Status: New so I hope you like it

The Unfortunate

The Unfortunate

My House.

"That pretty much proves it." Tommy said as I showed them the court papers.
"And how do we know that these aren't fake?" He hissed one again.
"You want me to show you? You want me to prove it?" I yelled getting mad.
"Yes." He said.
I lifted my shirt on the right side, closing my eyes. It should still be there. The doctor said it would be a while until it healed.
"Ho-" I pulled down my shirt and stormed into my room, taking the monograms out of my dresser drawer.
"Is this enough for you?"
"What is this?" Trevor asked, turning it over.
"It's a monogram." I said tears in my eyes.
"Oh," Jillian hugged me. It felt good to know that someone cared.
"I think you owe her an apology." Tommy said, rubbing my back.
"Fine. I'm sorry." He sounded sad when he said it. Like he regretted it. But, then again, everyone regrets something. Whether it's now or in the past.

That Night

"You guys can stay for dinner if you want." I told them after I finished making it. Grilled cheese and tomato soup. Miss Elinore always eats at a restaurant, before she comes home, so I only make dinner for myself, usually.
"OK, can I stay. I'm staying with my mom until my dad gets out of therapy, and she's out on business." Jillian asked.
"Yeah, sure. If you want, you can ask Miss Elinore if you can stay the night."
"OK. I think I will."
"Can I have my sandwich next?" Trevor asked. "I'm hungry."

Fast Forward >>

"Alright, is everyone comfortable?" She asked. We were all going to sleep in my basement room. Miss Elinore said that everyone could stay the night so she could get to know them. She forgets easily.
"Yes, thank you." Jillian said politely.
"Your welcome dear." She went upstairs and turned out the light.
"She's really nice." Tommy said. "Why did she adopt you?"
"She used to have kids but they grew up, so she adopts them."
"So, that's why you live with her now?" Trevor asked.
"Yeah, that and she felt sorry for me because she asked why I was there, and I told her my story."