‹ Prequel: Second Chances

Everlasting Love

Chapter 30

“Sam” I signed happily as he walked out of the La Push forest towards us in his human form; once Sam was close enough to me I threw my arms around his neck for a tight hug, I smiled lightly when Sam wrapped his hot arms around my waist.

As I stepped back into the protective arms of Jasper I finally noticed Jared and Paul in wolf form on Sam’s flanks; we smiled at each other as we haven’t seen each other for a while.

“Right after midnight Alice and Spencer came to the boarder line and asked permission to cross our land to the ocean. I granted them that and escorted them to the coast. They immediately went into the water and didn’t return. As they went Alice told me it was important not to say anything to Jacob about seeing her until I spoke to you. I was told to wait here for you all to come looking for her and then give you this note” Sam’s face was grim as he spoke to us but his eyes were mainly focused on Carlisle; Sam handed Carlisle the note that Alice left for us.

“It seems that Alice has decided to leave us” Carlisle told us.

“What” Rosalie snapped; Carlisle turned the note around so we could all read it.

“Yes, things are that dangerous” Edward replied to Sam’s thought; my eyes flickered over to see Sam, Jared and Paul all looking straight at me.

“Enough that you would abandon you’re family?” Sam asked aloud.

“We don’t know what Alice saw, she has more important then us. She is neither unfeeling or a coward” Edward replied coldly.

“We would never…” Sam said but was cut off.

“You are bound differently to us; we still have our own free will” Edward snapped causing a low growl escape from my throat; I was still protective over my pack and I will always defend them.

In response to my growl Sam threw a slight smile towards me as Jared and Paul tensed their bodies; I felt Jazz wrapped his arms around my waist securely.

“But you should hear our warning, this is something you don’t want do get involved in” Edward went on ignoring my reaction.

“We don’t run away. Like you said we have a different bond then you; Renesmee is as much apart of our family now as she is yours. And if you hadn’t realised Alex is and always will be a big part of our family; if something or someone is threatening her then we will protect her in every way we can. Jacob can not abandon them and we can not abandon him” Sam told us all; his eyes flickering to mine as he talked about me.

Before Carlisle turned around to led us all home I quickly broke free of my husband’s death grip and flitted back over into Sam’s arms; he didn’t shiver as my icy cold body made contact with his hot body, we were both way to used to our different body temperatures.

“Thank you Sam. I love you, I love all of you” I whispered as I buried my face into his chest.

“We’ll do anything for you and Renesmee. We love you too Alex, more then you know” Sam whispered into my ear before kissing the top of my head.

I smiled as brightly as I could to Jared and Paul before I turned around, laced my hand with Jasper’s and started to run back home. Well we were running Bella and Edward went to go check out Alice’s other trail that we smelt before; suddenly I felt my throat and chest tightening causing me to stop dead in my tracks.

“Alex, what’s wrong? What’s the matter love?” Jasper asked in panic as my hand flew up to press against my chest; by this time Carlisle, Esme, Rose and Emmett were surrounding me with worried and panic looks on their beautiful faces.

“Jacob” I whispered as I quickly realised that if I were human I would be crying; but I can’t and this is want it feels like.

“Is something wrong with Jacob? Is someone at the house?” Carlisle asked alarmed.

“No” I answered stopping Emmett before he started running to our house.

“What if they kill him? What if they kill my pack? I know everyone’s trying to positive but I don’t know if I can live if something happened to them” I explained looking around at the faces of my family.

“We don’t know what’s going to happen Alex but I’m sure they will be fine” Esme reassured me the best she could.

“You don’t know that. No one knows that, the only person who does is Alice and she left us” I snapped.

“I’m sorry Esme, but I’ve already lost a family and I don’t know if I can go through all the pain again” I apologized quickly to a stunned Esme.

“We’ll meet you back at the house” Jazz said quietly. He watched his family return to running before he turned his attention onto me; I was looking at the ground but then Jazz cupped my face in his warm hands, making me look into his golden eyes.

“I know you’re scared and worried about what’s coming but I promise I will protect you with my life…” Jazz told me as I placed my hands on his waist.

“I’m not worried about me Jazz; I’m worried about my family, all my family” I cut him off quickly.

“I know that and I also know that I can’t say anything to you now that will make you feel better, because I don’t know what’s going to happen. But what I do know is that I will protect you and we will always be together” Jazz promised me before leaning down catching my lips with his.

I pulled his body closer to mine as Jazz ran a hand through my hair and deepen our kiss; we stood in the forest kissing passionately and holding each other like we would never see each other again.

“I love you Jazz” I whispered as I rested my forehead again his.

“I love you more Alex” Jasper whispered before kissing the tip of my nose and then pecked my lips.

“Let’s go home” Jasper said lacing his fingers with mine as we started running back to the house.

It didn’t take us that long until we were standing in the living room; Jacob and Renesmee were staring at me while Carlisle, Esme, Emmett and Rosalie got ready for their trips.

“I’ve already talked to Carlisle about this Als” Jacob told me as Nessie sat on his lap; her stunning brown eyes staring into my light golden eyes.

“What are you talking about Jake?” I asked frowning slightly as I looked into my brother’s dark eyes.

“I don’t want you going anywhere; you’re staying here with me” Jacob said firmly; his voice sounded so much like Dad’s.

“Jake, this isn’t really the best time to go all over protective big brother on me” I said as I crossed my arms over my chest; Jasper and I were going to go out and help talk to other vampires.

“You’re not going Alexandra” Jacob said sternly; he wasn’t only acting like the over protective brother that he was but he was also acting like the Alpha that was running through his blood.

And once again Jacob over ruled me and got his way; Jasper and I were going to stay here with Jacob, Renesmee, Bella and Edward. We were supposed to talk to the vampires that agreed to help us; show them that we were in fact telling the truth. We were the hosts for our guests.