Knock You Down

Green Light

“He just wasn’t the one,” I told myself after I received a message over Myspace from my boyfriend, it had said a bunch of stuff but the main thing was he needed to break up with me because he felt that I wasn’t the one for him. I agreed, he didn’t feel right to me but it hurt a bit admitting it to myself because no matter what I thought, the number of men to actually tell me the exact thing was beginning to become embarrassing.


Yes, fifteen men have broken up with me in the course of my seventeen years alive and none had actually lasted over a month with me. I think that’s the sad part. “Hey, you want to go watch a movie over at Matt’s?” I looked across the room and spotted who had spoken so suddenly, it was my older brother Brian and my younger sister was at his side, leaning against the frame. “He said—are you crying?”

“Almost,” I laughed it off and tried to unsuccessfully turn off my screen without either sibling seeing me do it. Kayla, my baby sister grabbed the back of my desk chair and pulled me back, I went sailing across my tiled floor and hit my bed. I glared as she kneeled to the ground and began going through my messages. “That’s called invasion of privacy, you know?”

“That son-of-a-bitch!” she shouted turning to me quickly. I shrugged my shoulders and avoided her shocked face. Brian decided he didn’t like the drama so he walked in and leaned over Kayla to take control of the mouse.

“I agree with Kayla, that son-of-a-bitch!” Brian turned to me, mimicking Kayla’s exact expression and how she acted but his face was a bit more—hostile looking. “Oh his ass is so grass.”

“Who breaks up with their girlfriend over Myspace?” Kayla asked me but it seemed more like a rhetorical question more than one that needed an answer. “I’ll be right back, I’m calling Leigh.”

“I’m calling the guys,” Brian followed Kayla out the door, leaving me in the loneness of my room and the message that seemed to determine my future.

“Okay then,” I murmured turning my screen off. I slid on my sandals and trailed to my closet to grab a good studded belt and slid it in the belt loops of my pants. I turned the light out in my room before I shut the door and went down the stairs. I waited on the couch, flipping through HBO channels boredly as the door was knocked on rather harshly. “Hang on a second, no need for breaking the door down, damn.”

Opening the door before I could even reach it, Matt barged in with Zacky on his heels. Both of them looked beyond angered and they were turning a little red in the cheek areas. I bit my lip and watched as they looked around for someone to yell at but when they both spotted me, simultaneously their looks softened. “Come here,” Zacky called out, holding both arms out wide. I didn’t run into them but I did hurry and lay my head on his warm chest. I started to cry feeling his warmth and comforting embrace, the one that felt so much like home I just had to break down and start bawling into his Jack Daniel’s t-shirt. “Now, now, its okay, I’m here.”

“Where’s Brian?” Matt asked in his usual raspy tone, I pointed at the stairs without looking; my arm was under Zacky’s so it was hard for me to direct the man but he seemed to understand that Brian was in his room and jogged up the stairs, taking it two steps at a time until he reached the top.

“Brian called me, I was at Matt’s and I said we needed to get over here as soon as possible,” Zacky whispered into my hair, he had been kissing my forehead and the top of my head in comfort until he decided to talk. “I know how you were really looking forward to you and Tim staying together. I knew how much you hoped it would work.”

“I should have known better,” I murmured pushing my chin up to sit on his shoulder, I turned my face to his neck and closed my eyes as I took deep breaths. “He was number fifteen, when am I ever going to find someone who actually can stand me?”

“You will eventually, Riley. I know you will, your such a great girl, how could you not?” he smiled and kissed my forehead again before he pulled away from me and held me out at arms length. “Now, you sit down and watch TV while I go talk to Brian and Matt, okay?”
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Its been awhile since I've wrote anything so tell me if I still have my 'touch'.

Comments appreciated. Subscriptions loved.