Status: Complete.

All These Things We Do

Turning to a friend

Eloise's heart raced as she heard footsteps approach the door, chewing nervously on the inside of her lower lip in the hope that it would stop any tears from falling.

“Eloise? Hey, how are you?” Billie’s cheerful voice said as he opened his front door. The smile on his face soon faltered when he saw the look on her face.

“El? What’s wrong?” he asked full of concern, taking a step closer to her. Eloise opened her mouth to talk but before any words could escape she broke down into tears and sobs.

“Shit. What’s happened? Come here.” He said taking her into his arms and pulling her into his chest, ushering her back through his front door. He led her over to his sofa, sitting them both down as he continued to hug her as she continued to sob uncontrollably onto his shoulder.

Slowly her sobs subsided and she pulled herself out of Billie’s embrace, wiping away the tears from her cheek.

“I’m sorry Billie, I just didn’t know where else to come.” She mumbled.

“Don’t worry about it. Anything I can do to help?” he asked quietly.

“Turn back time and stop Brian cheating on me.” she replied with a half laugh.

“What? Brian’s cheating on you?” Billie yelled in disbelief.

“Was. And apparently only once, but he got the girl pregnant. He has a son and now my marriage is over.” She replied matter-of-factly.

“What? Really? A son?” Billie asked his eyes wide with confusion.

“Yeah, I know, I didn’t believe it either. Not really anyway. Never in a million years did I believe that Brian would cheat on me. But we had the DNA through this morning, proving that he’s Joseph’s father.” She explained as Billie watched quietly. “I love him so much Billie, but how can I forgive this? He’s betrayed my trust. This happened over a year ago, before I was…attacked. He’s had plenty of chances to tell me the truth, even after Katelyn turned up to tell us about his son. He could have told me.”

“I’m sorry El, I really am. I don’t know what to say. I thought you and Brian were solid.” He replied gently placing his hand on top of hers.

“Me too Bill, me too, looks like we were both wrong.” She said sadly. “I just don’t know what to do now.”

“What about the twins?” he asked quietly.

“I told Brian he has to look after them while I find somewhere to live. I don’t want them being pushed from pillar to post. But as soon as I’ve got somewhere for the three of us, they’ll come with me. Not that I’m going to stop him seeing them. He’s a good dad. A fantastic dad. It wouldn’t be fair on the twins either. They need their dad.” She replied.

Before Billie could respond Eloise spoke again. “I’m sorry I turned up here Billie, I’m sure you don’t need me crying on your shoulder about my failed marriage. I just didn’t know where else to go. All my other friends in Huntington are Brian’s friends.”

“Don’t worry about it, you’re always welcome. And you can stay as long as you like. I mean, if you need somewhere to stay while you find somewhere for you and the twins to live.” He replied softly.

“Really?” she asked with a hint of a smile.

“Yeah, I tell you what. I have to pop into work for a few hours, but why don’t you go take a bath, relax? I’ve got some joggers and t-shirts and stuff for you to wear if you want. Just spend the day on the sofa or you could sleep, whatever you want.” He replied.

“Actually that sounds lovely thank you.” she replied with another faint smile.

“Right, let me show you where everything is before I leave.” he replied standing from the sofa.

A few hours later, after a leisurely soak in a hot bath Eloise found some clothes in one of Billie’s spare rooms to dress in before heading back down stairs into the empty living room.

Finding herself at a loss as with what to do, she found herself wandering around into the kitchen and looking through the cupboards. Remembering the words that Billie had left her with, she took the bottle of white wine out of the refrigerator and took a glass off the shelf. Pouring herself a glass, she decided that she would cook Billie dinner as a way of a thank you for his hospitality.

After rummaging through the freezer and cupboards for something to cook, she set about making Sweet and sour chicken with rice. If nothing else it was helping her take her mind off her problems, then again that may have been the wine. By the time that the chicken was simmering gently and she was draining off the rice she had finished the bottle of wine. She was opening the second when she heard the front door open.

