Harsh Reality

Chapter Five

Kayla’s POV:

“Sorry, Jack,”

“Why do you keep apologizing?” He laughed.

“’Cause I made you leave Alex’s,”

“And that’s something to apologize for why?” He smiled.

I shrugged. “Is your mom alright with me staying the night again?”

“She already told you that you can stay the night whenever,” I smiled. I loved the fact that Jack and his family treated me like family.

“We have arrived, madam,” He faked a British accent and helped me out of the car, linking arms with mine.

We walked into his house, the yellow walls of the kitchen coming into view. I haven’t really eaten anything for about two days. I knew I had to eat something today, and actually keep it down.

“Jacky, do you have any more of those granola bars?” I asked, batting my eyelashes, and then laughing. His face seemed to light up when I asked for food and I tried to ignore it.

He laughed as well, and then shook his head. “Why do you always eat those?” I shrugged.

“Because they’re really good,” Well, that wasn’t a lie. The chocolate chip granola bars Jack had stocked in his house were always amazing. And they were only ninety calories.

“That’s all you eat when you’re on your period, it’s weird,” He smiled. Another thing I loved about Jack was that I could tell him when I had my period and he wouldn’t make a big deal about it.

“Jack, what are you doing in the kitchen when I’m not here?” His mom came in and smiled at me. “Hey, hun,” She hugged me.

“Kristen Doan called me a whore today,” I told Jack after he finally found the granola bars in his pantry. I heard Jack’s mom try to hold back her laughter, but fail. She thought it was funny how I was so open about things in front of her. She didn’t care, though, as long as Jack and I didn’t start cussing our brains out.

“Doan? She’s so ugly!” Jack shuddered. “She’s uglier than…” He racked his brain for something to say. “Something ugly!” He came up with. “Yeah, that’s it, she’s uglier than something ugly.” He said proudly.

“Oh, that’s a good comparison,” I laughed.

“Isn’t it?”

I stared at the granola bar before I unwrapped it and took a quick bite. I tried to eat like a civilized person so it didn’t come off like I was starving to death, which I technically was.

My phone rang out to Ethan’s personalized ring tone-It was some rap song he put on my phone. Rap. I hate rap. - and Jack rolled his eyes. He knew that ring tone, too. Since I was basically always with Jack, he knew every persons ring tone that was in my contact list. He hated Ethan’s. I didn’t know whether he hated it because it was rap, or just because it was Ethan’s.

Anyways, I just let it ring until it beeped, telling me I missed a call, which made Jack smirk.

I finished the granola bar, savoring the taste while I threw the wrapper into the trashcan.

“I still don’t get why you’re with him,” Jack grumbled. I sighed.

Honestly, I didn’t know why I was with him either. It’s getting to the point where I would rather be single than dating Ethan. But whatever, I’m so used to him being in my life that it might screw something up. But I knew that if it did mess something up-which I also knew wouldn’t, because Ethan didn’t really do anything for me- Jack would fix it.

I just shrugged, sitting on the counter while Jack bit into an apple.

“Mommy, did you get my hair dye?” Jack asked in a baby voice.

She sighed, smiling. “Yes, I got your abnormal hair coloring.” She looked at me,
shaking her head. “Must my son have multicolored hair?” I laughed.

“You love me, mommy,” He kissed her cheek.

“Yeah, I love you and your strange skunk hair,” She smiled, walking out of the kitchen. Jack gasped and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Well at least Kayla loves me! And my hair!” He yelled.

- - -

“I hate science,” Jack groaned, dropping his binder to the floor where it landed in front of me. He looked down at me with puppy eyes.

“I hope you’re not asking me to do this for you,” I scoffed.

“I’m not. I’m asking you to explain what the hell number two means.”

I laughed, rolling my eyes.

“Jack!” His mom called, running up the stairs.

“That’s my name, don’t wear it out,” He smirked.

“Give me my flat iron back,” She looked at me and shook her head. “I swear, sometimes I feel like I have a daughter. Make sure he doesn’t go gay, alright?” I giggled, while watching Jack pout.

“You’re being awfully rude to me today, mother,” He said in a fake British accent.

“You fail at that, hun. Can I please have my flat iron now?” She requested.

He sighed dramatically and handed it to her. She thanked him, shooting me another smile and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind you.

“I love your mom,” I laughed. It was true. Not only did she treat me like her own daughter, but she was extremely funny.

“I never knew you rolled like that,” He looked at me wide eyed, then began laughing.

My phone vibrated in my pocket signaling I had a text.

From: Kara
At: 7:06 PM

You left your bag at my house. I’ll bring it to school tomorrow.

I flipped the phone open and pressed texted a quick message back to her.

To: Kara

Thanks, you’re the best. (:

“Gosh, woman, you text like mad!” Jack exclaimed.

“That made no sense whatsoever,” I laughed.

“Nothing I say ever makes sense, that’s why I’m so awesome.” He got down on the floor and began tickling me.