‹ Prequel: Second Chances

Everlasting Love

Chapter 18

Edward and Rosalie were sitting around Bella again today; those two never left her side if they could help it. Alice, Emmett, Spencer and Jasper were upstairs talking in a serious tone, Esme was humming quietly to herself as she flitted around the house, and Carlisle was making sure Bella was comfortable while I was sitting at the dinning room table in the kitchen.

“Jacob is coming in his human form” Edward murmured quietly to Carlisle; my eyes flickered over to see that Bella didn’t hear, Carlisle nodded once while walking towards the front door.

“I’ll go” I said quietly as I stood up from the table; Carlisle nodded and changed his direction. I flitted over to the front door quickly opening and closing it; I saw Jacob just about to walk up the porch steps when his eyes landed on me, a look of surprise covered his face.

“Edward said you were coming” I said looking into my big brother’s black eyes.

“Is Bella…” Jacob trailed off.

“Pretty much the same as yesterday” I reassured him; Jacob signed as he sat on the porch steps, I sat closely next to him.

“So you and Seth disbanded from the pack. Are you sure that was the right thing to do?” I asked looking over at Jacob who was staring off into the forest.

“It’s just something I felt like I had to do; I wasn’t going to stand by Sam when he was planning on attacking Bella. And you know how Seth is, he just followed me out here” Jacob told me still keeping his eyes on the forest.

“So what’s with Seth saying that Leah is here now?” I asked grabbing Jacob’s hot hand into my cold one.

“She just came this morning saying that she was going to stay with us; I tried so hard to get them both to leave but their stubborn. I think Leah saw joining Seth and I as a way to get away from Sam, honesty I can’t blame her after what happened” Jacob said tightening his grip on my hand; his warm black eyes looking straight into my light golden eyes.

“I guess I can understand that. So are you three a pack now?” I asked my brother.

“No of coarse not, they think it is but that’s not want I’m doing. I left the pack because I didn’t believe in what Sam was planning, I didn’t leave because I wanted to form my own pack” Jacob told me; I nodded my head slowly showing him I understood where he was coming from.

“How do you think Dad’s going to take the news?” I asked turning my attention to the forest that was in front of us.

“I have no idea” Jacob said with a slight chuckled in his deep voice.

“Our family is so messed up. I mean you can phase into a wolf, I got married to a vampire and then got turned into one” I chuckled softly.

“Yeah I know but I wouldn’t have it any other way” Jacob smiled brightly at me; I matched his smile. I haven’t smiled like this for awhile and I know Jacob was the same.

“Mind if I interrupt?” Carlisle asked standing behind Jacob and I; he sounded so worn out that it broke my heart, ever since I first met the Cullen’s they have acted like a family towards me.

“Sure, sure” Jacob and I said together making Carlisle smile and chuckle slightly as he sat next to me on the porch steps.

My attention was focused on the forest as Jacob and Carlisle talked; of coarse it was about Bella and her condition, it didn’t surprise me that was the topic of their conversation. I listened but my attention kept wondering; it’s not like I haven’t already have this conversation with Carlisle before. Thoughts ran through my head as Carlisle started telling Jake about how the baby was staving Bella; Bells couldn’t hold any of her food and drink down.

It was silent now as Jacob thought and Carlisle took a break, I guess. If the baby has even the slightest bit of vampire in its DNA then it wouldn’t want to eat normal human food; vampires don’t like human food so why should the baby? The only thing vampires eat well drink is blood; if the baby is part vampire then wouldn’t it want blood to drink like the rest of us?

“I’ll be right back Bella; I just need to talk to Carlisle for a minute. Actually Rose could you accompany me” Edward said; his voice was different, it was like he had a little bit of hope left.

“What is it Edward?” Bella asked hoarsely.

“Nothing you have to worry about love” Edward said gently; Rose called for Esme to look over Bella, then they both flitted outside to join Jacob, Carlisle and myself.

“What is it Edward?” Carlisle asked as Edward and Rosalie stood behind the three of us.

“What if we’ve been feeding Bella the wrong way? Both Jacob and Alex have just thought about a different way that in theory should work” Edward said making both Jake and myself to frown in confusion; what did we say or think about?

“If the fetus is part vampire like we think it is then it wouldn’t want human food; it wouldn’t be hungry” Edward explained seeing the confusion on everyone’s faces.

“You think it’s thirsty? Well we do have all the type O negative blood here for Bella” Rosalie said looking at her brother.

“That’s the best idea I have heard in awhile around here but how would we go about it?” Carlisle asked his eyes flickering between us all.

“There’s no time to be creative, I say we do it the traditional way” Rose suggested.

“Wait… you want Bella to drink blood?” Jacob asked in disgust.

“It was your idea dog” Rosalie snapped at my brother.

“But that’s just…” Jacob trailed off trying to find the right word.

“Monstrous? Revolting?” Edward suggested.

“Pretty much” Jacob agreed.

“But if it helps her” Edward whispered.

“How are we doing to do this?” I asked in interest.

“I was planning on asking her but I wanted to run it by Carlisle first” Edward replied.

“Well what do you think Carlisle because the longer we stand out here…” Rosalie trailed off but we all knew what she meant; the longer we wait the shorter Bella’s time gets.

“We’ll ask Bella” Carlisle said getting to his feet in a flash; everyone quickly walked into the house with Jacob behind us, it didn’t take us that long until we were all standing around Bella.