Status: Will be deleted, not going to be continued. Sorry

All Again For You

Chapter 2

Tom and Jessica stayed on the beach for a couple of hours after that, Tom strumming a few chords on his guitar but not doing much at all. The couple just sat and talked, learning about each other.

“Well, why are you sitting on a beach in the middle of October? I mean, isn’t the beach a bit of a summer thing?”
“Well I am here because I can, don’t you go to the beach in October in Australia?”
“Well yeah, but it is our summer—“
“Is it nice weather?”

Jessica nodded and Tom smiled. Something about her smile made his come to the surface.

“Well then, why not go to the beach?”

Jessica rolled her eyes and looked out at the sea and the setting sun on the horizon. They must have been on the beach for at least three hours and it was getting late. The night chills were approaching and all of a sudden Jessica felt a great shiver running down her spine.

She reacted to it and Tom noticed.

Tom took his hoodie out of his backpack and put it over her shoulders in an attempt to keep her warm. She took it off and gave it back to him until he put it back over her body. She got the message after the second attempt and mumbled a thanks to her friend. She secretly smiled as they sat continuing to watch the sun set.

All of a sudden Jessica jumped up and started running down the beach. Tom, in a confused state jumped up and started running after her. If he hadn’t had his guitar, his job would have been much easier. He continued to run down the streets, the way home until Jessica had stopped in the middle of the path. She was trying to hold back a laugh while Tom was trying to understand what had just happened.

Jessica started walking again and Tom quickly caught up to her. They walked back together and before they had known it they had walked back to their homes. Jessica gave Tom back his hoodie and they entered their houses in silence, hoping not to disturb their families.

Tom walked up to his room to put his guitar back and noticed he had left his phone in his room, lying on the desk. He picked it up and it was a text from Trevor, another one of his friends. He opened it up, expecting some sort of band practice text but kept his eyes wide when he saw the real message.

Who was that chick you were with on the beach? She was H-O-T-T’

Only Trevor would write that, he is the slightly pervier one of the group. Tom rolled his eyes and replied to the personal text with a simple reply. When that shut up his friend, he continued with what he was doing. However, he could not remember this due to the sudden distraction he had faced.

The clock read nine forty pm and on the bed was a load of algebra homework still left unfinished. Tom turned to it, reluctantly, before starting. He didn’t need to have another detention for uncompleted homework.

After the hour of algebraic equations and re-arranging pi, Tom fell asleep. The folder was still on his bed, he was still in his jeans and flip flops and the clock was edging closer to eleven o’clock. This was even odder for Tom. He never fell asleep before twelve.

It had been a very odd day for Tom.


The next morning

Tom woke up, annoyed at himself for wearing his jeans to bed. He had originally wanted to wear these particular ones and now he had slept, they were no longer as wearable. He grabbed an Escape the Fate tee and dark blue skinnies as a compromise and went to shower.

Totally forgetting what happened the day before, it came a shock to have the door bell ring before eight o’clock. Tom finished with his hair and grabbed his bag, slinging it over his back. He said bye to his mum before answering the door. Standing in the doorway, was the short ginger girl with blonde in her fringe and brown randomly in her hair somewhere.
It was Jessica, the girl he was with at the beach. The girl that had made him run was standing in his front doorway. For that, he detested her. She smiled cheekily at him, making quite a funny face to the teen.

“Okay, you go to my school. I have no idea where it is.”

Tom looked at Jessica for a second or so before bursting into laughter at her. She looked at him and rolled her eyes, standing until he stopped laughing. When he did, he looked at Jessica and tried to not laugh at her. He managed to do so.

“Okay, so you want to walk to school with me?”
“Basically, that is what I am saying.”
“Well too bad, I drive?”
“Come on.”

Tom walked round to his garage, pulling Jessica by her hand and showed her the car. It wasn’t anything fancy, just an old ford. Tom loved it though and jumped right in, revving the engine.

“You drive?”

Tom looked at Jessica as if she was crazy. He was seventeen, it is very odd for a seventeen year old to not drive. He laughed again and she got into the car. Tom put on his CD of another playlist and it played in the back ground. Jessica started singing along to ‘Something’ by Escape The Fate when it came on and Tom looked directly at her, losing his attention on the road.

“You like Escape the Fate?”
“Yeah, and keep your eyes on the road mate.”

Tom smiled and then did it immediately, almost skipping a red light. The pair continued to talk as they drove to the school and pulled in when it came up the road. Standing in a car parking space were four guys, all with dark hair except for one who had very bright blonde hair and a very wide smile on his face. Tom pulled into this space and almost running the guys over. They all shouted things like ‘god dude’ or ‘what you playing at’ and even an ‘ouch dude, you killed me’. Tom just laughed and took his key out of the car and shoving them in his bag.

Tom climbed out of the car, high fiving these people while Jessica looked a bit confused. Who were these people and why did Tom try and run them over? Tom motioned for Jessica to join him and she did, standing in a small space between the car bonnet and Tom.

“Guys, this is Jessica before you all ask and get all horny over her. She has moved in near me. Jess these are Sam, Trevor, Kyle and Jake. They are the local pervs.”

Tom had pointed to them all in turn, but back to Trevor again when he made his last comment. The blonde, skinny guy, Trevor seemed to take offence to this comment and argued.

“We may be pervs but we are also your best friends and band mates thanks very much. Do you want to lose a guitarist?”

Tom rolled his eyes and started walking, everyone following him. Jessica was pulled with Tom, via a hand round her waist while the others just followed. To any passersby, Tom would have looked like the leader of the group. This was the complete opposite to the truth, Trevor usually tended to lead.

Tom had somehow found the confidence to lead his friends into the halls of the school. He had no idea where this sudden confidence came from, he liked it though. Maybe it was just a bit of sudden confidence, false confidence or maybe the fact he had made a new friend no one knew.

No one knew her yet.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter deux.
Here we go, my word spacked out and i fixed it to put it on here.
I hope yer happy :)))

i will love you forever if you comment and subscribe to this. like forever!!!

and guess what, i am seeing saving aimee on monday :DDDD
it is like a really small show and i am on the freaking guest list. i wouldn't be if it were not for my iPhone and mcdonalds


anyways, hope you like :))