Sequel: Tripled Manic State

Skateboards And Turnstiles

Chapter 18

(Back at Castle Bam.)

It was 10:00 am

Angel and Ville were fast asleep in their bed.

Bam and Rebel on the other hand were stood outside Ville and Angel's room.

"Shes gonna flip!" Rebel said.

"Yeah but I bet she wont care once shes heard the reason." Bam replied.

"Meh... what you guys doing?" Dico asked as he wandered past.

"Nothin... go to bed!" Bam said looking slightly shifty.

"Doesn't look like nothing... can I help?" Dico asked.

"No... go to bed!" Bam replied.


"No!!" Rebel and Bam said in unison.

"Hmpf... fine I'll go see if the others are up!" Dico yelled as he stormed off.

"Right lets go." Bam said as he picked up the bucket of ice he had hidden behind his back.

Bam and Rebel sneaked into Ville and Angels room.

"Shhh." Rebel said as Bam stepped on a creaky floor board.

"Awww don't they look cute." Bam said as he looked at Ville and Angel who were fast asleep. Ville had wrapped his arms around Angel's waist and Angel was snuggled against his chest.

Bam tipped the bucket of ice on the bed.

"Ahhh what the fuck Bam!!!" Angel screamed.

Ville sat up abruptly and started to blink like a startled rabbit.

Bam and Rebel sat on the floor laughing their asses off.

Angel groaned and hid under the bed covers, then muttered something about the bed being cold and wet. She then rolled over, fell out of bed and hit her head on the bed side table.

Ville heard the bump and crawled across the bed to see if she was okay. "Are you alright sweetheart? Ville asked as his head appeared over the top of the bed.

"Wow... there's three of you!" Angel said laughing.

Bam and Rebel crawled under the bed.

"Uhhh no sweetheart there isn't three of me." Ville said as he got out of bed and went to help Angel.

Bam started sneezing under the bed.

"Bam Bam I know you're there." Ville said as he picked Angel up and sat her on the bed.

"Urgh fine..." Bam said as he crawled out from under the bed.

"You too Rebel." Ville added.

"Awww." Rebel moaned as she crawled out from under the bed and joined Bam on the sofa.

"Right what did you want?" Angel said clutching her head.

"We've been entered for the Am Jam!" Rebel squealed.

"Ouch not too loud!" Angel said burying her head under the pillows.

"But... but... we have been entered as competitors in the Am Jam!" Rebel repeated.

Angel sat up abruptly, "Seriously?" she asked.

"Yeah... Tony put our names down on the list!" Rebel replied.

"Yesss!!" Angel yelled, "when is it?"

"Tonight." Rebel said smiling.

"Whats all the noise about?" Ap asked as she walked into the room.

"Sorry April." Rebel said.

"We've been entered for tonight's Am Jam." Angel said.

"That's great girls!" Ap replied, "but please could you keep it down a little... Phil and I have headaches."

"Sorry Ap." the girls said in unison.

"Well that's what you get for partying too hard!" Bam laughed.