‹ Prequel: Second Chances

Everlasting Love

Chapter 7

Alice had placed curlers in my hair before I went to bed last night at the Cullen’s; it was Bella and Edward’s wedding today, and Jasper, Emmett and Spencer took Edward hunting for his buck’s night so I fell asleep by myself.

“Ahh!” I squealed my eyes shooting open and I jumped into a sitting position when I rolled over in bed and made contact with something hard and cold.

“Ugh!” I groaned as my butt and back made contact with the ground; from the shock and jumping I somehow managed to fall right out of bed.

“Alexandra, are you alright?” Jasper’s deep southern accented voice was full of concern as he flitted to my side.

“Fine” I mumbled looking into my husband’s light gold eyes; Jasper helped me stand up and I saw he was trying his hardest not to smile but he wasn’t successful.

I rolled my eyes as I walked past him and towards the kitchen; Jasper was walking beside me in a flash lacing our fingers together.

“Morning!” I greeted everyone cheerful, apart from Edward and Emmett who mustn’t be back yet, as I walked into the kitchen; Esme was just finishing making my breakfast, I thanked her when she handed me the plate.

Alice checked my hair while she gave everyone instructions on what they had to set up; I was going with Alice to collect Bella, we were going to leave right after I finished my breakfast. I washed my plate, kissed Jasper quickly and then I ran into the garage; we hopped into my car and I sped towards Bella’s house. We both jumped out and walked up to the front door; I knocked and smiled when Charlie answered.

“Morning Charlie” I smiled as he took in what I was wearing; my hair in curlers and my pajamas.

“Morning Alex, Alice” Charlie smiled down at both of us.

“Bella, come on!” Alice called in her musical voice.

I frowned when I saw a tired looking Bella walk in front of us; I said goodbye to Charlie as I ran back to my car, I was so excited today that I was practically bouncing off the walls. I drove back home and parked in my spot in the garage. Alice covered Bella’s eyes as we made our way into Alice and Spencer’s room; it looked like a beauty salon in there, Alice got set to work as Rose dragged me into her and Emmett’s room to get me ready.

Rose finished with my hair and make up just before lunch; while Rose got herself ready I made Bella and myself something to eat, I took Bella’s to her and then ate mine while I watched everyone getting things set up outside.

“You look beautiful as always” Jasper told me as he stood in front of me; his hands rested on my hips and played with the top of my baggy pajama pants.

“Just wait until you see Bells, now she’s beautiful” I said after I swallowed a mouthful of my sandwich.

“You’ll always be the most beautiful” Jasper whispered closing the gap between us; he kissed my lips softly before he pulled apart and looked over my shoulder.

“Jazz, I just finished her make up so don’t ruin it. Isn’t it time for you to go get Bella’s mother and her husband?” Rosalie said before going back inside when Edward and Emmett arrived.

“See you soon” I kissed Jazz quickly before heading back inside to get dressed.

I walked into my room seeing my dress was laying on my bed; I quickly dressed into my long silver dress, put my heels on and a few pieces of jewelry and I was ready. I looked in my mirror to check myself out before I headed into Alice’s room; Bella was stunning but she was nervous. I gave her two thumbs up before I walked downstairs when I faintly heard car doors being closed.

“Alex” Renee gasped when she saw me.

“Hi Renee” I smiled when she pulled me into a tight hug.

“You look so beautiful” She smiled looking over me.

“Wait till you see Bells” I told her.

“Hey Phil” I said hugging him tightly too.

“Wow Alex” Phil smiled making me giggle; Jasper entwined our fingers as I told Renee which room Bella was in, I talked to Phil for a bit longer until Charlie arrived and then I took him up to see Bella.

Once everyone was ready Alice and I made our way downstairs with Bella and Charlie right behind us; Alice walked down the aisle first and then I walked down, I winked when I saw Edward smiling brightly at me which made him chuckle softly. I nodded slightly when I saw the Denali clan again; I smiled wider when I saw Dad and Seth, I giggled under my breath when Seth gave me two thumbs up, Jasper was watching my very move with love in his eyes.

My smile faltered slightly when I didn’t see Jacob anywhere; but I didn’t want to ruin Bella and Edward’s special day so I kept smiling happily. The ceremony was amazing and then the reception started in the backyard; I was dancing with Alice when I caught a glimmer of my big brother walking out of the forest, I ran as fast as I could in heels towards Jacob. As I got closer to my brother I could hear him laughing at me; I was holding my dress up and trying to keep my balance as I ran in high heels, it’s not that easy let me tell you that right now!

“Wow Als, you look gorgeous” Jacob smiled brightly pulling me into a hug; I returned the hug instantly.

“I’m so glad you made it. A bit late but at least you came” I smiled sweetly.

“Whatever!” Jacob mumbled rolling his eyes playfully at me.

“Jacob?” I heard Bella call from behind me; I turned around at the same time the Jacob looked up.

I gave Jake a small smile before I walked away to give them some space; I walked over to Jasper and Emmett, I noticed that Jasper had been watching my every move. Emmett tried to distract me but I just kept watching Jacob and Bella; Edward was standing close enough in case something happened but far enough away so Bells and Jacob had space, I was watching just in case something did happen because if it did then I would step in like always. I quickly made my way forward when I saw Edward move to Bella’s side; I was beside Jacob in a few short seconds.

“Jacob, you need to calm down. Deep breaths Jake” I told him calmly; when it didn’t work I stepped in front of him and grabbed his face making him look at me.

“Alex” Edward hissed quietly; I saw him lean forward from the corner of my eye. I saw Sam, Quil and Embry walk out of the forest; Seth pulled me gently away from Jacob who couldn’t stop shaking, the guys pulled Jacob into the forest before he could phase near us.

“Sam” I said stepping forward before he could leave.

“Yes Alex” Sam said quietly.

“Can you tell Jacob that I want to see him tomorrow?” I asked; my voice was uneven, I hated seeing Jacob that upset, it broke my heart.

“Of coarse I will” Sam said nodding slightly.

“Make sure he doesn’t leave” I whispered to Sam.

“I will” Sam promised before he ran into the forest; Edward had taken Bella away when Jacob left so Sam and I were talking alone, but when I turned around Jasper was only a few meters away from me. Jasper quickly made his way to my side pulling me against his cold hard chest; I took a deep breath as I leaned my head on his chest.

“Are you alright Alexandra?” Jasper asked softly.

“Yeah I’m fine” I smiled slightly looking up at him.
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Bridesmaid Dress: