‹ Prequel: Second Chances

Everlasting Love

Chapter 13

Within the week and a half that Jasper and I have spent on our private island for our honeymoon we have never had a boring moment. Our day consists of swimming, diving, canoeing, exploring the island and of coarse hunting; we only hunt the animals that have enough of their kind that the resort staff won’t notice.

But something really strange has been happening to me; I have kept it from Jasper which is hard but I’ve managed, and it’s starting to scare me. I have found that if I concentrate on something in my mind like closing a door then it happens; it’s starting to really freak me out, I don’t want something to be wrong with me but then it could be a special gift. I was walking along the beach with my phone in my hands; I was having a mental debate on whether I should call Carlisle or not.

“Alexandra, what’s wrong?” Jasper asked from behind me; I was to busy thinking that I hadn’t heard him walking towards me.

“Jasper, I need to tell you something” I said turning around to face my husband.

“Anything” Jasper reassured me placing his hands on my hips.

“I think that I might have a special gift or something’s wrong with me” I said looking into Jasper’s light golden eyes; worry flooded them quickly.

“I think I can control things with my mind by concentrating and wanting them to do something” I explained when Jazz didn’t say anything.

“Can you show me please?” Jasper said quietly; I looked around until my eyes landed on a rock that was under a palm tree, I concentrated on moving it into the air.

I heard Jasper gasp quietly when the rock floated up into the air; my eyes darted back to the now shocked face of Jasper, his eyes followed the rock as it fell back onto the white sand as my concentration broke.

“What are you doing?” I asked as Jasper gently grabbed my phone from my hands.

“I’m calling Carlisle” Jasper said pushing my phone buttons quickly; he placed the phone to his ear as he grabbed my hand leading me back to our cabin.

“Carlisle, its Jasper” Jazz greeted his father in a hurry.

“We’re fine but Alex has a special gift” Jasper said jumping straight to the point.

“She can move things with her mind, she has to focus on something and whatever she wants to happen happens” Jasper said pulling me into our bedroom; he let go of my hand as he flitted around the room, he was packing.

“Yes, I’ll get us the next flight I can” Jasper said before hanging up.

“We’re leaving?” I asked grabbing Jasper’s arm as he walked past me; he turned to face me, his hands cupping my face.

“I’m sorry but yes; Carlisle wants us home so he can see what you can do” Jasper told me before kissing my lips passionately.

I stood next to our luggage watching Jasper make a few phone calls; he was able to book as a flight in a few hours, then he called the resort front office to tell them that we’re leaving and to send the sea plane. Within a few minutes we’re sitting in the sea plane wearing clothes that hides our skin; we were lucky that the clouds covered the sun so our skin didn’t start to shine.

We had to wait at the airport for an hour and a half before our flight so I used that time to call Dad to tell him that Jasper and I were on our way home; Rachel ended up taking the phone from our Dad so I could tell her about our honeymoon, I was grateful that she did because it took my mind off my special gift.

Our flight home went smoothly which I was also grateful for; even through I loved the island and spending time alone with Jasper, all I wanted now was to work out what was wrong with me.

As Jasper and I walked through the Forks airport we easily spotted Esme and Carlisle waiting for us; I quickly walked over to them with Jasper right behind me, Jasper had taught me how to act human while we were on the island so I would be ready for when we returned home.

“Oh Alex” Esme signed happily pulling me into a tight hug which I returned immediately.

“Hello Alex” Carlisle greeted me cheerfully also hugging me; then he greeted Jasper.

“Let’s get your luggage” Carlisle told Jasper as they walked away from Esme and I; it only took them a few minutes until I saw them walking back towards us, I hadn’t even gotten to tell Esme about our honeymoon.

Jasper wrapped his free arm around my waist as we walked to Carlisle’s car; once inside the questions about our honeymoon started flowing from Esme and once again I was glad that someone was keeping my mind off of my gift.

As soon as we walked into the Cullen’s living room Carlisle attacked me with questions; Emmett, Esme, Rosalie, Spencer and Alice were sitting on the other couches in the living room listening to me, Carlisle was sitting next on my left and Jasper was on my right. Carlisle asked when I realized that I had a gift, what exactly I had to do, does my gift have limits, what I can control; I did my best in answering all of Carlisle’s questions.

“Maybe Alex should just show us what she can do” Rosalie asked clearly interested in my new gift.

“Yes that’s a fantastic idea Rosalie, Alex could you show us what you can do?” Carlisle asked me softly.

“What would you like me to do?” I asked unsure of what my gift’s limits were.

“Whatever you want sweetheart” Esme encouraged me.

I looked around the room until my eyes landed on the flat screen TV; I focused on turning it on and I was successful, everyone’s attention flickered to the TV as I turned it on. My eyes then landed on the bookshelf that was full of books; I focused on lifting the whole bookshelf up and I was successful again, everyone’s attention turned to the floating bookshelf. I focused on opening and closing the back door and once again I was successful; everyone’s attention snapped to the back door. I smirked when my eyes landed on Emmett; I focused on making him stand up, walk over to Esme and sit beside her.

“That’s incredible Alex” Carlisle said looking over to me; I turned the TV off, put the bookshelf down and closed the back doors.

“Emmett, what did you feel?” Carlisle asked his son.

“Like I wanted to sit next to Esme; like I had to sit over here” Emmett said playfully glaring at me so I just smiled sweetly at him.

“I have never seen any gift like this before” Carlisle said smiling at me.
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