‹ Prequel: Second Chances

Everlasting Love

Chapter 21

I was running through the forest holding Jasper’s hand; Carlisle and Esme were in front of us while Spencer and Alice were behind us and Emmett was next to me, we were finally allowed to go hunting. I couldn’t have been happier to go hunting right now; not only was I going to help the burning in my throat die down but I was going to be able to get away from all the tension in the house.

The seven of us didn’t have to run that far until we found a group of bears; well it didn’t take us that long to find them but then again we do have super speed. Emmett smirked as he quietly told us his ‘plan’; Em basically told us which bear we should go for and of coarse Esme, Alice and I got told to get the smaller bears.

My eyes locked onto a light brown bear that was nearly twice my size; I could smell the sweet warm blood pumping through its body, I could taste the venom forming in my mouth. I focused on the seven bears that Emmett had picked out; I was concentrating on keeping them still so it would be easier for us to attack them, normally I wouldn’t use my gift while hunting but I was that thirsty that I just wanted to drank something.

“Go” Emmett whispered and in a split second we were all jumping onto our meal.

I jumped onto my bears’ back while I grabbed its shoulders so I could stay on; my head instantly went to the neck and my teeth easily broke through the fur, skin and fat until I felt the warm blood filling my mouth. It didn’t take me very long until the bears’ body was falling to the ground completely drained of its blood; I stood up looking around to see that Alice and Esme were already finished, I stood beside them as we watched our men hunt.

“That was so good” Spencer said as his eyes turned back to a light gold; he was right it did feel good to be able to hunt again, everyone was on thin ice being around Bella and the human blood she was drinking.

Once everyone finished with their bear we kept running until we found a herd of deer drinking from a lake; Emmett once again told us his plan and I used my gift to make it easier for everyone. I was slightly happier when Em gave Alice and I a bigger deer to attack but he still gave Esme a smaller one; I felt bad for Esme so I tried to trade deer’s with her but she refused.

“We should start heading home now” Carlisle said once everyone had finished with their deer.

Jasper flitted over to my side as we could go home but we were all stopped by my phone ringing; I seriously loved it when Jasper brought me my new phone because I always had reception.

“Hi Edward, has something gone wrong?” I asked in worry; as soon as I said that everyone moved forward.

“No, nothing is wrong with Bella or the baby” Edward explained making everyone relax but me; first he called the baby a baby which he hasn’t done before and if nothing was wrong with Bells then was the pack attacking? Was something wrong with Jacob?

“Then what’s up?” I asked my brother in-law.

“I’m able to hear the baby’s thoughts” He told me with happiness clear in his voice.

“Wow, that’s great” I smiled looking around at the happy faces of my family; Jasper placed a hand on the small of my back.

“Yes I know but something has happened, I don’t want you to worry or freak out alright” Edward said which made everyone tense again.

“What happened?” I asked quietly as I had a bad feeling fill my body.

“Well Jacob wasn’t too happy about how we were acting I guess so he took off; I let him borrow a car so he could go and cool down” Edward told me quickly and quietly.

“What? Where did he go?” I asked firmly; I didn’t care where my brother was I was going to him.

“Seattle” As soon as Edward said that I hung up on him; I wasn’t going to deal with him or Bella or the baby while my brother was out there all alone, I wasn’t going to go home while Jacob needed me.

“Go Alex” Alice told me gently rubbing my arm in comfort; my eyes quickly flickered over to Carlisle.

“Alice is right Alex, you should go to your brother” Carlisle told me.

“Thank you” I said smiling slightly at my family.

“Just don’t take to long sweetheart” Esme told me; I knew no one wanted me to be away for long.

“Be careful love” Jasper said; I looked into his now light golden eyes which were filled with worry.

“I’ll be fine” I reassured everyone before I cupped Jasper’s face in my hands and gave him a loving and passionate kiss on his warm lips.

I smiled my dazzling smile at my family before I started running as fast as I could towards Seattle; I didn’t stop running until I reached Seattle which didn’t take me all that long. I signed as I walked in the shadows; I quickly grabbed a hat and jacket from outside a store as I walked past it, I wasn’t going to let my skin sparkle and if Jacob was in the sun shine then I needed something that would cover me up.

I stopped walking so I could try to figure out where Jacob would be; after a few seconds I got the feeling to walk to my right so that’s what I did, I was keeping to the shadows as much as I possible could which was starting to get harder seeing as the sun was out.

I didn’t really know where I was going as I was letting my feet take me; I ended up at a park that was pretty full but my eyes didn’t linger on all the people because it didn’t take me that long until my eyes landed on my brother, I felt my eyebrows pulling together slightly as I saw a pretty girl talking to him.

“Hey Jacob” I smiled my dazzling smile as I quickly, but at a human pace, walked towards my brother and the girl.

“Alex! What are you doing here?” Jacob asked rather shocked to see me as I stood next to him and leaned my body against the Cullen’s car.

“Edward told me what happened so I came to see how you were” I said looking into my big brother’s dark eyes.

“Of coarse he did” Jacob mumbled rolling his eyes.

“Hi, I’m Alex” I smiled widely at the girl standing in front of us; her eyes were looking between Jake and I in confusion.

I bet she was wondering if I was his girlfriend or something and I caught her flirting with him or something along those lines.

“Hi, I’m Lizzie” Lizzie said with an uncomfortable smile.

“It’s nice to meet you Lizzie, I see you’re keeping my brother company” I smiled as I saw her relax when I said brother but then she again looked confused.

“You’re brother and sister?” Lizzie asked in shock as her eyes flickered between us again.

“Yep Alex is my little baby sister” Jacob smiled brightly as he looked down at me; I rolled my eyes when he said baby sister. He knew I hated him calling me his baby because he was only a month older then me.

“Well I guess we better get this car back to the guy I borrowed it off” Jacob said pushing his body off the side of the car; he walked around to the drivers side while I hopped into the passenger seat.

“It was nice meeting you Lizzie” I said as I made the window go down.

“Yeah it was nice meeting both of you” She said; I could tell she was concerned about Jacob so I smiled brightly at her as Jacob sped down the street.

“She seemed nice” I commented turning my attention to my brother who was focusing on the road.

“Yeah she was alright I guess, she knew about cars” Jacob told me like it was no big deal.

“She knew about cars? And you didn’t talk to her more?” I said in slight shock; I have noticed that I lot of things didn’t shock or surprise me now that I’m a vampire.

“I don’t know why I didn’t, I just didn’t feel anything” Jake told me sadly.

“Jake, you will find your imprint but it might just take some time” I reassured my brother while I rested a hand on his arm and rubbed it gently in comfort.

“That’s what everyone keeps telling me but what if I don’t?” Jacob asked me the question that I didn’t have an answer for.

“Well look at Embry, he hasn’t found his imprint and he’s doing fine” I said trying my best to make my brother feel better but I know that I didn’t help.