Status: Yeah... Haven't updated in 10 months? Sorry. College is a killer. I'll try to get some done soon.

Leave Me Alone.

Chapter 1

My bedroom door slams against the wall, and my eyes shoot open. I roll over quickly and look at my alarm clock. 6:30 Am. Dave storms into my room and drags me out of bed.
“Argh! Get off me!” I scream, he throws me across the room and I slam into my bookcase. I bang my head and spots of light come in front of my eyes. Books tumble off the shelves and cover me. Ouch. I was used to this. Every morning I’d wake up to the same alarm. Bruising my legs and cutting my arms. I feel blood run down the side of my face. Great. The next minute Dave is pulling me to my feet and holding my face so I can’t look anywhere but his face. His ugly features distorted in rage, I whimper and he smiles.
“You have serious issues, Joules.” He says in his deep menacing voice. He drops me and walks out of my room. That wasn’t as bad as it usually is. I sigh with relief; that was lucky. I make my way carefully out of my bedroom, onto the landing and into the bathroom. I put the sink tap on and soak a flannel under the warm water. I lift my long black hair off my forehead and dab the flannel on the gash above my eyebrow. It stings. Lifting my head I looked into the mirror. Darn it, I hope no one notices this. I brush my teeth quickly and make my way back to my room.
I pull some black skinnies and a band tee-shirt out of my wardrobe and tug them on. Quickly exiting my room I walk down stairs to the kitchen and turn the kettle on. As the water boils I pull two mugs out of the cupboard and put some coffee in. This has been the routine every morning since I was about seven. A year after mum and Dave had got married. At first I was happy for mum but now I never feel happy. I remember the first time Dave had ever hit me. Mum was out shopping and I was in the kitchen drawing when Dave came in and demanded me to make him a coffee. I had never made one in my life and I said that to him. But he seemed to be out of his mind. He slapped my face and pushed me off my chair to the floor and stormed out into the garden. I lay on the floor sobbing till mum came home. She demanded to know what happened and Dave had told her I had fallen off my chair and hit my head. From that moment life was never the same again. The kettle stopped boiling and I poured the hot water in to the mugs.
After, I made my way to Dave’s and mums room. Knocking on the door I made my way inside.
“What took you?” My mum commanded. She had changed so much.
“I’m sorry.” I mumbled. Trying not to make eye contact I put the cups on their bedside tables. Dave seemed to have fallen asleep again. I turned and headed back out of the room and into my bedroom. I brushed my hair and applied my makeup. Glancing at the clock I see that it’s 7 o’clock, I pick up the exercise books on a nearby chair and pack them into my backpack.
Another hell I have to endure is college. Having chosen to be on my own, the rest of the people in my year think I’m retarded. Just like I think they are. When I enrolled at college I didn’t know that the two meanest bullies at my secondary school were going to be there too. Karla and Hayley, the two demons that have come straight from the depths of hell. When they see me, I know I’m up for a beating. Having been branded “emo” by the lowlifes, it has stuck. Even the teachers avoid me. I like it though, I am being left to myself, the way I wanted it. Not to be noticed.
Having packed my bag, I leave the house quickly and make my way on the long journey to college. My iPod plugged in and on max volume to drown out the sounds of passing traffic. I love my music. It’s the only thing that keeps me sane. It is my one and only love. The melodies of My Chemical Romance ring through my mind and in no time at all I am at college.

I walk in to the crowded classroom and take my usual place at the back of the class where there is a line of tables that no one sits at. As usual no one notices. I keep my head down and take my books out of my bag.
“Oh look everyone! It’s the real life emo!” Karla’s annoying voice rings out across the room. Everyone turns round and looks at me. They all snigger. Great. I keep my head down and ignore them.
“So, have you lost anymore blood today?” Karla sniggers. “What’s that on your forehead? Don’t tell me you’ve run out of space on your arms and have had to start on your face?!” Everyone in the room bursts out with laughter. Anger boils up inside me. One day she’ll get what’s coming to her.
The door to the classroom opens and a short, chubby man enters.
“Alright guys calm down!” Mr Gates shouted over the laughter. He took a deep breath and let it out, the wind whistling through his bushy beard. “We have a new student starting today.” Great, another one to poke fun at me. Mr Gates opens the door again and beckons someone in. A boy with black longish hair enters the room; his clothes are bright, tight red skinny jeans, yellow converses and a purple tee-shirt. He looks straight at me and smiles. I look down almost instantly.
“This is Trey Bright.” Said Mr Gates. “Would anyone be willing to help him find his way to his lessons?”
“I will!” Squealed Karla. The grin on her face was frightening.
Poor boy, I think. He has to put up with the wicked Bitch.

The bell rings throughout the classroom and the screeching of chairs fill my ears. I make my way to the door as slowly as possible letting all the other students get out first. Karla and the new kid were stood talking to Mr Gates. By the time I got to the door they were right behind me.
“... gonna love it here!” I heard Karla saying. I smirk.
“What are you smirking at emo?” snarled Karla. I didn’t reply.
“Come on hurry up guys. You’ll be late!” said Mr Gates.
I make a quick exit from the classroom. Karla follows after me.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“To class?! I never did have you down for the smart type.”
“Bitch! I’ll get you at lunch.” Trey was looking on surprised.
“Haven’t you got anything better to do?” I replied. “Instead of going through the dictionary of names and threats, which you have been aiming at me since we were in play school?”
Karla’s mouth moved but no words came out. I smirked. I love it when I make that impact.
“Come on Trey. We have to get to class. She’s not worth it.” She said finally
“You’ve also been saying that I’m not worth it for years. And yet, you won’t leave me alone!” I laughed at her and turned away from her. I now have to endure her sidekick Hayley.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is my first chaptered story. Whoop!

I hope you like the story line so far. It will get better!

Comment please!
