Status: Complete.

All These Things We Do

Coming Home To You

For the first time in three weeks Eloise woke with a smile on her face. There was finally some hope that she would soon be waking up in Brian’s arms again. With the twins having spent the night at Brian’s moms she was able to lie in bed and relax with out having to worry about them.

She groaned into her pillow as she heard her cell phone bleeping, indicating a message had been received. She reached over and grabbed the device from her night stand, instantly smiling when she read the message from Brian.

“Morning beautiful xx.”

She lay in bed staring at the screen for a long moment, not knowing what to say back. She began to type several messages only to erase them before finally deciding to send, “Morning, can’t wait to see you later xx”

She closed her eyes, feeling nervous about his reply. It was as if they were teenagers again. As she got out of bed her phone bleeped again in her hand and she instantly read the new message.

“Can’t wait to see you either. Been thinking a lot. Talk to you later, Zack needs me xx”

She smiled broadly, and placed her cell back on her night stand as she headed for a shower.

She was still smiling when she returned to the bedroom half an hour later and continued to do so as she got ready. And when she opened the door to Val and Leana she was still smiling.

“Morning ladies.” She cheered stepping back from the door to allow them into the house.

“Are you okay?” Val asked cautiously.

“I’m great.” She replied. “Why?”

“Well firstly you look like you’ve slept with a coat hanger in your mouth.” Leana stated.

“Exactly, which is a radical flip from the Eloise we’ve gotten used to these past couple of weeks.” Val added.

“So what’s going on?” Leana demanded.

“Well if you two were to shut up I’d tell you.” she replied. “Brian text me.”

“Saying?” they both yelled.

“Well the first one just said morning beautiful and the second one said that he couldn’t wait to see me and that he’d been thinking a lot and wants to talk to me later.” She replied happily.

“Oh, Hun, that’s awesome. I really hope the both of you work things out.” Val said hugging her.

“Yeah, that’s brilliant Hun.” Leana agreed. “Okay now, have you got everything ready to head over to Gena’s?”

“Yep, all ready.” She replied grabbing her bags and following them back out the door.


“I seriously don’t know who’s more nervous.” Lacey said as they stood outside the church, waiting for the groomsmen.
“I know, you’d think El was the one getting married.” Leana replied with a smile as the four guys walked over to them.

Eloise's heart was racing as Brian approached her, a smile on his face, his eyes locked with hers.

“Wow, you look fucking amazing.” He said quietly running his eyes over her body.

“Thanks. You look pretty damn fine yourself.” She replied biting her lower lip.

“Guys I know you’re going through stuff, but right now is not the time to be sorting it out!” Gena called out. They both looked around to see Matt and Val beginning their walk into the church.

They both quickly linked arms, Brian turning his head to kiss her cheek before following Matt and Val. As they reached the alter, he turned again to kiss her cheek before they parted.

During the ceremony their eyes found each others countless times, and their smiles never faltered. Butterflies formed in her stomach as the ceremony came to an end and it was time to follow the newly married Zack and Gena down the aisle.

“We need to talk.” He whispered into her ear as they walked. She looked up at him and nodded, thankful that his expression was not serious. As they stepped out of the church Brian allowed his arm to drop from hers only to lace his fingers with hers. She gazed down at the simple, normal gesture, and smiled. Then watched as he slowly brought their hands up to his lips, softly brushing against her soft skin.

He kept hold of her hand as they posed for photos outside the church and then as they made their way to the hotel where the reception was being held. He led them silently through the maze of tables in the reception hall to where his mom was sat, the twins’ stroller next to her.

“Hey mom, are they behaving for you?” he asked peering into the stroller at the two sleeping infants.

“As good as gold.” she replied, her eyes drifting to where his hand remained gripping Eloise's. “Nice to see you two have worked things out.”

“We’re defiantly getting there.” Brian replied with his trademark smirk and a wink.

“Good, you two belong together. I’ve said it since you were teenagers.” She replied.

“Are you still okay looking after the twins for the rest of the day?” Eloise asked quietly.

“Of course sweetie. I’ll even have them again tonight if you two want to spend some time together.” she replied with a warm smile.

“That may just be a plan.” Brian replied with another smile. “We’ll get back to you on that one.”

“Well the offers there if you want it.” His mom said.

“Thanks. We’ll talk to you later.” He replied not even letting go of Eloise's hand as he leaned down to kiss her cheek.

He then led them back to the large table where the wedding party was sitting. They sat down next to each other, Brian finally letting go of her hand and casually draping his arm across the back of her chair, his fingers drawing shapes on her bare shoulder.

“So I guess all that’s left to say, is congratulations Zack and Gena. I hope you have a long and happy life together.” Brian said, ending his best man’s speech. “So please everyone join me by raising their glasses in a toast; To Zacky and Gena.”

