‹ Prequel: Second Chances

Everlasting Love

Chapter 6

Everyone followed Jasper and I outside and into the tent for the reception; Dad and Jacob were the first ones to congratulate us, and then everyone else followed. I finally got to meet the Denali clan; they were all very nice but Irina was pushing my patience every time she looked at any of my wolves. Jasper was quick to calm me down; after the nibbles had been past around by Esme and Alice, Jazz and I cut the cake which people could help themselves too. After a few speeches from Dad, Carlisle and Emmett it was time for our first dance; Jasper led me to the middle of the dance floor placing one hand on my waist and the other held mine hand, I placed my free hand on his shoulder.

Jasper twirled me around gracefully; we would kiss every now and again but other then that we just enjoyed the company. Jacob danced with me next; and then I was passed around everyone, I even danced with Eleazar who kept telling me how lucky Jasper was. My face turned red from embarrassment when Jasper pulled my garter down and off my leg with his teeth; then he flicked it right at Eric who looked surprised and shocked. For the rest of the night I floated around talking to everyone and dancing a little bit more; that was until Jasper told me it was time to leave.

“So were you taking me?” I asked as Jasper ran through the forest carrying me bridal style.

“To our cottage, Esme just finished it yesterday” Jasper told me.

“Esme build us a cottage?” I asked shocked.

“Yes” Jasper replied as he slowed down; I looked to see a beautiful little cottage, Jasper carried me through the door like a good groom.

The inside of our cottage was just as beautiful as the outside; the living room had a flat screen TV on the wall, a really comfy looking couch, a massive book case filled with books, a huge stereo, a wall of CD’s next to it. The whole house had dark wooden floors with big rugs laying everywhere; the hallway had my favourite photos and painting from the house.

Our bedroom was enormous; the bed was a king sized dark solid wood framed bed with blue and black sheets, and I knew the walk in closet would be just as big and would be filled with clothes that Alice brought for me. Jasper and I changed with me getting ready for bed; Jazz tucked me in like usual making sure I was warm before he climbed next to me, we cuddled up close together with my head resting on his chest.

“I love you Mrs. Hale” Jasper smiled kissing my lips passionately.

“I love you to Mr. Hale” I replied kissing his lips again.

“Alexandra Hale” Jasper whispered to himself smiling widely.

“You like that don’t you” I said looking into my husband’s gold eyes.

“I love it” Jazz replied kissing my forehead.

“I love it too” I smiled kissing the tip of his nose and then his lips; it wasn’t long before I was fast asleep with Jasper stroking my hair.

“Hey Dad, is Jacob there? I asked Dad; I was sitting on the extremely comfy couch holding my new cell phone that Jasper brought me, I could call anyone from the college which was awesome.

“I’ll just get him baby” Dad replied and then I hear my brother pick up the phone.

“Hey Als, what’s up? He didn’t hurt you, did he?” Jacob asked sternly; I rolled my eyes before I answered him.

“No Jacob. I just wanted you to come see my new cottage, well Jasper’s and my new cottage” I told him sweetly knowing that he couldn’t say no to me.

“Alex” Jacob signed unsure.

“Here’s Jasper to tell you the directions” I smiled handing my phone to my husband.

I quickly ran into our bedroom going straight to the closet; I had a look in there this morning and saw everything that Alice had brought me, the closet was seriously like half the size of the cottage. I took my pajamas off so I could get changed before Jacob shows up; I put my undergarments on and was looking for something to wear when Jasper flitted next to me, he handed me back my phone.

“I’ll see you soon Jacob” I said cheerfully.

“Why do you want me to come?” Jacob asked me.

“Because you’re my favourite brother and I want to show you our new house” I told him like it was the most obvious thing ever.

“Technically I’m your only brother Alex” Jacob said and I know he would be rolling his eyes at me.

“See you soon Jake” I chuckled before hanging up.

I found some black leggings, a short orange summer dress that stops at mid-thigh, a white hoodie and orange converses. I greeted my brother cheerful when he arrived and then gave him a tour of the cottage; he hated to admit it but he liked the place.

Jacob POV

Alex called this morning to invite me over to her and Jasper’s new place; I didn’t really want to but I can never say no to my little baby sister, the only time I can say no to her is if it will put her in danger or hurt her. I still couldn’t believe that she got married yesterday and to a leech but she was so happy yesterday; she was practically glowing and I swear I thought she was going to burst with happiness. But I guess Jasper isn’t that bad; besides the fact that he’s a bloodsucker and the most dangerous one at that, but he has never hurt her on purpose.

I can see that they are meant to be together even if I don’t like it; I want Alex to be happy and if being with Jasper makes her happy then I’m not going to say or do anything, she deserves some happiness in her life after everything that has happened to her. Believe it or not I actually think Jasper will be good for Alex; I can tell that he wouldn’t let anything happen to her and he’ll keep her grounded. All I mean is that Alex is the type of person who can make friends with anybody; she’s so nice, caring and she sees the good in people. Some people take advantage of that which means they take advantage of Alex or they end up hurting her; I know Jasper wouldn’t let people do that to her now, which makes me grateful because I hate seeing that happen to my sister.

“I can’t wait for tomorrow right Jacob?” Alex asked looking up into my eyes; I looked down into her stunning hazel eyes, tomorrow was Bella and Edward’s wedding.

“I’m not sure if I’m coming yet” I replied softly not wanting to upset her; but I knew I wasn’t successful when I watch Alex’s eyebrows pull together in a frown.

“But you have to Jake. Everyone knows you’re here now, if you don’t come then it will hurt Bella” Alex told me.

“Yeah I know” I signed looking away from my baby sister’s beautiful face; I wonder how much more beautiful she’s going to get when she gets turned.

“So what are the plans for your honeymoon?” I asked quickly changing the subject; I looked between Alex and Jasper, I must admit that Jasper isn’t too bad once you get to know him. I can’t believe I just thought that!

“I don’t know Jasper’s keeping it a secret” Alex said smiling the smile that could brighten any room or brighten anyone’s day, the smile that I love.

“Ha! Nice man!” I smiled over at Jasper who smiled back at me with a bit of smugness; I liked him more and more.

Everyone who knows Alex knows she loves surprises and she hates people telling her them; she loves the waiting and then seeing the surprise. After a few more hours of talking I had to get back home for a pack meeting; Alex tried to make me promise that I would come tomorrow and then she unleashed the full force of her infamous puppy dog eyes and pout, a look that no one can say no to but I told her that I would try to come.
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