‹ Prequel: Second Chances

Everlasting Love

Chapter 26

My eyebrows hadn’t relaxed from their frown since Seth knocked me out of Bella’s way; from the impact Seth’s right shoulder and collarbone broke and I was not happy with Bella right now. I don’t care that it was an accident, I don’t care how many times she or Edward apologizes to Seth, I don’t care how many times Bella apologizes to me.

She lost control which ended in hurting Seth and trying to hurt Jacob; their both my brothers and when someone tries to or does hurt them then I’m not just going to forgive and forget. I watched from my spot at the end of the couch as Carlisle worked on Seth while both Seth and Edward reassured Bella that everything was fine.

I bit my tongue so I didn’t tell Bella what I really thought; everything wasn’t fine. Bella just tried to attack my brother and her best friend; she would have had to fight me to even get close to Jacob and now she hurt Seth, it wasn’t alright.

I wasn’t as angry as I was before so I was grateful when I felt my body fill with a calm sensation; sometimes when I feel a strong emotion that fills me up then Jasper’s gift doesn’t work on me, no one knows why it happens but it’s always been like that even when I was human, Carlisle thinks it might be like how Edward can’t read Bells mind.

“Now stay still” Carlisle told Seth firmly before flitting to his office.

“I can probably manage sitting still for a while” Seth said before yawning widely; he rested his head on the back of the couch.

“Als” Seth looked over at me; his left arm was stretched out motioning that he wanted me to sit with him.

I quickly sat beside him letting his left hand rest on my right knee; I stroked his hair with my right hand as Seth feel into a deep sleep.

“Alex…” Bella started to say but she stopped when she saw the look on my face; I wasn’t ready to deal with her right now and I knew my face showed that.

Edward pulled Bella over to the back window; that wasn’t the best place to stand seeing as Leah was pacing near the river, Leah would be even more angry with Bella then I was because Seth was her little brother.

“What’s wrong Bella?” Jasper asked as he sat behind me wrapping me up in his arms; my eyes didn’t leave Seth’s peaceful face and my hand kept stroking Seth’s black hair.

“No one is angry with you…” Jasper said but he was cut off but my low growl and Leah’s snarl; Jasper and Edward seemed to ignore us but I could tell Bella took notice.

“…or even surprised, really. Well, I suppose we are surprised. Surprised that you were able to snap out of it so quickly; you did well, better then anyone expected from you” Jasper said as he filled the room with a calm and peaceful feeling; I smiled slightly when Seth’s low breathing turned into a low snore.

“I was thinking about Charlie actually” Bella told us causing Rose and Jacob’s bickering to stop.

“Ah” Jasper murmured his left hand running up and down my side.

“We really have to leave, don’t we? At least for a while, pretend we’re in Atlanta or something” Bella said looking at Jazz; my eyes haven’t left Seth but I could see Bella looking our way from the corner of my eye.

“Yes, it’s the only way to keep your father safe” Jasper said in a grave and sad tone; he knew how hard it was for me to leave my family.

I heard Rosalie and Jacob stand up and walk through the front door at the same time that Carlisle came out from his office; it must be time to measure Nessi again.

“Must be 6 already” Edward murmured to himself.

“So?” Bella asked looking around the room in confusion.

“Time to measure Ness… um Renesmee” Carlisle said filling Bella in.

“You do this everyday?” Bella asked.

“Four times a day actually” Carlisle said.

“Four times? Everyday? Why” Bella asked in shock.

“She’s still growing quickly” Edward told his wife; my eyes flickered over to Nessi but I wasn’t very interested right now, all I cared about was keeping Bella away from Jacob, Seth, myself and even Leah.

“What do we do?” Bella asked quietly taking in the measurements.

“I don’t know” Edward said just as quietly.

“It’s slowing” Jacob said through his teeth.

“We’ll need several more days of measurements to track the trend, Jacob. I can’t make any promises” Carlisle said.

“Yesterday she grew two inches, today it’s less” Jacob defended himself.

I turned my attention to looking out the window and at Leah who was sitting still; I knew Leah appreciated that I was the one near Seth and not Bella, I knew it relaxed Leah knowing that her little brother was safe with me.

I barely noticed Renesmee wanting Bella; I barely noticed Jacob’s tense body, I barely noticed Renesmee showing Bella what she saw and heard yesterday. I did however notice Bella’s eyes flash over to me when Renesmee showed her when she lunged at not only myself but at my brother as well; I noticed Bella wince when she heard Seth’s bones breaking and my horror filled scream.

I have no idea when I will forgive Bella or even if I will forgive her; she wanted to hurt Jacob, she tried to hurt him and that’s unforgiveable. She didn’t stop the attack when I was standing in front of her and that’s unforgiveable. She hurt Seth; she hurt my best friend and brother, and that’s unforgiveable.