Status: New so I hope you like it

The Unfortunate

The Unfortunate

The show-for stopped the car, and opened the door for me. Here goes something but I'm not sure what. Miss Elinore signed me up for this, and at the last minute, they switched my class. I'm now in the class for the hardest cases. I walked in and the secretary pointed me in the direction of my class. I walked in and four other teenagers were there. One was really tall, had brown hair, and his eyes were brown, like forest trees. The other girl in the class was sitting in a chair, staring, wide-eyed, at the floor. She was a very beautiful, natural blond, with big, blue eyes. She seemed nervous. There was another boy with dirty blond hair, but I couldn't tell his eye color, because his eyes were closed. He seemed fine, but I wondered if he was having dreams or nightmares. The last boy, sitting off in the corner of the small room, had jet black hair and his face was hard but beautiful, and his eyes were the most beautiful blue-green eyes I had ever seen. He was staring at me. When I met his eyes, a loud clap of thunder sounded outside, like something in the universe was saying that he hated me already.
I walked over to the window, watching it rain. The teacher person came in a while later. She had a bright smile on her face, but you could tell she didn't want to be here.
"Alright, well I'm Mrs. Mallory. Today, we're just going to start by tell the group why each of you are here.Thomas, what are you here for?" She said, directed the question at the tall guy.
"Tommy." He corrected. I smiled still at the window. "And, there was this fight that I was trying to break up, but I was the one that got caute."
"Alright, good. Jillian, what are you here for?" She looked at the beautiful blond.
"My dad is abusive." She whispered, not looking up from the floor. "He killed my sister and told me that if I didn't obey him, I was next."
"Alright, Trevor, you?"
"My brother killed himself, because my mom died." The dirty blond replied, opening his eyes. They were greenish, with orange in the center. Not blue, like I expected.
"Mhm." She wrote something down on her clipboard. "Blake?"
"I put my brother in the hospital." He said, hesitantly.
"And?" She persisted.
"And, I crippled a guy, OK? Is that good enough for you!?" He half yelled, glancing at me.
"OK, that's enough. Alidia, you?" She turned to me
I stayed silent. I didn't want to talk to someone who didn't care. And days like this I felt my best. It was a rainy day, like this that he was sent to jail. It was raining on the best day of my life.
"Alidia, please tell the group why your here." She said, growing angry.
"Because the forces of the world hate my guts. They had to stick me with you."
"Alidia, I do not like that tone." Her smile had disappeared.
"You don't have to, and your not my mother. She left a long time ago." The others looked at me. They probably had some relative that signed them up for this. Now a days, no ones life was perfect. Not even close.
"Why?" That guy, Trevor, asked.
"They put me on the steps of a church and left." They leave their child, but by a church, so they don't feel guilty. "The woman I live with is my foster mother. She understands, but she doesn't have time to talk."
"Well, I'm going to go get our first activity. Feel free to talk." She left the room and Tommy got up and locked the door. I smiled to myself.
"Why are you here Lidia? Is OK if I call you that?" Jillian asked.
"Yeah. That's what Miss Elinore calls me."
"Isn't she that old lady that lives in the country?" Trevor said.
"Yeah, but she's nice and she cares about me. And at sunset all the colors light up the plains and it's beautiful." I whispered, remembering my first night there. It was so beautiful. I stayed outside until sundown.
"Are you gonna answer my question?" Jillian asked. Standing up, and walking over to me.
*SIGH* "I was raped by someone and I was pregnant with there kid. I got an abortion and I don't know if I should've." I remembered every little detail about it, too. And, I kept ever monogram and memorized everything the doctor had told me. But, Miss Elinore said it would be improper for me to keep it. And, the thought of having my worst enemies child was too much.
"I'm sorry. Are you OK, you know, besides everything else?" She said, in a fatal attempt to comfort me.
"Yeah. I guess. But- Never mind."
"Wow. That's bad." Trevor said. "I can't imagine someone who would sink that low."
"And the worst part is being so afraid that it will happen again, that you won't go out of the house, and sometimes not even out of your room. He basically ruined my life. But, I'm trying to put it back together." I whispered the last bit. He looked at me with sympathy.
"That's beautiful, besides the ruining you life thing. Can I quote you?" Jillian asked, looking hopeful.
"Yeah." I smiled at her.
"At least you have someone to talk to at home. I live in a delinquent center. No one there will listen. It's not like there expected to." Blake hissed, acid dripping from his words.
"Thanks for making me feel horrible on my good day." I whispered.
"Your good day?" Jillian ask, seeming excited. She gets excited over the smallest things.
"When it rains. He was taken away an a day like this."
"You never told us who 'he' is. Or are you just making this up for attention?" Blake commented, yet again.
"I can prove that all this happened. But I can't tell you who he is."
"And why not?"
"I was sworn to secrecy by the state."
"And how do we know that's not made up?"
"Come with me."
♠ ♠ ♠
Cliff hanger. So, I'll update ever few days or so, unless I can't or something.