Status: New so I hope you like it

The Unfortunate

The Unfortunate

Chapter 4

The last few days, Blake has been staying the night. His excuse is that his father doesn't want him home, ever since he started living with his father again. I hear him cry at night. It brakes my heart, whenever someone as srong as he, brakes down and just cries.
"Thank you." He said just before I fell asleep.

In the morning, Miss Elinore would be gone already, so I would make breakfast. But, this morning, Blake was up and sitting at the table. His expression was bleak. I sat next to him and took his hand.
"My father doesn't want me to see you anymore. He says I'm becoming to attached to you." He said the heart-braking words without expression.
"We'll still see eachother in class. Isn't your eighteenth birthday coming up?" I reassured.
"Yes, in a couple of weeks. I can't wait that long to see you. I've grown to attached to you, just like he said."
"It doesn't matter, what he says. You need me so I'll be here for you. He can't take that away from you." I huged him.
"Do you think that Miss Elinore would let me stay here a while?"
"Of course. I love you." Oops, that slipped. I saw a glimpse of a smile on his lips.
"I love you, too."

At class

"Alright, does anyone know where Blake is?" She looked at me automaticly.
"No, I don't know where he is. Does it look like I do?" I looked sharply at her. My eyes were still red from crying the past week. I hadn't seen him that long. it was tearing me apart.
"I'm sorry." She didn't look it.
Just than, he walked into the classroom, his eyes also red. He came to stand next to me, and took my hand. Everyone, but Jillian was starring.
"Alright, now that we're al here, why don't we start with how we feel about what as happened resently. Anything good or bad." She looked at Jillian. "Why do't you start, Jillian?"
"OK. Um, I guess one good thing that's happened is that I met everyone here, and I'm friends with everyone. They've shown me the light." A tear rolled down her cheek. She quickly wipped it away.
"Uh huh, now, how about . . . Trevor?"
"Huh? Oh, um, I found my dad. Turns out, he was looking for me, too." I smile a little.
"That's great." I said, softly.
"Mmhmm, that is. Now, Thomas."
"Tommy." He corrected. "Well, I met you guys, that's a good thing. My mother spoke to me for the first time in months, yesterday."
"Good, Alidia?"
"Um, I met you guys, and I guess that's it. I couldn't see Blake all this week . Downer." I didn't mention anything else, knowing she'deport to her gossip buddies after this.
"And, Blake."
"I don't feel like talking to you." He said, hisvoice hard as stone.
"Well-" A bell rang. "That's the end of our session."

My house

"It's been a while since I've seen you, Blake. Is everything alright at home?" Miss Elinore asked, as e came in and she went out.
"Yes, my father just doesn't want me to get attached to Alidia, but I already have." He explained.
"Well, you two are in love. Nothing can come between you , now." She smile and left.
"Even she knows." He chuckled.
"Yeah, I guess the maid told her that I had been crying at night. I used to stay with you all night. It felt horrible to not be able to see or feel you next to me." I shuddered.
"I know. My father keeps saying I'm weak, because I cry myself to sleep. I can't wait 'til next week."
"Next Wednesday, and your free. Free to love me." I smiled, and kissed him. A soft little kiss that grew more passionate, until he pulled away.
"Next Wednesday, and than you can start planning our wedding." He got down on one knee, and took my hands. Oh. My heart rate grew fast as a humming birds. Was this really happening?
♠ ♠ ♠
haha cliff-hanger.