Two Girls

Genevieve // Marie-Adelaide

This is the story of two girls that are as unalike as humanly possible.

The setting is 1890s Paris, France.

Genevieve is poor, forced to be a whore to help her destitute family. Her mother is dead of an overdose, her father isn't around, her sixteen year old sister is a cripple, and her tiny sister Colette dreams of a fancy life that Genevieve desperately wants to give to her. It's easy for her to be a whore, as she is barren and in Paris, it's the easiest profession.

Marie-Adelaide is wealthy. The money goes to her head and she shuns those beneath her. She has all she ever needs. She's been in many paintings for the Renoir, one of the most famous Impressionist artists in the city.

Renoir himself spots Genevieve one day and asks her to sit for a portrait with Marie-Adelaide. And so it begins.

This story is based off of dozens of portraits by Pierre-Auguste Renoir that depict two girls, one blonde, one brunette. I was inspired by these two girls and decided I had to put a name to the faces. Some chapters are based off of certain portraits.