Status: Complete.

All These Things We Do

Fragile Hearts can still love

“Dude please stop fucking pacing!” Zack yelled at Brian as they waited at the front of the church.

“Yeah dude, isn’t Zacky the one that’s supposed to be nervous. It’s only the rehearsal.” Matt chimed in with a chuckle.

“Don’t let Gena hear you say that.” Zack warned as Brian stopped pacing and nervously began to chew his nails.

“Dude seriously what’s wrong?” Jimmy asked.

“Sorry guys, I’m just nervous about seeing El. I was out of order last week.” He replied.

“Yeah you were.” Jimmy retorted.

“I was hammered and upset Jim, I snapped and I shouldn’t have.” He replied. “Was she okay?”

“No Brian she wasn’t. She hasn’t been for three weeks now.” he replied.

“Fuck! Why do I have to make a bad situation even worse?” he muttered running his hands through his perfectly groomed hair. “I haven’t had the balls to see her all week. Dad’s been going back and forth with the twins.” He admitted.

“Dude, we all understand that you’re upset and angry with her for what happened, but she’s hurting too. She loves you dude.” Matt said quietly.

“I know, and I love her too. I just can’t get the images of her with him out of my head.” He replied.

“Dude I know it’s hard but can you at least talk to her? I know she hates the fact that you’ve barely said two words to her over the past three weeks.” Jimmy replied.

“I’ll try.” He replied.

“Good. So I can trust you to be able to deal with all of this? Because you will be sitting together considering you’re my best man and Eloise is Gena’s Maid of honour.” Zack said with a smile.

“Yeah, I’ll behave myself.” He replied nodding, turning as the church door opened.

“Sorry we’re late; there was a problem at the salon.” Gena said as she walked hurriedly down the aisle followed by the rest of her bridal party.

“Not to worry, well get straight on to the rehearsal.” The pastor said with a smile. “Let’s have the groom at the front and everyone else at their places as if the bride is about to enter.

“Are you sure you’re going to be okay walking down the aisle with Brian?” Gena asked Eloise as they walked to the back of the church.

“I’ll be fine.” She said quietly.

“If he says anything, Matt’ll kick his ass.” Val whispered with a wink.

“Okay, Johnny and Lacey, you’re up first, then Jimmy and Lea and Matt and Val and then Brian and El.” Gena stated as everyone began to get into order as she took hold of her fathers arm.

Eloise took a deep breath as Brian approached her looking nervous. With a small smile he turned and offered his arm. She smiled back and slowly interlocked her arm with his, inhaling deeply to ingest his scent that she’d missed so much. Being this close to him again sent butterflies to her stomach.

“I’m sorry for what I said last week.” He said quietly as they followed Jimmy and Leana down the aisle.

Taken aback by his words, all Eloise could do was stare up at him as they neared the alter.

“I’m sorry.” He repeated briefly placing a small kiss on her cheek as they parted. She stood still, watching as he took his place next to Zacky before Leana took hold of her hand and gently led her backwards to take her place as Gena and her father approached the alter.

Eloise barely took her eyes off Brian during the entire rehearsal, finding herself confused by his sudden change of attitude towards her. It was only when Leana gave her a small nudge that she realised that the rehearsal was over and Brian had taken a step forward to walk her back down the aisle.

As she opened her mouth to say something to him, the pastor beat her to it. “Okay, unless there are any questions I shall see you all tomorrow afternoon.” He said with a smile.

“No, I think we’re set now thank you.” Gena replied with a smile. “Come on guys, lets get to this rehearsal dinner, I’m starving.”

“Okay, what was all that about with you and Brian?” Leana demanded in a whisper, hanging back slightly as they all made their way over to their cars.

“Lea I have no idea. He said he was sorry for last week.” She replied just as quietly.

“And so he should be. That was uncalled for.” She replied sternly. “So do you think he’s finally ready to forgive you?”

“God I hope so. I don’t know how much more of this I can take.” She replied as they got into Jimmy’s BMW. “But I guess we’ll have to wait and see what happens.”

“He still loves you. He told us before you arrived.” Jimmy said as he pulled out of the small parking lot.

“Really?” Eloise asked with a hopeful smile.

“Of course he does El; he’s just having a hard time dealing with what’s happened. I think he just needs a little more time.” He replied.

A nervous smile appeared on Eloise's lips as she watched Brian walk over to the table where she was already sat.

“Hey.” he said with a small smile as he sat down next to her.

“Hey.” she replied simply not knowing what else to say.

“Um, listen, I meant what I said earlier. I am sorry for what I said last week.” He said quietly.

“It’s okay. I guess I deserved it.” She replied quietly.

“No, you didn’t, not at all. I was out of order.” He replied.

“I did Brian. I’ve hurt you and you were upset. You lashed out that’s all.” She replied.

“I’m still sorry.” He replied with a small smile. “And I know I’ve been childish these back couple of weeks, what with barely talking to you and shit. Especially this week, but I was just ashamed of my behaviour.” He said quietly.

“Yes, what you said hurt me, it hurt me a lot, but Brian I understand, really I do. I’ve hurt you and you need time, and I’m willing to give it to you.” she replied sadly.

“Thank you. I’m getting there, I promise.” He replied with a smile. She smiled back and took a sip of her drink.

“You look fucking amazing by the way.” He whispered causing her to blush.

“Thank you. You look good too.” she replied with a smile, her eyes locking with his dark brown orbs. He smiled back at her, gently reaching across to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear as Jimmy stood and announced that it was time for speeches.

Eloise watched as Brian gave a small speech, followed by Zack and Gena’s dad. She felt like a small weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Brian was talking to her again and was showing signs of forgiveness. She finally had a small glimmer of hope that things were going to work out and that they could be a family again.

After the meal, as everyone was saying their good byes to each other, Eloise turned at the feel of a hand on her back, smiling as she saw Brian standing next to her.

“I’ll see you tomorrow yeah?” he said softly with a smile.

“I guess so.” She replied smiling back.

“I love you.” he whispered quietly into her ear, quickly kissing her cheek before walking off.

With a smile on her face she quickly took her cell phone out of her bag and typed a message, “I love you too. xxx.” And sent in to Brian.

“Well, he’s certainly had a change of personality since last week.” Val said with a smile as she came to stand next to her.

“I know. I can’t believe it. After last week I didn’t think we had a chance to get back together, but he’s just told me he loves me.” she replied with an ever growing smile.

“Of course he loves you. And you two belong together, we keep telling you both that.” she replied pulling her into a hug. “Now do you need a lift home?”

“Um, yeah, if that’s okay.” she replied.

“Of course it is!” she replied with a smile. “Matthew, stop your gossiping, we need to get home. We have a very busy day tomorrow so we all need our beauty sleep.”

“Coming dear!” he replied teasingly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, I was kinda surprised by your reactions after the last chapter! I wasn't expecting you all to be so angry at Brian!
Anyway, he's apologised now and it looks as though there may just be a happy ending after all! (The next chapter will be the last btw)
So comments guys, and for a change I may just work on the next chapter straight away ;)
