Harsh Reality

Chapter Two

Jack’s POV:

“Again?” Alex asked in disbelief.

I sighed. “Yup.”

“She needs to stop letting him treat her like shit and dump his ass,” Alex mumbled.
“I’ve told her that before, but do you think she listens? No,”

“Maybe if you told her how you actually felt about her, she would leave him for you,” I snorted.

“Yeah, right. In my dreams,” I rolled my eyes.

“You never know! It could happen,”

I looked over to Kayla’s locker, watching as she talked to Kara while leaned against the lockers.

I shook my head. “If it was meant to be, it would have happened already. She’ll be with that dickhead until he gets tired of her,”

“Maybe we could beat him unconscious. Then, he’ll wake up and he won’t
remember anything, and we’ll tell him he lives in Canada,” I laughed.

“We should definitely try that,” I kept my eyes on my good looking best friend who was laughing at something Kara was saying to her.

“Jackaroo!” Kayla turned her head towards me and I tried to make it seem like I wasn’t staring at her the whole time.

“I see how it is,” Alex put his hand over his heart.

“It’s ‘cause I’m sexier than you,” I smirked, slinging my arm around Kayla’s shoulders. See, we acted like we were dating, but we actually weren’t. People would always come up to us and ask us if we were going out. I wished we were. God, I’m pathetic.

Alex raised an eyebrow at me and I shrugged.

“So, band practice today?” Alex questioned. Kayla looked up at me and I shook my head at him.

“Sorry, I promised her we would hang out,”

Alex wiggled his eyebrows at me, and Kayla giggled.

“So, I see your cheating on me again,” Rian came up to us. Even though Rian was madly in love with Kara, ever since Kayla had joined our group of friends Rian and Kayla pretended to be a couple, and whenever he was with Kara, Kayla would pretend to throw a fit. Kara knew about this, and she thought it was funny, and knew Kayla would never do anything to take Rian away from her.

“You deserve it, I caught you with that girl again yesterday,” She pretended to glare at Kara.

“Maybe if you didn’t cheat on me all the time with that crazy guy,” He pointed at Jack. “I wouldn’t cheat on you,”

Kayla burst out into laughs, not able to keep up her fake argument with Rian.

“I’m a birdie,” I said randomly, making Kayla laugh harder.

“I dare you to try and fly,” She smiled.

I pretended to flap my imaginary wings and I ran in circles, watching as her smile grew.
“You’re cool, Jack,” She giggled sarcastically once I finished acting like a bird, and caught the stares of a few students and teachers while doing so.

“I know I am! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to urinate,” I said, walking off towards the bathrooms.

I opened the bathroom door only to be faced with Ethan making out with some girl I couldn’t even recognize

I stood their for a moment, astonished that right after Kayla takes him back, he would go and do this. I don’t know how he couldn’t be satisfied with her.

“Goddamned!” I screamed once I found my voice.

The girl jumped away from Ethan and ran straight past me, leaving Ethan and I alone in here. He stared at me with wide eyes while I glared at him and made my way over to him.


“You’re an ass,” I interrupted him.

“Don’t tell Kayla,” He requested.

“Why shouldn’t I?” I pressed, even though I wasn’t going to. If I told her, she would just become more crushed, making her spiral further and further downwards.

He looked thoughtful for a moment, and came up with nothing.

“The only reason I’m not going to tell her is because I don’t want her to be hurt even worse,”

“Thanks, man,”

“Fuck you,” I spat, slapping him across the face and storming out of the restrooms.

That guy made me sick. I just wanted to kill him. Not just because he was with Kayla, but also just because he was such an asshole. This was probably the eighth time he’s cheated on her.

I knew what Kayla did to herself. Ethan made her feel lower than dirt, and made her think she wasn’t pretty enough, and she would basically starve herself. I wouldn’t bring it up, and pretended I didn’t know anything. But every time I saw her she would be skinnier, and I could tell that she wasn’t eating.

I couldn’t believe that she would do that to herself over a douche like him. Before she started dating him, she was so confident in herself. Now she’s all self-conscious, and it’s all his fault.

I wouldn’t tell Ethan about her doing this to himself, because he would probably feel satisfied he did something like that to a girl, being the uncaring jerk he is. He would break her into pieces, and I had to watch her hurt. Every time he cheated, she would break more.
A few more times, and he’ll probably end up destroying her, and I can’t let that happen.