Status: Read, Stay with me... Please!

Look at Me


Paige hadn’t actually expected him to ask to kiss her. She thought he’d just do it. But he was giving her a chance to think about it, before hormones and body heat overrode all sense of reason. He was giving her a chance to say no. Paige had the grace to blush as she thought of what she’d done. She hadn’t asked, she’d just jumped on Hayden and practically raped him. Well, he hadn’t exactly fought her off…at first. He had eventually pushed her away, but he knew she thought it was a dream. Now Paige was completely awake and he wanted to kiss her.
Paige decided not to answer his question with words. She just let her lips drift to his, so they were barely brushing and she waited for Hayden to react.

Hayden didn’t so much kiss her as allow their mouths to melt together. Skin slowly collided with skin and then he could feel her breath mingling with his. He could feel the way her lips had parted against his own. Hayden raised his free hand and gently touched the pale hair falling on her shoulders, letting his fingers caress the soft texture of it. He could stay like that forever. Just lightly touching. Just being near her. But Paige obviously had other ideas.
Her hand had moved to grip his shoulder so tightly he felt her fingernails digging him and then she ground her mouth urgently against his. Clearly that was his cue to make things a bit more exiting, not that he minded at all. He just didn’t want to push her or scare her.
So, Hayden cautiously touched her lower lip with his tongue. When she didn’t scream or rip away, he traced her top lip too. Then he started kissing the corner of her mouth and her jaw line. Her skin was soft and it smelled like something familiar and mysterious at the same time. He buried his nose in the corner of her neck for half a second just to breathe her in.

Paige’s skin felt overheated everywhere Hayden touched. As he pressed against her neck, she felt like she was melting inside. She wanted to feel him everywhere, but at the same time she knew she couldn’t - shouldn’t let it go too far.
So, Paige sighed and whispered, “I think we should probably get some rest Hayden.”
He raised his head and asked, “Would you like me to leave now?”
“No,” she said automatically. “I mean… If you want to you can stay and just…sleep.”
Paige felt her face turning red. Oh Jesus, had she seriously just asked him to sleep with her. Actually, SLEEP with her. What was she thinking??? Of course, he didn’t want to share a little twin bed all night long with her. He probably had a friend who would let him crash on their couch.
Then Hayden said quickly, almost under his breath. “Yeah, I’d love to stay.”