‹ Prequel: Second Chances

Everlasting Love

Chapter 20

Things around the Cullen household have been like a roller coaster; Bella was getting her strength back by drinking blood but so was her baby. Bella has been acting strong in front of everyone which is totally not helping us; the baby is growing so fast that Carlisle is guessing that there’s only around four days left until the baby is born. Everyone is starting to get more on edge then before; Jasper, Emmett, Spencer and Carlisle are still working through all the vampires’ myths and stories, Alice is trying to stay away from Bella as much as she can because not seeing the baby is giving her headaches.

Rosalie and Edward never leave Bella’s side; Esme and I usually just wander around the house and try our hardest to help when we’re needed. Seth has been around here a few times which I enjoy because I get to hang out with him; Jacob is always around when he’s not running patrol, he’s wearing himself out and I hate seeing him like this. I know its hurting him seeing Bella like this; it hurts him when Bells face lights up at the sight of him, it’s not fair on Jacob and Bella doesn’t seem to see it.

I’ve also been running patrol to help Jacob out too; sometimes I just have to get away from the house, get away from Bella and the baby. It’s not that I’m upset or unhappy that she’s pregnant it’s just that it’s reminding me of what happened to my parents. I can’t just stand around and watch the baby live while Bella dies; I don’t want to see another child grow up without parents or grow up with only one parent. Jazz and I haven’t been to go to our cottage since Bella and Edward came home; we just haven’t had time for some alone time because we’re so busy, everyone has been staying at the house.

I haven’t been allowed to go see Dad or Rachel either; Jacob told me not to because he doesn’t think it would be the best idea to show up, its hard being away from Dad for this long and I know Jacob can sense how I feel about that. So right now I’m sitting in the Cullen’s backyard with my phone pressed against my left ear; I was waiting for Dad to pick up his phone.

“Hello?” Dad answered the phone in his normal cheerful deep voice; the one voice that can always calm me down and make all my worries disappear.

“Hi Dad” I greeted my father with a wide smile on my face.

“Oh baby, how are you? How’s Jacob?” Dad asked in a hurry; which made me giggle quietly.

“Both Jake and I are fine, we’re good” I told Dad; I smiled when I heard him sign in relief.

“That’s good to hear and it’s also good to hear from at least one of you” Dad told me.

“Yeah I know Dad. Sorry about not keeping in touch or coming down to see you, it’s just that there’s a lot going on right now. Everything is really busy here and with what happened with the pack, Jacob just thought that it would be better if I didn’t come to La Push until everything is calmed down” I explained the reasons behind Jacob and I not having contact with our own family.

“I understand that baby, it’s just that I miss my two youngest babies” Dad said quietly like he didn’t want someone to hear; he probably didn’t want Paul to hear him going all mushy.

“We miss you and Rachel as well” I said looking at the ground.

“I know that princess. So is Jake looking after you? Is he looking after himself?” Dad asked; I rolled my eyes because he was going all fatherly and he is one of the most laid back fathers I know.

“Yes, Jake’s looking after me. He could be looking after himself a little bit better but I’m looking after him” I said letting my eyes wander over the forest as I heard light thumps as paws hit the ground.

“What do you mean Alex?” Dad asked with slight panic and worry in his deep rough voice.

“It’s nothing Dad, Jake just has been pushing himself a lot lately and he’s been losing some sleep” I said quietly as I saw Leah in her wolf form stop to look at me; she only stopped for a second before she took of running again.

“Great” Dad mumbled quietly; I could tell by his tone that he was rolling his eyes at his son and he was probably running a hand through his hair, after all that’s where Jacob and I picked up the habit.

“Trust me Dad; I’m taking care for him. You really don’t have to worry about us” I said trying to get him to stop blaming himself for this; I know he thinks he should have done more to get Jacob to stay home, but Jacob’s stubborn.

“I do trust you and I know that you’re taking care of each other. Anyways Rachel says hi” Dad said changing the subject.

“Well tell Rach that we say hi back” I said smiling widely.

“So how are Leah and Seth?” Dad asked; it was clear that Sue asked him to ask.

“Their both fine, tell Sue that I’m taking care of them” I told Dad as I looked towards the back door; I smiled when I saw Jazz flitting over to me. My smile grew as my husband sat behind me; I was sitting in between Jasper’s legs as his arms wrapped around my waist tightly, Jazz rested his head on my shoulder.

“Both Sue and I know that; she’s just a little worried about them, I know how she feels. All three of them just decided to take off without telling anyone” Dad told me as I leaned more into the warm body of my husband; I love the feeling of being in Jasper’s arms, I always felt safe and loved.

“I know but it was just something that they had to do” I signed thinking back to how I reacted when I found out about them leaving the pack.

“Yes well it must have been hard on Jacob, having two Alpha’s in the same pack was trouble just waiting to happen” Dad chuckled lightly to ease up our moods.

“You don’t have to worry, I didn’t go easy on Jacob, Seth or Leah when I found out what happened” I laughed quietly.

“No, I know you wouldn’t have” Dad laughed along with me which brought a smile to my face.

“Look I better go Dad but I’ll call you soon” I said turning my head to see that Jasper was looking at me.

“Alright, I love you baby. Tell Jake that I miss him and love him too” Dad asked me.

“I will, I love you Dad” I said before hanging up.

“What are you doing out here?” I asked Jazz as I looking into his stunning dark golden eyes; no one has been hunting for awhile and it was starting to show.

“Carlisle told me that you were out here and to take a break” Jazz told me before his lips touched mine in a loving, passionate and urgent kiss; my emotions matched my husbands as I deepened our kiss.