Status: Complete.

All These Things We Do

How Long? To Mend A Broken Heart.

Eloise stood in the doorway watching Brian fasten the twins into their car seats so that he could spend some time with them. It had been two weeks since Eloise had told him about Billie and he was still living with his father.

He had come over to the house every day and had taken the twins out somewhere to spend some time with them. Every day she tried to talk to him, to apologise but he wouldn’t listen. He barely talked to her; he would just communicate with her about the twins and leave.

Everyday Eloise's heart broke that little bit more. She was watching the love of her life, the father of her children slip further away from her and it was all her fault. There was no denying it, no way to defend her actions. Even if Brian had cheated on her with Katelyn, that didn’t give her a pardoning to sleep with someone else.

She waved as he pulled out of the driveway but got nothing in return so she closed the door and returned to the sofa. She picked up the small stuffed leopard that Katie had dropped upon seeing Brian and lay down, holding the toy close to her chest. She needed to think of a way to fix this. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could watch the man she loved more than anything distance himself from her. She needed him back, she needed him to love her and hold her again.

“El, wake up sweetie.” A soft female voice called pulling her from her dream.

“Gena?” she mumbled as she slowly opened her eyes.

“Hey. Are you okay? You were out for the count.” Gena replied with a warm smile.

“Um, what time is it?” she asked as she pushed herself into a sitting position.

“Almost five.” She replied simply.

“Really? Shit, I only lay down for five minutes, and that was at one.” She muttered in reply, checking her watch.

“You must have needed the sleep. Zack and I both tried calling you a few times before we came over.” Gena explained.

“I haven’t slept properly for two weeks.” she replied quietly. “I can’t without Brian next to me. And I can barely smell him on the sheets anymore.”

“Oh honey; he’ll be back soon. He loves you, you know that.” she said.

“He just needs time El.” Zack said as he appeared next to them with a mug of coffee. “Here, drink this.”

“Thanks Zacky.” She said with a weak smile taking the mug from his hands.

“There’s some instant noodles cooking too.” he added.

“Thanks, I guess I am kinda hungry. So what brings you two here anyway?” she asked taking a cautious sip of her coffee.

“Well, firstly we wanted to see how you’re holding up. We’re all really worried about you.” Gena explained.

“Guys, I’ll be fine. I guess I just need some time to get used to being without Brian.” she replied.

“Hun, you need to stay positive; Brian still loves you, he’s just hurting right now.” Gena replied.

“Well see.” Eloise replied unconvincingly. “You said firstly, what’s the secondly?”

“We want you to come out with us tonight.” She replied.

“Out? Where? With who exactly?” she asked.

“For a meal, a few drinks, with the entire group.” Zack replied.

“Sorry guys but I’m really not in the mood to socialise, especially if Brian’s going to be there.” she replied.

“You’ve got to get out of the house sweetie.” Gena urged.

“But-“ she began.

“But it’s my birthday and you’re one of my best friends. I want you there.” Zack said.

“Your birthday! Oh Shit! Zack I’m sorry, I’ve barely known what day it is these past two weeks! But I’ve got the twins.” She replied.

“No you haven’t. We’ve already got that covered.” Gena said with a smug grin.

“We’ve already got my mom to look after them over night.” Zack replied. “We didn’t want you to have any excuses.”

“Seriously?” she questioned.

“Yes seriously. Now, I’m going to sort out those noodles and then you are going to go and get ready and we will be back to pick you up at about seven thirty.” Zack stated.

“Guess I haven’t got much of a choice.” She replied with a small smile.


Eloise played nervously with her wedding ring as she sat in the back of Gena’s car as they drove to the restaurant. Food was probably the last thing on her mind as her stomach churned at the thought of spending the evening in Brian’s company.

“You okay there sweetie?” Gena asked. Eloise looked up to see her stood holding her door open. She hadn’t even realised that the car had stopped let alone noticed Gena and Zack get out.

“Come on, you’ll be fine. You can just get hammered with me!” Zack said cheerfully as he held out a hand for her to take.

“That may actually sound like a plan.” She replied with a weak smile.

They walked into the restaurant and were shown to their table where most of the group were already sat. Before Eloise could take her seat she was hugged by everyone in turn, all of them asking how she was and telling her that Brian would be back with her soon.

