‹ Prequel: Second Chances

Everlasting Love

Chapter 19

I found it a bit disturbing watching Bella drink human blood; everyone apart from Jacob and I seemed to think it was normal. After Bella finished her second cup of blood she told Jacob to go get some sleep; he quickly agreed and started to walk outside even through Edward told him that he could use one of our beds, I was quick to follow him outside.

We were walking side by side down the porch when our attention was captured by Seth’s howl; I ran as fast as I could while Jacob phased and ran about a meter behind me, I wanted to reach Seth as fast as I could just in case he needed help. Jacob and I found Seth a few seconds before Leah reached us; both Leah and Seth stood next to Jacob while I stood right behind Jacob.

My eyes quickly found Jared in human form with Paul, Quil and Collin behind him in wolf form; I quickly listened around the forest in case this was a trap but I couldn’t hear anything, I was surprised to see Collin here through. Collin is young and inexperienced; if they were here to fight then Sam would have sent Embry who was a better fighter, so this must be just to talk or something.

“White flag of truce, Jake; we’re here to talk” Jared said raising his hands up in the air.

“It would be easier to talk if we could hear you too” Jared frowned when the four of us didn’t relax.

“Okay then, I guess I’ll talk then. Jake we want you to come back” Jared said when Jacob didn’t phase back into his human form; Quil whined quietly backing up Jared’s statement.

“You’ve torn our family apart, it’s not meant to be this way” Jared said with sadness in his deep rough voice.

“You can’t blame what happened all on Jacob; he was just standing up for what he believed was right and Sam should have taken his feelings into account” I said defending my big brother; I would have said more but Jacob turned his head back to look at me, his black eyes told me that it was fine.

“I know that Alex, but Sam has calmed down now. He’s talked to the elders about our situation; Billy and Sue agree with you Jake” Jared told us; I was really wishing that I could hear what Jacob, Seth and Leah were thinking about now, I hated being out of their conversation.

Suddenly Leah ran back into the forest; Jacob must have told her to run the border again just for safety, I took Leah’s place beside my brother and I instantly felt better. I saw Jacob phase back to his human form from the corner of my eye; then I focused my eyes on Jared, Paul, Quil and Collin, my heart broke a bit when I saw Quil staring at me with pain and sadness in his dark eyes.

“Oh hey Jake” Jared said somewhat relieved that he could finally talk normally with Jacob.

“Hi Jared” Jacob replied back.

“Listen we want you to come home man; Seth and Leah too. We all need and want you guys back” Jared pleaded with my brother.

“It’s not that easy Jared. The pack can’t have two Alphas; remember how close it got a few nights ago, you can’t just turn this Alpha thing off and on. It just won’t work out” Jacob told Jared seriously.

“Well I guess there isn’t anything else I can say then. Listen Seth; Sue asked me well more like begged me to tell you and Leah to come home. She’s all alone and she misses you two; she’s not doing so good and especially since your Dad just died…” Jared didn’t get to finish his sentence before making Seth whimper in sadness and then I interrupted him.

“Ease up Jared! Leave Seth alone, how dare you guilt trip him. Everyone knows just how strong Sue is; hell she’s stronger then all of us and you know that” I said taking a step closer to Jared to get my point across.

“I’m just letting him now how it is” Jared said looking into my light golden eyes; I heard Leah run up behind us as she stood next to me.

“No one wants a family brawl alright? So why don’t you just stick to your land for now on” Jacob told Jared.

“What if we need to talk?” Jared asked letting his eyes run over the four of us.

“Howl but keep to your land, we’ll come to you” Jacob replied.

“Well I guess that this is goodbye then” Jared said as he half heartedly waved before heading out with Collin and Paul; Jared phased as soon as Leah and I couldn’t see him, Quil quickly ran up to Jacob and I. I wrapped my arms around Quil’s neck as he stood in front of me; I didn’t realize just how much I missed Quil, God I miss Embry too.

“I missed you so much Quil” I said quietly into his soft fur; I smiled when Quil whined leaning his head more into the crook of my neck.

“I miss you too, bro” Jacob said when Quil turned his attention to him.

“Tell Embry that we miss him and tell Dad that I’m sorry and that I love him” Jacob told Quil for the both of us; Quil nodded then looked over his shoulder.

“Go home Quil” I reassured him; I watched as his body disappeared from my sight.

“Hmm” Jacob mumbled quietly to himself but instead he got the attention of Leah, Seth and myself.

“What?” I asked looking at my brother; I didn’t care that he was naked, I’ve seen him naked loads of times before and it doesn’t bother me.

“I was just wondering why Sam sent Collin and not Embry” Jacob explained to all of us but he was looking at me seeing as I as the only one who could answer him right now.

“Jacob, didn’t you see Quil? He was pretty torn up about everything; I bet that Embry is even more upset then Quil. Embry doesn’t have a Claire so there’s nothing stopping him from leaving La Push; Sam doesn’t want to lose another pack member, Sam doesn’t want to risk Embry joining us and making this pack bigger” I explained to my brother who nodded slightly to himself.

“Well I’m going to head back to the Cullen’s to make sure they know that everything’s cool” Jacob said before phasing back into his wolf form.

“See you later Seth, Leah” I waved to them as I started to slowly walk with Jacob back to the Cullen’s house; we were just enjoying each other’s company.

But I was starting to get slightly worried about Jacob; I mean he hasn’t had a good sleep in ages and I don’t want to see him wear himself out just because he’s protecting us. If he doesn’t have a sleep soon then I will physically make him take a break; even if I have to take his place in running patrol around the Cullen’s house, I will and it would probably be fun to run with Seth or maybe I could take Jasper with me.

Scratch that I know Jazz will run with me; he’s not about to start leaving me alone and unprotected, especially if we’re under threat of being attacked any second now. Not that I think Sam’s pack would attack me; Jacob told me before that Sam’s plan involved killing all the Cullen’s and Bella, Sam told everyone to try not to hurt Spencer and to not even touch me. I guess Spencer would only get killed if he tried to save his family which I knew he would; what I didn’t get was the reason that I was to be left unharmed, I mean I know the reason why but did Sam honestly think that if Jasper died then I would move back to La Push?

I don’t know what I would do if Jazz died; what made me angry was that Sam told Jacob to take Jasper down. What was Sam thinking? How would I feel if my brother killed my husband? Or if my husband killed my brother? Jacob reassured me that’s part of the reason he disbanded from the pack because he knew that he couldn’t kill any of my new family; no matter how much he dislikes them he could never hurt them because if he did then that would hurt me, and Jacob never wants to hurt me.
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