“Something smells good.” Billie called from the living room as Eloise reached for another glass and poured him a glass of wine.

“You don’t mind do you?” she asked with a slight slur to her words.

“Of course I don’t mind. Do you realise how long it’s been since someone cooked for me? Not counting take-aways and restaurants.” He replied walking into the kitchen.

“And I opened some wine as well if that’s okay, I’ll replace them.” She replied pointing at the bottles on the counter.

“No need, it’s fine, but are both of those empty?” he asked with a tone of concern.

“No, just the one, the other one I just opened and poured us each a glass.” She replied.

“Oh okay. so how long will dinner be?” he asked turning his head to sniff the food.

“It’s ready when you are.” She replied with a smile.

“Okay, then start dishing up, I’ll just quickly go and change.” He replied hanging his jacket on the back of one of the breakfast bar stools.

“That Eloise was wonderful. Thank you.” Billie said as he wiped his lips with a serviette before placing it onto his empty plate.

“It was nothing, I just wanted to say thank you being a friend and for letting me stay.” She replied as she picked up the dishes and began to walk over to the sink.

“There’s really no need and please just put those in the dishwasher.” He replied following her and opening the machine for her.

“Okay, and you can open another bottle of wine and we can go and relax in front of the TV.” She replied with a smile. Billie nodded and as Eloise finished loading the dishes into the dish washer he opened another bottle of wine. She followed him through into the living room, curling up on the opposite end of the sofa to him.

“Have you heard from him?” Billie asked quietly, glancing at Eloise through the corner of his eye as he randomly flicked through the TV channels for something to watch.

“No. But that might be because my cell phone is back at the house.” She replied sadly.

“Oh. Do you want to call him?” he replied indicating to his house phone that was sat on the end table next to the sofa.

“No. I can’t have anything to do with him right now.” She replied with a shake of her head.

“Not even to talk to the twins?” Billie offered.

“I want to I really do, but I can’t talk to him.” she replied fighting back tears.

“Okay, but feel free if you change your mind.” he replied softly. Eloise nodded sullenly.

“Thanks Billie. It means a lot.” She replied with a half smile.

“Hey, what are friends for right?” he replied with a warm smile.

“Thank you Billie, it’s nice to know that. I don’t feel that I have anyone else I can turn to right now. Everyone else is Brian’s friend too. I need someone impartial to talk to.” she said reaching over to place her hand on his knee.

“You’re welcome sweetie, you know I’m willing to listen and be a shoulder anytime.” He said placing his hand on top of hers. She slowly raised her eyes from their hands to his piercing green eyes, feeling a smile cross her lips.

“What?” Billie asked watching her smirk grow.

“I was going to say thanks again, but I realised I’ve said that like fifty times in the last half hour.” She replied.

Billie chuckled; his eyes sparkling as he gently pulled her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her in a friendly hug. “You’ll get through this. I promise. Brian was a complete and utter idiot to even think about cheating on you.”

“Yeah he is.” She uttered in reply. With a sigh she looked up at him, “I will be happy again right?” she asked almost nervously.

“Of course you will. You’ll get over this and find happiness somewhere with someone who knows just how lucky they are to have you.” he replied softly, his hand reaching up to tuck a lock of loose hair behind her ear.

Once more their eyes were locked on each other, and before either one of them knew fully what was happening their lips were pressing against each other. The kiss quickly progressed into a frantic, urgent battle, Billie’s hands gripping at her hips as her fingers entwined with his dark hair.

As they kissed, they stood up, ushering each other towards the stairs as they began to shed each others clothes.
♠ ♠ ♠
For those of you who have forgotten, Billie was her boss before she had the twins. Oh and he had a thing for her! :)

As always thanks to everyone who reads this story, and to those who subscribe and Comment as well. It really means a lot to me and gives me the motivation to update as quickly as I can! So more would be lovely :)
