Harsh Reality

Chapter Four

Jack’s POV:

I am going to kill him. Ethan deserves to fall in a hole and die. Kayla isn’t eating, and I know it for a fact now. As soon as she was starting to get better, he knocked her down again. That little motherfucker.

I hated him. Why wouldn’t Kayla leave him already? She could do better. She could have me, even though that was just what I wanted, and not what she wanted.

He doesn’t even deserve to be with her, and he treats her like shit. It pissed me off.

“Jacky, I need to borrow some clothes,” She spun around quickly, her hair flying in all directions.

“You know where they are,” I said lazily, throwing a ball up at my ceiling and trying to forget about the ass my best friend was dating.

I directed my attention towards Kayla and watched her as she changed. I definitely liked this part of being her best friend. She didn’t know I wanted her, and she was extremely comfortable around me, and would change in front of me all the time.

When she removed her shirt, I had to bite my lip to block the gasp that was trying to escape my lips when I saw how her hip bones stuck out, and how you could see her rib cage clearly. She must only weight ninety something pounds, and she’s seventeen. There’s no way she could weigh more than one hundred ten pounds.

Though I cared about Kayla, as soon as she took off her shorts, leaving her in only her small panties and bra, the thoughts of her starving herself went away for a few minutes as I felt myself harden, and thanked God that the covers were over me.

She slipped on booty shorts-which didn’t help my “problem” go away at all- and one of my Glamour Kills shirts and climbed into bed with me, and my best friend mode turned back on.

I could immediately tell something was bothering her by the look on her face as she stared past me, out my window.

“What’s wrong?” She looked at me and shrugged. “Tell me,” I whined, making her smile.

“I don’t think my mom is gonna let me stay at home after I graduate,” She said quietly, her smile fading.

I would never say this out loud, but her mom is an asshole. She doesn’t care about Kayla at all, and wasn’t ever there for her. She only kept her because Kayla’s grandma made her, and Kayla’s mother still didn’t want her. She was rude, and I didn’t blame Kayla’s dad for leaving her mom, but I think he’s the biggest douche to ever grace the planet-besides Ethan- for leaving Kayla with no goodbyes.

Maybe it was just because Kayla was my best friend, but I don’t understand how anybody could not want her. She’s nice, and good looking, and caring. She cares about her friends more than she does herself.

“You can stay with me, you know that,”

She scoffed. “Yeah, and I could stay here with your mom and knit blankets while you and the guys go on tour.”

Her and my mom got along perfectly. My mom was always telling me to ask her out, and that she was the one. Ever since the first day I brought her home in eighth grade, my mom has been in love-not literally- with Kayla.

“No, you’ll come on tour with us, silly,” I pinched her nose.

She laughed, and then sighed, scooting closer to me. I wrapped my arms around her waist. I loved when we would just lay here like this. God, I’m such a softy.

“You’re always so warm,” She commented, pushing her face into my chest.

“Your nose is definitely touching my nipple,” She laughed.


“You kids better get to bed, it’s almost midnight, and you have school tomorrow,” My mom came in without knocking, like she always does.

Kayla looked up from my chest at my mom and nodded. “Thanks for letting me stay, Mrs. Barakat,”

She nodded and smiled, eyeing me before she switched out my lamp.

We talked in the dark for a while longer until Kayla stopped responding.

“Kayla?” I whispered her name one last time, and when she didn’t answer, her soft, even breathing told me she was asleep.

It wasn’t fair. The fact that a douche bag like Ethan, could get a beautiful girl like Kayla just wasn’t fair. I was supposed to get Kayla.

- - -

“Where’s Kayla?” Alex asked after I walked into his house.

“She went home with Kara. She’s on her period, and she wants to be with another girl,” I explained.

“Thanks for telling me the details,” He pretended to gag while we walked up the stairs.

“Hey Mrs. Gaskarth!” I called over my shoulder as we pounded up the steps.

“Hi, Jack,” She greeted.

We walked into Alex’s room and I laid myself down on his bed, looking up at the ceiling.

“What the fuck is wrong with you, lately?” I sat up.

“Do you even have to ask?”

“Just ask her out,” He sighed, looking through his CD’s.

“It’s not that easy,”

“Sure it is. Once you ask her out, she’ll break up with dickface and she’ll be yours!”

“She’s not going to break up with him,”

“She will if she knows you like her,”

“You’re insane,” I shook my head.

My phone vibrated and I pulled it out of my pocket, opening up the new text.

From: Kayla
At: 4:30 PM

Pick me up from Kara’s? Rob is still over my house, and I can’t sleep over Kara’s.

“Her mom is the biggest pussy on the planet,” I muttered.

“Her mom has a stick up her ass,” Alex agreed. “Who was that?” He asked when I stood up.

“Kayla. I’ve gotta pick her up from Kara’s because her mom isn’t letting her come home tonight because her boyfriend is over,” He nodded.

“Just take her back to your place, she’s gonna be all emotional on her period and shit so I don’t want to hear her rant about her life.” I laughed.

“Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow,” He fist pounded me.

“See ya, bro,”

“Bye, Mrs. Gaskarth,” I hugged her on my way out.

“Don’t be hittin’ on my mommy!” Alex called to me as I walked out of his house.