Sequel: Tripled Manic State

Skateboards And Turnstiles

Chapter 8

Everyone piled into Castle Bam and headed towards the Pirate Bar.

Angel was lagging behind a bit.

Ville stopped and waited for her to catch up.

"Are you okay love?" He asked looking worried.

"Ummm... yea I guess." Angel replied as she looked up into Ville's bright green eyes.

A tear suddenly trickled down her cheek and she tried to wipe it away before Ville saw.

"You're not okay are you sweetheart." Ville said as he hugged her.

"It’s just that... I guess I miss my mom... I know she was a total bitch... but I miss her." Angel replied between sobbing.

"Hey love, its okay I'm here for you." Ville said trying to sooth her.

Angel suddenly broke away from his arms and said: "Shit I'm sorry... I hardly know you... you don't need to know my problems." then she ran off.

Ville stared after her and went to go after her when he was stopped by Bam.

"What have you done now?" Bam said as he ran towards Ville, "You've only just met her and you scare her away!" Bam added laughing.

"What?... no I didn't scare her... I guess she just needed some time to herself..." Ville replied looking hurt.

"Hey don't worry about it." Bam said leading his friend towards the Pirate Bar.

Ville and Bam walked into the bar.

"Hey where’s Angel?" Rebel asked.

"She’s gone for a walk." Bam said as he sat down next to her and pulled her onto his lap.

"Hey... you two guys goin out?" Stev-o asked.

"No shite Stev-o!!" Bam replied as he threw a cushion at him.

This then led to a massive fight. With he guys from ][=][ ][ ][Y][ on one side of the Pirate bar and the 'Jackasses' on the other.

Linde threw a cushion at Novak's head.

Novak ducked and the pillow flew past his head and hit Dunn straight in the face.

"What the?" Dunn started "Right that's it you're in trouble Linde!!"

Dunn picked himself up ran over to the Pirate Bar where he grabbed a glass of Coke and tipped it on Linde's head.

"Ahhh... Dunn what the hell do you think you're doing!?" Linde yelled as he shook his head and the Coke was sent flying everywhere.

"Payback!!" Dunn shouted.

Rebel was hiding under a table trying not to get hit by flying cushions.

"Ohhh no you don't!" Rebel yelled as she saw Dico running towards her with a cushion.

Rebel crawled out from under the table and hid behind the sofa.

A few minutes later April appeared at the door.

"Look at this mess!!" She screamed over the shouting "Some one had better get this tidied before I come back from the store!" She added.

"Heya Ape... long time no see" Mige said trying to change the subject "how are you."

"I was fine until I saw this mess!" April screamed.

Bam stood up from behind the Pirate Bar where he was hiding, "don't worry Ape... we'll clean this up" he said trying to get his mom to calm down.

"Ville... you're the most sensible one out of this lot... could you please make sure it is clean before I come back? I'm having guests tonight and I want everything to be perfect." April said to Ville.

"Sure love." Ville replied.

"Thank you Ville... see Bam... why can't you act more like Ville?" April said to Bam.

"Well I dunno," Bam replied "If I was a Finnish rock star I might." he added laughing.

"Just get this mess sorted out!" April yelled as she stormed out of the room.

"Okay guys lets get to work!" Bam said as he grinned at Rebel.