Status: Read, Stay with me... Please!

Look at Me


Paige looked and Dennis' hand was on her knee. Again. Glaring at him angrily across the backseat she hissed, "knock it off."
His pale brows lifted innocently as Dennis' lips twisted into a smirk.
Idiot, Paige thought moving as close to the door as she possibly could. The only reason she was anywhere near him, outside school, was because her best friend Terry was dating his older brother.
Kevin, unlike Dennis, was actually pretty nice. But he was kind of an idiot too. At the moment he was driving his new(ish) car down a curvy back road at about 60 miles an hour. Paige was the only one who didn't think that was an awesome idea.
"Hey Kev," she said trying to sound casual. "Could you slow down a little?"
"Nervous Paige?" he taunted as he slammed his foot on the gas. Terry laughed as the car sped up and reared forward.
"Come on Paige," she said, "No one ever comes down this road."
As they rounded a sharp turn and she was thrown against Dennis, Paige opened her mouth to snap back.
Then she saw it. The eye shine of an animal up ahead. Kevin must have seen it too because the car came to a grinding halt. But Paige was almost sure they'd hit it. Whatever it was. So she unlocked her door and jumped out.
"See anything?" Terry asked a few minutes later.
At first she didn't. It was a moonless night and Paige couldn't make out any unfamiliar shapes. Then she heard a whimper and some movement caught her eye.
Turning Paige realized it was a dog .A pure black German Shepherd. And it was limping.
"Oh God," she whispered as she knelt down. "Kevin you hit a freaking dog!"
"What?" he called back.
Ignoring him Paige held out her hand and whispered, "Come here Babe."
The animal's tongue lolled out as it stared at her with bright green eyes.
Babe? No one had ever called Hayden that before. Especially not Paige Brinkley. He might have laughed or barked or whatever if pain wasn't shooting up his back leg. So instead he considered his options.
Option one. Limp home on a bad leg.
Option two. Go with Paige.
A minute later she said something that decided for him.
"It's okay babe. You can come to my house. My parents wont throw you out. They aren't even home."