“Can I get the new arrivals drinks?” a cheerful waiter asked with a large smile.

“Large jack and coke please.” Eloise stated quickly before Gena and Zack gave their orders.

“There’s no need to be nervous you know.” Jimmy said in a whisper as he placed a hand on her knee and gently squeezed it.

“I can’t help it. He’s barely spoken to me in two weeks, and I really don’t know if I can handle being sat across the table from him if he’s not talking to me.” she replied quietly as her drink was placed down next to her. She quickly took the glass and drank half of the dark liquid.

“Can I have another please?” she asked as the waiter gave Gena and Zack they’re drinks.

“Of course madam.” He said with a polite smile. “Is everyone else okay with a drink?” he asked looking around the table.

“El, are you okay?” Leana asked quietly from the other side of Jimmy.

“Dutch courage is all.” She replied before taking another gulp of her drink.

“Just take it easy.” Jimmy whispered. Eloise opened her mouth to reply, only to be stopped as her eye caught sight of Brian walking through the maze of tables. She watched quietly, her heart racing as he walked around the table, wishing Zack a brief happy birthday before taking his seat on the opposite side of the table to Eloise.

With a small sigh she quickly drank the rest of her drink, feeling Jimmy gently squeeze her knee, she looked up at him and he gave her a reassuring smile.

Throughout the meal Eloise barely said a word and neither did Brian. On the odd occasion she would glance over at him only to turn away, feeling it too painful to watch him ignore her.

“Well, I think we should head straight over to Johnny’s bar.” Matt announced after paying the bill.

“Sounds good to me.” Leana agreed.

The rest of the group agreed and slowly began to leave the restaurant. As they stepped out onto the side walk Jimmy placed his arm supportively around Eloise's shoulder and kissed the top of her head.

“It’s going to be okay soon.” He whispered. “I know it.”

“I wish I shared your optimism Jim, I really do.” She replied with a small smile as she watched Brian walk ahead of her talking to Johnny and Lacey.

“Come on sweetie, lets get a table.” Leana said as they entered Johnny’s bar, taking hold of her hand and leading her over to one of the booths.

The others soon followed and Eloise was again sat opposite Brian, although this time closer. Jimmy and Matt walked over, Matt carrying a tray of drinks and Jimmy carrying a tray of shots.

“Okay motherfuckers, its shots time! Everyone take one.” He announced loudly to a round of cheers.

“To Zacky. Happy Birthday dude!” he yelled raising a shot glass to a mimicked cheer form the group before knocking the shots back.

“And, slightly off topic, but worthy of another shot. To Zack and Gena who will be getting married in five short days!” Matt yelled as he and Jimmy passed everyone another shot.

“Five days?” Eloise asked as everyone took their shots.

“Yeah. Saturday babe.” Zack replied with a smile.

“Shit, sorry guys. I’ve just haven’t been thinking straight lately.” She replied apologetically.

“That’s okay babe, we understand. Just make sure you’re at the rehearsal dinner Friday and at the Hyatt by nine am on Saturday.” Gena replied with a smile.

“Will do.” She replied with a smile.

After that the drinks flowed freely as Jimmy tried to find any excuse to take more shots. It wasn’t long before Eloise found herself slouched against Jimmy’s shoulder, her arms around his waist as he held her close to him.

“You okay there sweetie?” he asked turning his head to kiss her temple.

“I think I need to go home.” she muttered quietly.

“Come on then, let’s get you a taxi.” He replied gently ushering her out of the booth.

“Hey Lea, you better keep an eye on Jimmy, we all know how Eloise can get with other men when she’s been drinking.” Brian drunkenly spat, calling across to Leana as she made her way back to the booth.

Eloise turned her heart breaking as she saw the hint of hate in his expression before Jimmy pulled her into a hug. “He’s hammered El, he doesn’t really mean it.” He said as she heard her other friends warn Brian not to be so cruel.

“Come on babe, let’s get you home.” Leana whispered as she continued to sob into Jimmy’s chest.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry guys, it's not great, but I'm not very good at writing conflict and stuff like this. I like writing lovey dovey stuff! But it can't always be like that right?
Anyway, thanks to all who are reading this, at especially to those who comment and subscribe! Keep up the good work haven't got long left to comment on this story! :)