‹ Prequel: Second Chances

Everlasting Love

Chapter 14

I was enjoying the drive from Forks to La Push; everything is so different when you’re a vampire, I called Jacob last night to tell him that I needed to have a meeting with the pack. I went hunting with Jasper last night just in case because I didn’t want to attack someone; even though I haven’t attacked anyone I still didn’t have to risk it.

Jasper was a little worried about letting me go to La Push by myself but I reassured him that everything would be fine; I was going to tell everyone about my gift. It didn’t take me that long until I was parking in my old driveway; I climbed out of my car at a human pace with a wide smile on my face as I saw Jacob as outside waiting for me.

“Finally, I’ve been waiting forever for you to come home” Jacob said pulling me into a tight hug; even though us touching was uncomfortable we didn’t mind.

It was strange when we realised that we could be comfortable around each other when everyone else was affected by the smell; Carlisle thinks that it had something to do with us being family, even the pack don’t smell that bad to me and Carlisle thinks that’s because when I was human I was around them most of the time.

“I’ve missed you Jake” I said smiling as we pulled apart.

“I missed you more Als” Jacob said matching my smile easily. Jacob let me walk into our house first; my smile widened when I saw Dad was sitting in his wheelchair waiting for me.

“Hey Daddy” I smiled as I leaned down to give my father a big gentle hug.

“Hi baby” Dad whispered in my ear wrapping his big strong arms around me.

“Alex!” I heard Seth say cheerfully; I let go of Dad just in time because within a second I was pulled into a group hug with my brothers and my sister.

“Hey everyone” I laughed as I hugged my pack back.

“Hi Alex” Rachel said pulling me into yet another hug.

“Hi Rach” I smiled hugging my big sister back; I pulled away from I felt her shiver from my cold body.

“I’m good” She smiled as Paul stood behind her; once I greeted Sue, Emily and Kim everyone went out into our backyard.

Sue, Rachel, Emily and Kim brought out a mountain of food for lunch; I sat next to Jacob and Seth on the ground just watching everyone eat, I was glad that Quil didn’t bring Claire here because I didn’t want to freak her out with my gift. I talked non stop throughout lunch because everyone was asking me questions; about being a vampire, hunting, how have I been, and about my honeymoon.

“Everyone, I need to tell you all something. It’s very important and it might shock some people” I said once lunch was done; everyone’s full attention was on me now.

“What is it?” Jacob asked with concern in his deep voice.

“You remember how some vampires have special gifts? Edward can read minds, Alice can see the future and Jasper can feel and control emotions” I said and waited until everyone nodded their heads.

“Well I just found out that I have a gift as well; that’s the reason why Jasper and I came home because he wanted to talk to Carlisle about it” I told everyone; Sue, Emily, Rachel and Kim looked shocked but Dad and the pack looked like they understood.

“What can you do?” Seth asked with excitement in his voice and in his eyes.

“I can control things with my mind. All I have to do is concentrate on something and whatever I want to happen to it happens” I explained looking around at the faces of my 1st family.

“Can you show us baby?” Dad asked sounding proud of his baby girl; I smiled at him as my eyes quickly scanned around me.

My eyes landed on Jacob’s toolbox that was sitting in the doorway of our garage; I focused on opening the lid and lifting the tools into the air, I heard gasps as my family saw the tools floating in the air.

I concentrated on opening and closing the back door; I heard whispering as the back door opened and closed a few times. My concentration broke as I was tackled into a hug by my big brother; I laughed quietly as I hugged him back.

“It’s so cool!” Quil said smiling widely at me; everyone nodded in agreement.

After I showed off my gift bit longer I helped Sue and the girls with the washing up; I was glad when Sue didn’t change when I was around, I knew she disliked the Cullen’s and I thought that maybe she would be different around me but I was proven wrong.

“Hey Alex, come down to First Beach with me. Claire’s coming and I know she wants to see you again” Quil said walking in behind me.

“Sure, sure” I said turning around to face him; I said my goodbyes to everyone as they headed home.

Jacob and Seth walked with me down to First Beach; Quil went to go get Claire and they would meet us there. Seth was still asking my questions about being a vampire and my gift; he loved it when I made him float in the air, I only managed to get him 2 inches off the ground but he enjoyed it none the less.

“Alex!” I heard a squeal behind me; I heard small feet running on the stones towards me, a small heart pumping sweet blood around the little girl’s body.

“Hey Claire” I smiled as I turned around to face her; she ran straight up to me with her little arms in the air, I picked her up and slowly spun her around in a hug.

I was glad that Quil had placed her in a layer of thick jumpers; we both knew Claire would want to touch me so he made sure that she wouldn’t be able to feel my cold skin, she was even wearing the wooly gloves that I brought her.

The five of us hung out on First Beach for a few hours until Claire got tired; I hugged Seth, Claire and Quil before they left, Jacob wrapped an arm around my shoulders as we walked back to our house.

“So how is everyone?” Jacob asked me; I knew he meant the Cullen’s and most importantly I knew he meant Bella.

“Everyone is great, I haven’t heard from Bella or Edward yet” I told him gently; I watched as Jacob dropped his eyes to the ground but he quickly looked back into my golden eyes.

“I’m sorry Jake but you have to move on” I told my big brother in a soft voice.

“I know I do Als but it’s harder then you think” Jacob told me when we reached our house; I quickly said my goodbyes to Dad and Rachel before Jacob walked me to my car.

“I love you Jacob” I said pulling my big brother into a tight hug.

“I love you more Alex” Jacob said tightening his arms around my waist.

“Ow” I smirked when I heard Jacob mumbled; I quickly loosen my grip on him, I kissed his cheek while Jacob kissed my forehead.

I got into my car and was quickly driving back to Forks; it didn’t take me that long before I was parking my car in the Cullen’s garage, I climbed out of my car to see Jasper standing in front of me.

“Hey Jazz” I smiled locking my car.

“Hello Alexandra” Jasper replied leaning down and catching my lips with his for a passionate and loving kiss.