Knock You Down

Answer To Our Life

“He fell off the bed, I surprised him during his air guitar solo and boom, he fall down,” I shrugged my shoulders helplessly at Matt. He just held up a hand to shush me, shook his head and shut the door.

“Riley, a little help please?” Zacky stuck his hand up suddenly. I grabbed hold of it and ran backwards to pull him up, he wasn’t trying to help, it was completely dead weight so eventually, about a minute after beginning the tugging, I let go and walked into the bathroom to grab my hairbrush since he had forgot to grab it while he was in there.

“Come on,” I walked out, after packing the rest of my bag and kicked Zacky on the bottom of his shoe. “Its time to go now, wake up fatty.”

“I’m not fat, I’m fluffy,” he defended pushing himself up with a pout of his plump lip. I knew he wasn’t fat, or fluffy for that matter but he always pigged himself out so I grew to call him fat which ended in him having a not-so-nice nickname.

“Whatever,” I rolled my eyes and handed him my duffle bag to carry, since he was the one who started packing it and plus, I didn’t want to carry it all the way down the street.

“Brian, are you ready?” Zacky stopped at Brian’s door and knocked, only to receive a shout that both of us didn’t get. We just looked at each other, shrugged and walked away.

“We should just leave his primping ass,” Kayla was leaning against the table when we walked in the kitchen, she looked extremely bored and so did Matt, who was leaned against the counter across the room, staring at the ceiling tiles.

“Did you guys know there is pancake batter, or something like it stuck right there?” Matt pointed out, waving his hand up high in the air at his discovery. Kayla shrugged and I shrugged to, it was probably from Brian’s failed attempts at cooking.

“It’s probably something else,” Kayla winked at Matt and nodded her head in the oh yeah fashion she used to gross the guys out with her dirty mind.

“Nasty,” Matt pushed off the counter and slapped her in the back of her head lightly as he passed. He went over to the stairs and leaned half way across it to look up. “Brian if you don’t get down here right now, we’re leaving!”

Brian didn’t immediately come running down the stairs but he made an effort to hurry, we could hear things moving around and stuff being thrown or falling. He came down the stairs about two minutes later and smiled at us all proudly, he had hurried. “Would you like a cookie, Bri-bear?” Kayla asked him softly and slowly as if she was speaking to a toddler. Brian merely glared at her for a full minute before he walked to the door and opened it.

“Come on now, I’m ready and wanting some booze,” he called out, waving for us all to file out the door he was holding open.

“You’re an idiot if you get drunk, we have to get up at six,” I called out, grabbing Zacky’s hand to hold as we walked ahead first. “I’ll be sleeping—in—Matt I call dibs on your bed.”

“You can share then, I’m sleeping in it too since I don’t want a hang over in the morning,” Matt called out. “Watch Jimmy though, he’ll try to go through your bag again.”

“I’ll hide it under your bed again,” I grumbled, knowing everyone knew where I hid it but Jimmy since he was a perv and always went through my underwear drawers and any bag I have.

“It would be a wise choice,” Matt admitted with a nod, I sighed and leaned my head against Zacky’s shoulder and walked slowly to Matt’s house like that.

We walked into Matt’s house and the first thing I caught a whiff of was something burning, and then I seen the smoke. “Oh shit!” he shouted, rushing past Zacky and me to get to the kitchen, where the smoke was coming from. Zacky and I followed with Kayla and Brian on our heels, we watched as Matt grabbed a pot handler and pulled out what looked like charcoaled pieces of toast from the toaster and what looked like burnt eggs in the pan laying on the stove, turned the burners off and then proceeded to turn around and start wailing on Jimmy, who was standing there looking confused.
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