‹ Prequel: Second Chances

Everlasting Love

Chapter 29

“Let it go Alice, she’s not our concern” Spencer told his wife; oh did I forget to mention that they got married? Well they did like a month ago; it was a beautiful wedding.

Just like what Bella and I had; family and close friends celebrating here at the Cullen’s house. Ever since Bella saw Irina Alice has been looking into the future to see what Irina’s plans are but Alice hasn’t been able to see much. As of right now Bella, Jasper, Spencer and I were sitting in the living room; Bella was watching Renesmee sleep, Spencer was watching Alice fix and change the vases of flowers, while Jasper and I were cuddling on the couch as I talked to Dad on my phone.

My eyes followed Alice as she walked towards the kitchen with a crystal vase in her hands; one petal was starting to wilt so she decided to change flowers. My attention was again captured by Dad talking to me and by Jazz stroking my black hair; I eyes flickered over to my husband who had a stunning smile waiting for me, I returned the smile as I loved the feeling of being in his arms.


Everyone’s attention was captured by Alice dropping the vase that she was holding; my eyes followed the vase as it hit the ground, pieces of crystal slid across the floor and flew through the air.

“I’m got to go Dad, I’ll talk to you later” I said quickly but slow enough so he could still understand me; I hung up and placed my phone back into my pocket.

My eyes easily followed Alice’s movements as she twisted around to face us; her eyes were half way here and half way into the future. A heart breaking gasp was heard from Edward as he flitted into the room.

“What?” Spencer asked firmly as he flitted over to his wife; he grabbed her shoulders so she was facing him.

“What Alice?” Spencer hissed as she didn’t answer him; I felt Jasper’s arms tighten around my waist as he felt the emotions coming from Alice, whatever Alice saw mustn’t be good.

Emmett moved into my vision with his teeth bared; his eyes quickly flicked towards the window as be prepared himself for an attack. Carlisle, Esme and Rosalie all stayed silent as they flitted into the living room.

“What is it?” Spencer asked as he shook Alice once.

“They’re coming for us, all of them” Alice and Edward replied together; I let my eyes flicker between Alice and Edward as confusion filled my body. Who was coming here? Who was coming for us?

“The Volturi” Alice groaned.

“All of them” Edward moaned.

“Why? How?” Alice whispered to herself.

“When?” Edward whispered.

“Why?” Esme echoed Alice.

“When?” Spencer and I asked at the same time; I had to warn Jacob and the pack, I had to get them away before the Volturi came.

“Not long” Alice and Edward replied together again.

“There’s snow on the forest, snow on the town. Little more then a month” Alice told us.

“But why? We haven’t done anything wrong. Maybe this is about Alex and Bella…” Carlisle said but he was cut of by Alice; as soon as Carlisle said my name Jasper’s arms tightened his grip on me more.

“This isn’t about Alex and Bella; everyone is coming. Aro, Caius, Marcus, every member of the guard; even the wives” Alice say hollowly.

“The wives never leave the tower, never. Not during the southern rebellion, not even the Romanian’s tried to overthrow them, not when they were hunting the immortal children; never” Jasper contradicted Alice.

“Their coming now” Edward whispered.

“Go back Alice, find the trigger” Spencer told her.

“It just came out of nowhere; I wasn’t looking for them or even us, I was just looking for Irina…” Alice trailed off before her eyes became far away again.

“She decided to go to them; Irina decided to go to the Volturi” Alice told us.

“Can we stop her?” Jasper asked as his eyes quickly turned onto me but then back to his sister.

“She’s almost there” Alice whispered.

“What is she doing?” Carlisle asked firmly.

“Think of what she saw that afternoon. To someone who lost her mother to an immortal child, think of what Renesmee looks like” Bella said quietly as she cut of Emmett.

“An immortal child” I said as my eyes locked onto Bella’s face as she watched her daughter sleep. Everyone stayed silent as we let Bella ramble on about how different Nessie is and that she isn’t an immortal child.

“What can we do?” Bella begged.

“We fight” Emmett said.

“We can’t win” Jasper growled as he moved his body so it was as close to me as he could get.

“Well we can’t run, not with Demetri around” Emmett said in a disgusted tone.

“I mean there are a few options to consider, we don’t have to fight alone” Emmett explained to us; I opened my mouth to say something but Bella bet me to it.

“We are not going to sentence the Quileute’s to death, Emmett” Bella snapped.

“Chill Bella, I didn’t mean them. But do you really think that Jacob or Sam would sit back and watch an invasion that not only involves Nessi but Alex too? I was thinking about our other friends” Emmett finished what he was going to say.

“We will not sentence our friends to death” Carlisle was quick to answer his son.

“Why don’t we let them decide? I’m not saying they have to fight with us but if they just stand with us; just long enough for the Volturi to see that Bella is right after all. If they just stop and listen to us then maybe there won’t be a fight” Emmett explained to us; even through a slight frown was placed on his handsome face when he thought about not having a fight.

“Yes, that makes sense Emmett. All we need is for them to stop and listen” Esme said keenly.

“We’ll need quiet a show of witnesses” Rosalie said harshly; I let myself zone out of the conversation as vampire names were being thrown around.

I mainly focused on the feeling I got when I was in Jasper’s arms; I focused on our unbreakable love. If we only had less then a month left then I was going to spend all the time I had with him and my family.

I also focused on the feeling I got when my brother was near me; he was going to be walking through that door soon, he was going to walk into a house filled with tension. My eyes followed Alice as she pulled Spencer out to the backyard and into the forest.

“Hey princess. Hey Bells, I thought you would have gone home by now…” Jacob greeted me and then he let his voice trail off when he noticed the mood we were all in; my eyes flickered over to meet his warm dark eyes. The eyes that I looked into when I was scared, hurt, worried, happy, excited.

“What? What’s wrong? What happened?” Jacob asked flatly as his eyes flickered between Renesmee and myself.

“Nothing’s wrong with Renesmee” I said quietly making my brother turn to face me.

“Then who?” Jacob asked letting his eyes run over my body to see if something as wrong with me.

“All of us, it’s over. We’re been sentenced to death” Bella whispered.
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