‹ Prequel: Second Chances

Everlasting Love

Chapter 11

I had a talk with Carlisle when I felt ready to talk about my transformation; he was disappointed that the morphine didn’t help me but he was extremely interested when I told him what happened on my first hunt. It seems that my transformation only took 2 days but it felt so much longer; it’s been four days since I woke up as a vampire and on my second hunt Jasper, Emmett and myself accidently got close to a human, they didn’t sense us but I sure did.

I was the first one to smell their scent and the thirst took over me; I found myself running towards the human but then something clicked in my mind that I didn’t want this, I didn’t want to hurt anyone and I somehow stopped myself. Jasper and Emmett were right behind me so when I stopped running they nearly ran into me; both of them had to skid to an instant stop so they didn’t run into my back. Everyone was surprised that I was able to stop myself; I was even surprised that I stopped myself. I also surprised myself and everyone again when after my third hunt my eyes weren’t bright red anymore; my eyes were a dark golden colour, Carlisle had no idea why I wasn’t like a normal newborn vampire.

Jasper and I have been spending a lot more time together at our cottage; especially at nighttime when there’s nothing else to do, we have some intimate time together. Today Dad, Rachel, the pack, Emily, Kim and Claire are coming to see me; Carlisle thought it was the best idea seeing as I stopped myself from attacking the human before, I could control myself around my family, around the people I love. That doesn’t mean that I wasn’t nervous; Jasper tried his hardest to keep me calm as I started pacing in our living room at the cottage, I was nervous and I wasn’t even at the Cullen’s house yet.

“Alex, it’s time to go” Jasper told me softly.

“Right, lets go” I signed; we laced our fingers before running through the forest and towards the house. When we arrived Esme, Spencer and Alice were flitting around the kitchen cooking a mountain load of food; Emmett and Rosalie were out hunting and would be gone most of the day, and Carlisle was waiting for us to arrive.

“Their coming” I said when I heard the wolves running through the forest and two cars pulling into the Cullen’s driveway; I quickly made sure my contact lens were alright before I heard the doorbell ring, my eyes were still a dark gold so I still wanted to wear my contact lens.

“Hi” I said looking over my family and friends; everyone, apart from Jacob and the pack, looked shocked at my new appearance and voice.

“Oh baby” Dad said holding his arms open; I walked at a human pace over to him, I felt him shiver from my cold body but he continued to wrapped his arms around me.

Emily, Rachel and Kim reacted the same way when I hugged them; Claire still didn’t know so when she complained that I was cold I just laughed and told her that I was just outside, she brought my lie straight away. Seth was the first one to hug me; Sam was next and then the rest of the pack followed, some complained playfully about my smell which made me laugh.

The day went by smoothly; everyone talked to each other and had a great time, I never once felt thirsty which was such a good thing and I was quiet proud of myself. Once everyone left Jasper and I decided to spend some alone time at our cottage; we arrived within a few minutes, I loved the super speed I have now. I laced my fingers with Jasper’s as I led him towards our room; as soon as we were in our room I crashed my lips onto my husband’s warm and soft lips, my hands cupped his face as his hands found my hips, I walked backwards so we could lay on our bed.

“I have a little surprise for you Alex” Jasper said after we finished having some intimate time.

“Really? You don’t have to keep doing things or buying things for me” I said looking up into his light golden eyes.

“I know but I had already planned this and then we couldn’t go because of what happened. So I changed the dates and we leave for our honeymoon tomorrow; I have already told everyone including your family” Jasper told me while my head was resting on his bare chest and his arm was stroking my arm.

“We’re going on our honeymoon, but what about my control?” I asked suddenly worried about being near people I don’t know; I lifted my head to see a slight smug look on Jasper’s face.

“I have already thought of that so I rented us a private Fiji Island” Jasper told me leaning closer to me; his warm breath hit my lips making me urge to lean up and kiss him again.

“You rented an island? Oh Jasper, thank you so much” I said happily before I leaned up so our lips connected once more.

“I have to pack!” I exclaimed flitting into our closet; I heard laughter coming from Jazz who flitted right up behind me.

“I asked Alice to take care of our packing” Jasper whispered in my ear wrapping his arms around my waist from behind; I saw a couple of bags already packed sitting on the floor in front of me.

“Why don’t we head back to our bed” Jasper whispered in my ear making his breath brush against my cheek.

“I would love to” I smirked turning around to face Jasper; I giggled when I was lifted off the ground and was laying on the bed in half a second, Jasper smiled down at me as he hovered over me. Making love to Jasper was so mind-blowing when I was a human but now that I’m a vampire too; it’s indescribable, the best feeling ever!
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