Everyone in the room toasted the newly weds with a cheer before Brian spoke again. “Now, the hotel staff need to prepare the room for the evening do, so we all need to vacate to the bar.”

As everyone began to filter out of the room, Brian once again took hold of her hand. “Can we go for a walk in the gardens?” he asked quietly. She nodded and allowed him to lead her out of the room, into the gardens as the sun was setting.

He stopped randomly underneath a tall tree, turning so that they were facing each other, their eyes locking.

“You look absolutely beautiful today.” He said quietly. “You are the most beautiful, sexy woman I’ve ever laid eyes on and I feel so lucky that you’ve chosen to be with me.”

“Brian I –“ he stopped her by placing his index finger on her lips.

“Wait. I love you so much El, more than I ever thought possible. I’d never intentionally hurt you which is why these last couple of months have been so hard for me, seeing you hurting and doubting me. Then when I found out what happened with Billie it crushed me, and not only because of the thought of you being with someone else, but because it was essentially my fault.”

As he spoke tears welled up in her eyes, spilling silently down her cheeks.

“And to make things worse I’ve acted like a complete dick, topping it off last week with that fucking stupid comment. When I saw the look of hurt on your face it suddenly clicked with me. I don’t want to see you in pain like that again, and I certainly don’t want to be the one causing it. I’m sorry.” He said staring into her tear filled eyes.

“I’m sorry too. For ever doubting you over the whole Katelyn saga. I should have known better and I shouldn’t have run off that day we had the results. And just so you know, Billie would have been the biggest mistake of my life. I don’t want to lose you Brian. I love you so much.” She replied as more tears fell down her cheeks.

“You’re not going to lose me. I love you too and I want us to put all this crap from the past couple of months behind us so that we can get on with the rest of our lives together. You, me, the twins and maybe even a little brother or sister for them.” He replied with a small smirk appearing on his lips. “What do you think?”

Eloise smiled, her hands reaching up to cup his face. “I think that sounds like a marvellous plan Mr Haner.” She said quietly, gently pulling him towards her lips, sharing a tender, loving kiss.

“I love you.” she muttered against his lips.

“Forever and ever baby.” He replied again kissing her again. “So how hard is it to get into this dress? Cos I’ve got a room waiting for us upstairs.”

With a smirk playing on her lips she reached up and whispered into his ear. “A simple zipper.”

With a growl Brian took hold of her hand and began to lead her back through the garden and back into the hotel. They passed countless wedding guests as they quickly made their way to the elevators.

As they waited for the elevator to get to their floor Eloise slipped off her heals as Brian kissed her neck, slowly inching the zipper down her back. As the doors opened he suddenly scooped her up in his arms, and carried her bridal style down the corridor.

Once in the room Brian stood her up and allowed the dress to fall around her ankles as she made a start of removing his clothes. Both naked, Brian picked her up again, kissing her passionately, her legs wrapped securely around his narrow waist as he carried her over to the neatly made bed.

As her head met the pillows, Brian’s lips began to kiss their way down her body, his fingers dancing lightly over her tanned, toned skin.

She gasped, her body aching for more having been deprived of his contact for over three weeks. His long, exquisite fingers slipped into her opening, her hips rising immediately, eager to feel more of him. He curled his fingers rapidly inside her, her moans encouraging him to move faster.

She came, screaming his name and clamping around his fingers, soaking them with her juices. She writhed uncontrollably at his touch, barley noticing as he removed his fingers and quickly slipped his large, hard shaft into her. He kept the rhythm slow, kissing her softly as they gazed into each others eyes.

Her legs wrapped around his waist, helping him reach deeper into her, allowing him to hit her spot with every slow thrust. All too quickly she felt the familiar warm feeling wash over her body as she gripped hold of Brian’s shoulders, her legs tightening around his waist as she moaned uncontrollably.

Again she called out his name as her walls tightened around his pulsating shaft, the orgasm kept going as he continued to thrust into her until he too came with a growl, shuddering within her as he pressed his lips forcefully against hers.

“I love you.” he murmured against her lips, resting his sweaty forehead against hers.

“I love you too.” she replied kissing him briefly before he collapsed next to her, wrapping his strong tattooed arms around her.

“Do you think they’d notice if we didn’t make it back downstairs?” he asked once his breathing had returned to normal.

“I have a better idea. Why don’t we spend another hour downstairs and then take the twins home so we can get back to being a proper family again?” she replied.

“Now that sounds perfect.” He replied kissing her lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
So that's it, this story is over! Well, apart from the Epilogue!
I can't believe it!
I started this so long ago with Protect, and never imagined writing a sequel! Thank you to all of you who urged me to write the sequel! And of course to each and every one of you who have read, subscribed and commented on this story! You guys are awesome, I love you all! :) I hope that those of you who don't already will check out my other stories, and I hope you'll all check out my new story Another Chance To Live
Thanks again, and comments, as always, are more than welcome :)
