Status: On hiatus; sorry loves

Boarding School for the Abnormally Gifted

Alector and Violetta

Jay looked at me, shocked. Then he said, “Well you obviously found this for a reason. Open it and read some.” I opened the book. It was old and the pages cracked as I turned them. I started to read.

“Once there was the most powerful wizard in the world, Alector. He was trained and taught that one day he would have to marry his sister, for she was of his bloodline, making their sons strong in power. However, he did not want to marry his sister, for he was in love with another. This other, Violetta however was a human and would mess up his bloodlines, so his parents forbid him to see her. Every night, however, he would sneak out and they would roam the forest together, for it was her favorite place to be. Alector eventually decided that if his parents would not let him marry Violetta, they would be forced to run away to live in exile. When his father heard of this, he ordered that Violetta be caught and brought to their mansion to be beheaded in front of Alector. Violetta ran and managed to hide for days before she was caught and brought to the mansion. The next day at dawn, when it was time for her to be beheaded, Alector ran to her and told her just before she died to scream the words împartă puterea. This was Romanian for power share. She did not know this, but trusted him enough to do what he said. Alector knew, however that not only would part of his power be taken away, but that they would both die on the impact of the spell. Still, when the time came, both of them screamed împartă puterea. They both died, him knowing that they would be back again in another life and they would finally be able to be together.”

There was no more writing, but the book didn’t end. There were tons of empty pages, as though they were waiting to be filled. I looked up at Jay, confused. His eyes were open wide and he had backed away some.

“What is it Jay?” I asked.

“No! I can’t be. It’s just a legend. Alector and Violetta weren’t real. You can’t be the reincarnation.”

“Jay, what are you talking about? I’m who’s reincarnation? Violetta? But she’s just a character in this book,” I said, but I couldn’t get rid of the recognition of the story, even though I had never heard it before. I had heard of Alector, of course. Everyone had. But I hadn’t heard of Violetta. Jay obviously had though.

I looked over at Jay, who was smiling at me now. He looked as though he had come to terms with something.

“But don’t you see, Violet? You are the reincarnation of Violetta. She’s not just a character. She was real. And now she’s back! Or well, you’re back. I bet you’ll start getting memories back soon! Probably in dreams. Oh! We have to go tell Alec, I’ll bet he’ll start to get them back, too.” I stood there, shocked. I followed Jay back to the room subconsciously, but in my mind I was in battle with myself, trying to come to terms with the fact that I was a reincarnation. And so was Alec. And we had been lovers in our shared past life.

Oh. My. God!
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ok i almost got in trouble for writing this chapter, so send me some love!!!! hope you like it!!! adds kind of a twist to the story don't it?? haha!!!
