‹ Prequel: Second Chances

Everlasting Love

Chapter 5

I don’t remember putting a heater in my old room! Last night I had a small hen’s night down in La Push; Sue, Kim, Leah, Emily, Bella, Rachel and Claire had a little party for me and then I stayed with Dad and Rachel. It was an awesome night; Emmett, Edward, Spencer and Carlisle took Jasper out hunting for his buck’s night. I rolled over in my bed and made contact with a hot body; my eyes shot open as I bolted into a sitting position.

“Jacob!” I screamed when I saw the sleeping body of my brother; my scream caused Jacob to wake up with a start. Once we both calmed down I jumped into my big brother’s warm strong open arms; we hugged tightly in silence for a good few seconds.

“I missed you” I whispered kissing his cheek.

“I missed you more” Jacob whispered in my ear kissing my forehead.

After our little reunion we linked arms and walked into the kitchen; Dad and Rachel were already awake and happily greeted Jacob. Everyone ate breakfast; I showed Jacob my new car and then I drove Rachel and I do the Cullen’s house to get ready. I parked in the garage and was greeted by Rosalie; Rachel had already met the Cullen’s much to Paul’s dislike, Rose covered my eyes as she and Rachel led me into the house. I had a quick shower and then Rosalie got to work on me while Alice was working on Rachel; Rose took her time because she wanted to make me look perfect, I didn’t argue, I just enjoyed myself. Esme made Rachel and I some lunch that we ate in Rose’s room; Alice and Rachel were ready and dressed so they joined us in Rose’s room. My hair was just finished when I heard people arriving; that’s when the nerves flooded my body, I was taking deep breaths when Bella walked in with a huge smile on her face.

“Wow” Alice, Esme, Rachel and Bella gasped when I walked out into Rosalie’s bedroom in my wedding dress; Rosalie took a minute to change and made sure her hair and make up was still good, and then she checked Rachel and then me again.

“You’re so beautiful Alex” Carlisle smiled as we walked into the room; Alice, Bella and Esme hugged me before leaving to take their seats.

“Thanks for this Carlisle” I hugged him and he happily returned it.

“It’s my pleasure Alex, you know I have always seen you as my daughter” Carlisle said kissing the top of my head.

I took more deep breaths as I carefully walked down the stairs and saw my Dad in his black suit at the bottom of the stairs; his smile was so wide that I thought it couldn’t get any bigger but knowing Dad it probably will.

"Oh wow! You look so beautiful baby. I know your parent’s and Sarah would be so proud of you” Dad said holding my small hands in his big hands; he sounded and looked so proud.

“Thanks Dad” I smiled widely at him.

“Is everyone ready?” Carlisle asked us but it was mainly me.

“Yeah, lets do this” I said and hugging everyone again before Edward started playing the music.

I watched as Rachel slowly walked around the corner making her way down the red carpeted aisle; then Rosalie started slowly walking behind her, I gripped Dad’s hand tightly as we slowly made our way around the corner. My smile widened as I heard everyone gasp and saw all my family and friends watching me; my eyes landed on Jacob who was looking so proud of me, actually so was Emmett. Then my eyes landed on Jasper and my smile widened even more; he looked so handsome in his black tuxedo, his smile easily matched mine as his golden eyes ran over me.

“Do you Billy Black give Alexandra Black away to Jasper Hale” The priest asked.

“I do” Dad said proudly; he quickly kissed my cheek before Carlisle wheeled him into the front row, I placed my free hand in Jasper’s.

“Friends, we would like to welcome everyone on this joyous day in this beautiful setting. We would like to thank everyone who has traveled from far and near to come here and share this joyous moment in the lives of Jasper Hale and Alexandra Black. We are gathered here together in the presence of friends and family to celebrate one of life’s greatest relationships the union between man and woman, which we call marriage” The priest welcomed everyone.

“I will call the parents of Jasper and Alex to please step forward? This union brings together different family traditions and cultures in the hope that a new family tree will be strong. Theirs is a personal choice and a decision for which they are primarily responsible, yet their life will be enriched by the support of the families from which each comes. Therefore I have this question for you: Carlisle, Esme and Billy, do you affirm your continuing support and love to Jasper and Alex as they grow in their marriage and celebrate with them the decision they have made to choose each other?” The priest asked them.

“We will” They all said together smiling.

“If you then, Jasper and Alex, have freely chosen each other, in token of this and your love, will you please join your hands together” I turned around and past Rachel my flowers.

“Jasper, will you repeat after me: I, Jasper, take you, Alex, to be my lawfully wedded wife, my constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward. In the presence of our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you, and to cherish you for all of eternity. Jasper, do you promise to do this now and forever more?” The priest said.

“I do” Jasper said smiling and looking at me with loving eyes.

“Alex, will you repeat after me: I, Alex, take you, Jasper, to be my lawfully wedded husband, my constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward. In the presence of our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you, and to cherish you for all of eternity. Alex, do you promise to do this now and forever more?” The priest said.

“I do” I said smiling right back at Jasper.

“These wedding rings are the shape of an unbroken circle with no beginning and no end. It symbolizes eternity, a never-ending love. Wear the rings proudly for they are symbols which speak of the eternal love that you have for each other and marks the beginning of a long journey together. These wedding rings are a symbol of the promises you have made today. May the wedding bands be a reminder to all of the vows Jasper and Alexandra have made today and be a witness to the world of their commitment”

“Jasper, place this ring on the hand of Alex and repeat after me: With this ring I symbolize my commitment to you, it will be an ever-present token of my promise and my love”

“Alex, place this ring on the hand of Jasper and repeat after me: With this ring I symbolize my commitment to you, it will be an ever-present token of my promise and my love” The priest said; Jasper slowly pushed the ring onto my finger, I did the same thing with Jasper’s ring.

“Now that Jasper and Alex have given themselves to each other by solemn vows, with the joining of hands, and the giving and receiving of rings, I announce to you that they are husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride” The priest smiled at us; Jasper placed his hands on my waist and gave me a passionate kiss, I placed my hands on his chest returning the kiss.

“Jasper and Alex, congratulations on this great and exciting moment in your lives. This is one of the biggest and most memorable steps in the journey of life. Your journey will be exciting and challenging, full of happiness and joy, and it will take you to places you have never been. However, realize that from now on, you will be traveling this path together. Support and care for each other and always remember to have fun. Ladies and gentlemen may I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Hale” The priest said happily; everyone started cheering and clapping loudly.
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Alex's Dress:

Wedding Ring:




Bridesmaid Dress:

Bridesmaid Flowers: