Status: Read, Stay with me... Please!

Look at Me


Paige's head snapped up.
“Mom,” she said warily, hoping she was wrong.
“Yes,” her mother said impatiently. “Are you taking a bath?”
Paige looked at the bloody bathwater and the animal in it and decided at that moment less was definitely more.
“Yes,” she evaded. (Lied)
“Well come out the instant your finished. We have to talk about a few things. Like the fact that you aren’t supposed to have friends over when I’m gone and the half empty pizza box on the counter.”
“Kay,” Paige said, her voice barely a squeak. Receding footsteps sounded for a moment and then the room went tangibly quiet. Paige looked back to the tub and her eyes wouldn’t believe what she saw there.
Hayden Peirce.
In her bathtub.
Paige must have screamed, because a few seconds later there were several sharp raps on the door.
“What’s wrong,” her mother asked. “Are you alright in there?”
Paige opened her mouth. It felt as dry as Death Valley. Her tongue quickly wet her lips and she said, “Everything’s f…fine Mom. I cut myself shaving.”
“So you’re okay,” her Mom asked again.
No, she wasn’t okay! She had a guy in her bathtub with absolutely no cloths on and her Mother was right outside the room. Oh and the guy had been a German Shepherd five seconds ago! So Paige was basically feeling too freaked out to even freak out and she really felt like throwing up.

Paige was slowly turning a strange shade of grey and her eyes were going out of focus. Hayden wanted to jump up and do…something! But he was having a slight problem. He was the reason she looked like she was going to pass out. He’d fuckin shifted in her bathroom! And now he was scrunched up in her tub, trying not to show anything to risqué, because Paige was looking right at him.
God he needed a cigarette. Hayden never smoked unless he was really nervous. Then he’d demolish a half a pack in two hours. At that moment, he craved the calming effect of the nicotine more then ever, because all he could do was twitch his hands uselessly at his sides as he waited for Paige to speak to her mother.
He didn’t have to wait long. A few seconds passed and she said, “Yeah, Mom. I’m okay. I’ll be out in a minute.”
Her voice was high and extremely strained, but her mother believed her. Hayden heard her walk away as he stared into a pair of dazed blue eyes.

Breathe, Paige told herself.
Just relax and breathe. You can handle this. You can handle the fact that you totally fell in love with a werewolf. Seriously, doesn’t that happen all the time?
For once, Paige’s sarcastic inner monologue really was not helping. She was in completely uncharted waters and she was having a really difficult time deciding how to feel. Other then completely freaked of course.
Should she be afraid? That would be the intelligent emotion to feel. That would make sense. But if she was afraid, why didn’t she rip the door open and go screaming down the stairs? She had screamed, but it had been a shriek of surprise. Not fear…
Oh Jesus , was he moving?