Till the rain falls down
Wash away the red paint
The evidence left on your hands
We will drown
We will surely drown

In this final hour
We await our demise
You just walked away, you lowly coward
The rest of them
Think you just got away
Just a lucky gent
Watching the murder
Just an innocent child
So young and fragile
You escaped
But I know you better than they do
I know these lies, I know the truth.
You are the one with the match
With a chainsaw, with an ax
Not to mention that tank of gas

We will drown
We will surely drown

I know you better than they do
I know these lies, I know the truth
You set the trap
You pulled the noose
Goodbye my love
There is nothing left to loose."

I finished off at a very soft tune and set down Lucy, finally opening my eyes for the first time since I started the song. The guys erupted in claps. "Wow Kai that was great!!" Jasper hugged me. "Thanks" I smiled. "What is it called?" Nick asked, he was always one for knowing the titles. "Genocide of the World" "That's sick Skylarry!!" Cameron said. I smiled "Thanks guys, I'm glad you like it." "We love it doll!!" Matt hugged me. I couldn't wait till band practice, where we will come up with the right backround music for the song. I sighed as the bell rang for the next class. "Cheer up skylea" Mattie said side hugging me before we went our seperate ways.


The rest of school went by uneventful. I was so happy to be going to band practice. I hope that it will last till late, because tonight being the 'anniversery' of my father leaving, my mother would be very bitchy, I guess that is quite the understatement. I was walking out of the doors to the school when Nick ran up to me. "Skylar, hey I know you wrote us that beautiful song and everything, but it's Jazz's dad's birthday, Matt has a doctors appointment, and Cam has a date. So practice is canceled for tonight." My heart sank past my stomach and then bounced back up and caught in my throat. I felt I was going to be sick. If it were any other night, why did it have to be this night? Alright sky it's okay, you'll be fine, mr. mother's fuckbuddy probably won't come over tonight and mom is probably so drunk that she won't even remember what day it is, you'll be fine....who am I kidding? I gained composure and gave a weak attempt at a smile. "Oh. Okay then, I guess I'll see ya tommorow then." I replied. "Hey cheer up skysky. Do you want a ride?" I shook my head. "No thanks, I think I wanna walk today. Have a nice evening Nickster." I said. I pulled up the hood on my jacket and trudged off of the campus heading towards my doom-I mean house.

I walked really slow, taking my time, stalling. I was regretting not taking Lucy with me. I have another acoustic at home, but I want to go play it at the park, but I can't risk going home first. I sighed and kicked a rock that was on the sidewalk and continued kicking it as I walked on. I turned down random streets not really caring where I was going. I ended up on a busy part of the city, it being Vegas and all. I noticed a tatto and piercing place, that looked decent and had the sudden urge to get a piercing. I already had my ears piears two on one ear and three on the other. I also had snakebites but I wanted my nose pierced. I walked in sat in a waiting chair because the dude was talking to someone about a tattoo. I rummaged through my messanger bag and found some cash, it was supposed to be food money for the week, since my no-good mother wouldn't dare waste her money on me, but food was the last thing on my mind.

When the person went into the back to get his tattoo done, I walked up to the counter. "hey what are you in for today?" the guy questioned, his voice sounded oddly familiar so I looked up at the guy for the first time and immediately recognized him. "Spike?" I asked. "Ghost? No way!" He jumped over the counter and threw his arms around me. "It's been forever short stuff, how are you?" he asked. His name wasn't really spike, it was Tommy. But he had a mowhawk so I called him Spike and he always called me Ghost due to my sickly pale skin, he always claimed that I was either albino or inhuman. Spike was my second best friend, he's Jazz's cousin and we were the three trouble makers, but Spike was older and already graduated he had been busy finding a job and traveling, that I hadn't talked to him in a few months. "Wow! Omg I missed you so much. I always knew that you'd end up working in a tattoo parlor, it is so you! I am just dandy" The last part was a lie. He ruffled my hair and then said, "Hey I haven't talked to Jazz in a while I have been in New York these past couple of months, I just started here a week ago, but I was emailing himhand he said that you guys were thinking of making a band, so did you guys form a band,l cuz I know you and Jazz have some serious skillz!!" I smiled ear to ear, music my favorite subject. "Yes!! I'm on vocals, Jazz on lead guitar, Nickster on bass, Mattie on rythum guitar, and Cammy on drums. It's so much fun Spike!!" "Aww I am so happy for you Ghost!!! I know you'll go far, especially when music is like your lifeline. So what's the band called?" "Forever Broken Nostalgic Mannequins" "Awesome That is such a sick name!! I bet you came up with it didn't you?" "Yeah, how'd you know?" "You were always so creative. Hey listen when you guys get big and famous and ever need a manager or just some kind of crew worker, look me up." I hugged Spike tighter "Of course, but I don't think we're really that good." "I'll be the judge of that, can I got o your guys' band practice sometime?" "Hells yes. Where are you staying anyways?" "Well I am moving back in with Jazz it was supposed to be a surprise for you and Jazz, but your just a creepy little stalker ghost and had to beat me to it." I playfully punched him in the shoulder. God I missed him so much. "Well are you getting a piercing?" "Oh yeah I totally forgot, I want my nose pierced" He smiled, "Alright, follow me miss." I laughed and followed him into a back room and sat on the chair. he started preparing the needle. "Uh...Spike I don't trust you with a sharp object near my fair." "OH nonsense, shut up, who do you think pieced your ears like five times." "Good point" I laughed. He pierced my nose free of charge and even gave me a cool black nose ring.
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More updates soon.
Please do not steal any original lyrics in this story or the band name for that matter. Yes I wrote thse lyrics.

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Thank you to my one subscriber.