Knock You Down

Send It On

“Dude, stop!” Jimmy shouted defending himself, shielding his face with his long arms. “Johnny’s the one who started the shit, I came in here and found it at the same time you did!”

“Oh,” Matt backed off but still didn’t look any happier. He glanced around and went around us, into the living room where Johnny laid, on the couch, asleep. I watched, feeling bad for the little guy that was about to get beat up while he slept. Matt grabbed him by each ankle and jerked him straight off the couch, he landed on his butt on the hardwood floor and shrieked in surprise at the landing.

“What the hell man?” Johnny shouted, rubbing his hip comfortingly as Matt glared him senseless. Johnny was about to respond with even more shouts when he looked around and spotted the smoky fog that thickened the room. “Oh shit…”

“Yeah, you just about burnt my fucking house down, you dipshit!” Matt kicked him pretty hard in the butt and growled under his breath as he walked away from him in a fury.

“I’ll go,” I waved my hand towards Matt as he stomped up the stairs, no doubt heading for his room, his own personal heaven. “You guys air out the house, clean the burnt stuff and pop in a movie and we’ll be down soon.”

“Okay,” Kayla started ordering everyone around like they were her servants, they actually listened, and that was the funny thing.

I was shaking my head with amusement when I started my ascend up the stairs and down the hall into Matt’s room. I knocked and entered seconds afterwards, without receiving the go ahead. “Matt?” I called out; he wasn’t anywhere I could see. When he decided to pop out of his bathroom, I screamed like a little girl and jumped at least a foot in the air. “Damn it, Matt.”

“I’m sorry,” he laughed a little, even though I could tell he wasn’t in the mood to really laugh. “I didn’t mean to scare you, you called my name and I walked out. I was about to take a shower.”

“I was just coming up here to check up on you,” I told him softly, letting my hand that was previously covering my heart, slide down to dangle beside my hip. “I know you’re pissed but are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” he smiled and crossed the room to pull me into his large arms. “Thanks for worrying about me, though.”

“You know me, Matt. I worry about the grass when it rains,” I joked squeezing his waist; I only succeeded in making my arms ache. “You need to stop with the weights, man. I just hurt myself and poked my eye out on your pec.”

Matt started laughing, harder than I figured he would have laughed. He stepped away from me, held a hand up and nodded to show he really thought that was a good one and then he disappeared in the bathroom again. I waited on his bed until he came out; he had taken a shower and a cold one by the looks of it. His arms had goosebumps and hairs sticking up while his bottom lip shivered. “Jimmy rented a few scary movies—' Matt had started talking as he slid on a shirt to cover his damp torso, that somewhat had me gawking. “What are you staring at?”

“Your freezing, Matt,” I grabbed the comforter off his bed and made my way over to him. I grumbled to myself and cleared my throat to speak. “Bend down so I can wrap this around you.”

He grinned, knowing it annoyed me to be so short and yet be surrounded by very large men. He leaned down obediently and hugged me while he was practically kneeling on the floor. “Thanks Riley,” he kissed my forehead and stood back up to his full height. “Better yet…”

He wrapped me up in the comforter and picked me up; I was basically sitting on his hip as he walked downstairs. It was embarrassing because I did look infantile compared to Matt but besides that, Matt was actually really warm, comfortable and smelt delicious. “When did Riley turn into a toddler?” leave it to Kayla to make fun, since she was two years younger but two inches taller than me.
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