‹ Prequel: Second Chances

Everlasting Love

Chapter 1

Ever since the talk Jasper and I had at our lake he’s been acting strange; he sneaks off to go to places and he won’t tell me where or what he’s going. Every time I ask him about it he assures me that it’s nothing and that I shouldn’t worry about it; but that makes my worry about it more. Neither Alice nor Edward will tell me what’s going on either; I know they know but all they do is smile and tell me to wait. Wait for what?

Actually now that I think about it Dad and the pack have been acting weird as well; but that could be because of the fact that Jacob still hasn’t returned home. It’s strange because I’m the only one Jacob talks to; we normally talk through Seth and it’s only for a few minutes, but at least I know he’s safe and ok. My older sister Rachel has even moved back home; I missed the twins so much. At least I know she’s not going to leave anytime soon because Paul imprinted on her; massive shock there! But they make each other happy so that makes me happy. After the newborn fight I made the mistake of revealing my emotions to Jasper; he could feel that I wasn’t ready to be turned into a vampire just yet, and the truth was I wasn’t ready.

I thought I was so I pretended like I was but I wasn’t; I was glad that Jasper found out even through he was upset that I didn’t tell him how I was feeling, he was more then happy to make me wait until I was ready. Jasper also wants me to experience human life more; he wants me to do normal things that humans do, he doesn’t want me to miss important human events just incase I regret not experiencing things later in my vampire life. The main experience he wants me to have is going to college; even if it’s only for one semester, I on the other hand don’t really want to. It’s not that I don’t want to go to college; it would be pretty cool but I already know what I want, and that’s Jasper.

Anyways I’m laying on my stomach on Jasper’s bed reading one of his books; my iPod earphones are in my ears with my iPod playing, I looked up when I faintly heard the door open and close quickly. Jasper is by my side in a flash; my eyes run over his gorgeous perfect face. His eyes are shining with happiness, he’s smiling the dazzling smile I love and his body is relaxed.

“Hello love” Jasper said happiness clear in his deep southern voice; before I could greet him back his lips attack mine in a loving kiss.

“Hey Jazz” I sign as Jasper breaks our kiss.

“Would you like to come to our lake with me?” Jazz asked standing up straight; I turn my iPod off, close the book and grab Jasper’s waiting hand. I’m on his back in a flash and then he jumps out of his window; the breeze is blowing through my hair, the trees are a blur and Jasper’s running feels like we’re floating. I love this feeling; it’s the same feeling with Jasper and the wolves, it feels like I’m free.

It doesn’t take us that long until Jasper slows down to a stop; I sign contently before sliding off Jasper’s back, Jasper turns his attention to me as he entwines our fingers together. He leads me closer to the lake in silence; we stop as Jasper turns to face me, he still has my smile on his lips. His hands grab my waist pulling me closer to his body; his lips found mine again for a breath taking kiss, I was surprised that Jasper didn’t pull away so I deepened the kiss as much as I could.

“Alex, I need to ask you something very important” Jasper said after he broke our kiss.

“Ok” I took a deep breath to fill my lungs again; sometimes Jasper forgets that I’m still human and I need to breathe.

“I would like it if you didn’t interrupt me please” Jasper told me tightening his grip around my waist.

“Sure, sure” I said quietly trying to figure out what Jasper was talking about.

“Alex, I have waited decades for you to walk into my life and now I finally have you. I left you once and I promise I will never ever leave you again. You are my shining light in all the darkness; you’re the cure for my disease, you’re the drug that I’m addicted to. You made me feel emotions that I thought no one could; my heart belongs to you and only you. The first time I saw you, you stole my heart. I love you so much that it hurts to be away from you. I will always be yours and you will always be mine. You finally filled in the hole, you made me complete” Jasper said looking deep into my eyes.

“I have already asked your father and your brother; I even asked the pack and everyone has given us their blessing” Jasper said quickly grabbing something from his pocket; I gasped and tears formed in my eyes as Jasper slowly bent down on one knee.

“Alexandra Ryan Black, will you marry me?” Jasper asked opening the little red ring box to reveal the most beautiful ring I have ever seen.

“Yes” I nodded smiling brightly with happy tears sliding down my cheeks.

Jasper’s smile matched mine as he slid the ring onto my left hand; he put the box back into his pocket as he stood up, I threw myself into his arms and hugged him as tightly as I could.

“I love you Jazz” I whispered into his ear.

“I love you more Alex” Jasper whispered into my ear; we pulled apart slightly and I lifted my left hand into the sunlight, I wiggled my fingers as I watched my ring sparkle in the light.

The ring was perfect and I loved it; it looked perfect on my finger, my smile widen as I looked up at Jasper who was also staring at my finger, he looked so proud and happy. I knew I was young, I was only 18 but this just felt right; I didn’t care what people thought about this because it wasn’t any of their business what I do with my life. We made our way back to the Cullen’s house where everyone was waiting for us; everyone congratulated and hugged us, they were so proud and happy. Bella was extra happy because now she wasn’t the only 18 year old getting married; Alice and Esme couldn’t wait until they got to organize my wedding.

Emmett couldn’t wait until I was his sister; Edward, Carlisle and Rosalie said that we were perfect for each other. When Jasper was able to get me away from Bella, Alice, Esme and Rose we drove my car to the border line; Jasper was just about to leave when a black wolf caught my eye, I got out of my car along with Jasper as we saw the rest of the pack in the forest. We laced our fingers together as we walked into the forest; Sam was already back in his human form with the pack in wolf form behind him. I showed the pack my ring which also showed Jacob; Sam talked to Jasper as I hang out with my pack.

“Alex, Billy is waiting at home for you and Jasper” Sam told me; Sam’s letting Jasper come onto La Push land! I squealed smiling and hugged Sam tightly; he chuckled hugging me back. I was smiling the rest of the drive to my house; I laced my fingers with Jasper’s as we walked into my house.

“Dad! Rach! I’m home!” I shouted through the house; Dad wheeled himself out from the kitchen, I showed him my ring when he pulled me onto his lap. We heard Rachel running down the stairs so Dad took Jasper into the living room; I heard them start to talk to each other making me smile more.

“Hi Als!” Rachel said pulling me into a hug, I hugged her back tightly.

“OMG!” She squealed when she saw my ring; she grabbed my hand to look closer at my ring.

“My little sister is getting married!” She said with tears forming in her eyes but she didn’t let them fall; we walked into the living room where my father and my fiancé were sitting and talking. I didn’t have to worry about telling Rachel about Jasper because I had already told her about him and his family; she wasn’t in any danger because she was Paul’s imprint.

“Now it’s just you and Jacob” I laughed linking arms with my sister.

“I know” Rachel signed dreamily; she snapped back to reality and we both laughed.
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Alex's Ring: