‹ Prequel: Second Chances

Everlasting Love

Chapter 9

Jacob POV

I watched in horror as Jasper bit Alex’s neck; at first I didn’t think he was going to stop and I was getting ready to jump over the table so I could pull him away from my baby sister.

“Jasper stop! That’s enough, you need to stop” Carlisle told his son firmly; I watched as Jasper opened his eyes looking at Alex’s face, and he pulled back. I watched as Alex’s jaw clenched together tightly; I didn’t know what was going to happen but Alex once told me that apparently once you get bitten by a vampire there’s a burning pain that runs through you’re body, it lasts for days.

“What do we do now?” I asked Carlisle as he watched Alex’s body very closely; Jasper was standing in the corner of the room, I guess he was calming himself down or something.

“We wait until the transformation is finished” Carlisle told me quietly; my eyes ran over my sister’s human body for probably the last time.

I heard Bella and Edward leave for their honeymoon; Alex should have been leaving with them but she’s laying here in pain, and there’s nothing I can do to help her or take her pain away. Jasper finally made his way over to Alex again; I didn’t make eye contact with him, my eyes were glued to my sister. I wasn’t angry at Jasper or any of the Cullen’s about what happened because I knew Alex would hate that but I just didn’t want to miss anything; I thought that if my eyes left Alex for a second then I might miss something.

“Jacob, maybe you should call your father or Sam” Carlisle said as Esme stood next to me; her eyes were filled with pain, sorrow and a little bit of happiness.

“I don’t know” I said softly; I didn’t want to leave my sister’s side but I knew I had to call Dad and Sam to tell them what’s happening.

“Someone will come get you if anything changes” Esme reassured me; I now know why Alex liked Esme so much, she was so motherly. Alex hasn’t really had a motherly figure in her life; after Mum died it was extra hard on Alex because she’d already lost her real mother.

“Ok” I signed slowly standing up from my chair; Esme smiled as she handed me a familiar phone. It was Alex’s phone; Jasper had brought it for her.

“You can use Jasper’s and Alex’s room” Alice told me kindly.

“I’ll show you where it is” Spencer offered; he knew that he was really the only one I really felt comfortable with, well apart from Carlisle.

“Thanks” I said once I walked into Alex’s room; I looked around smiling at Alex’s things. I dialed our home’s number while I made myself comfortable on the bed; I waited for someone to pick up, I was hopping that Dad would.

“Hello?” I heard Dad’s cheerful voice greet me; I signed in relief.

“Dad, it’s me, Jacob” I replied looking at the carpet.

“Oh hi Jake, what’s up?” Dad asked; I closed my eyes pinching the bridge of my nose, I opened my eyes before I answered.

“Dad, there’s been an accident” I said keeping my voice as calm and even as I could.

“Accident? With who?” Dad asked with worry and concern clear in his deep voice.

“It’s Alex” I said quietly.

“What happened? Where is she? Is she ok?” Dad asked in panic about his baby girl.

“It’s a long story but she got hurt and the only way to save her was if the Cullen’s turned her” I told him.

“What?” Dad roared in rage.

“Dad, she would have died permanently if I didn’t tell them to change her. I wasn’t about to let my baby sister die, I wasn’t going to let her leave me, to leave us” I explained to my now furious father.

“What’s happening?” Dad asked after a pause; he sounded a lot calmer now.

“Jasper changed her and now we just have to wait until the transformation finishes” I told him closing my eyes again.

“How long will that take?” Dad asked urgently.

“I’m not sure, it’s different for everyone” I said, I heard him sign before he answered.

“Ok well keep me updated, I’ll tell Rachel, and you need to tell Sam about this” Dad told me.

“Yeah I’ll tell him now” I said before saying my goodbyes and hanging up. I quickly made my way back into Carlisle’s office to see everyone standing around Alex’s still body; I gave Alex’s phone back to Esme.

“I’ll be outside, I need to tell everyone” I mumbled quietly before walking back out of the room; I quickly made my way outside.

I walked into the forest to undress; then I phased letting everything that I saw flow through my mind and into the mind’s of the packs. I heard them gasp in shock through their thoughts; Sam, Paul and Jared were the angriest ones while Seth, Quil and Embry were the sadder ones. The rest of the pack was too shocked to feel either anger or sadness; once Sam realised that turning Alex was the best thing to do, he calmed down instantly and then sadness and hurt flooded his thoughts.

The whole pack wanted to come see Alex but I managed to convince them not too; I promised that I would keep them updated, Sam allowed me to stay here so when Alex wakes up then I would be there. I thanked him before I phased back; I re-dressed and walked back into the house. I saw Rosalie, Emmett, Alice and Spencer sitting in the living room; I heard someone in the kitchen while I headed back up stairs. An idea popped into my head as I walked past Alex’s room; I walked back in there grabbing as many CD’s as I could, I walked back into the office with my arms full of CD’s and holding a stereo.

“I thought that it might make it better if Alex could listen to some music” I explained to Carlisle and Jasper.

“That’s a great idea Jacob” Carlisle said quickly setting the stereo up and playing a CD.

Esme walked into the room with a plate full of food; she placed it in front of me and I gratefully took it. Other then talking to Dad or the pack and using the bathroom; I never left Alex’s side, I even slept next to Alex, Jasper was the same except he only left to go hunting and even then Emmett and Spencer had to practically drag him hunting.

Esme was making sure that I always had a full stomach which was nice; I didn’t have to worry about sharing my food with anyone because no one else ate human food here. A number of times Dad wanted to come over to see Alex but either Sam or I kept him away; we knew Alex wouldn’t want anyone to see her like this, it killed me seeing her like this but I knew it was the right thing to do because it was going too happen sooner or later.
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