Harsh Reality

Chapter Six

Kayla’s POV:

“You sicko!” I screamed, hoping my mom would wake up from her drunken slumber.

He laughed evilly, backing me into the wall. “You’re mine, now,” He tried kissing me and I slapped his face. It didn’t affect him at all, though. I had the strength of a five year old.
He continued to take my clothes off while I screamed and sobbed.

“Leave me alone!” I begged.

“In your dreams.” He pushed me onto the bed. “You’re going to do what I say, whore, and you won’t tell your mom anything.”

“Or else what?”

He smirked, pulling a knife out of his back pocket. I shuddered. “Or else I’ll have to use this,”

“Kayla!” Jack screamed, shaking me awake.

I shot upright, breathing heavily. It was just a dream, I told myself, only a dream. Jack pulled me into his chest and I bit my lip to hold back the tears, but choked out a sob anyways.

“It was only a dream, Kay,” He said soothingly, kissing the top of my head.

“I don’t want to go back there,” My voice shook. Dreams like this would happen every once in a while. The scene of Rob attempting to rape me would play over and over again in my dreams, torturing me.

Luckily, in real life, my mom woke up and called Rob into her room just as he got me onto the bed. But that never happened in my dreams.

“You don’t have to, you’re staying here until he leaves,” He reassured me. I wanted him to hold me like this forever.

I shook my head. “I don’t want to go back there… Ever,”

“Than don’t,” He encouraged.

“I miss my d-daddy,” I cried pathetically into his chest.

He sighed, running his fingers through my hair. I calmed down a little bit so I could speak clearly.

“Jack, go to bed,” I sniffled.

“No,” He said. I could tell he as tired and I felt extremely bad for keeping him up with my childish ways.

I unplugged his iPod for the charger, sticking one ear bud in my ear and one in his. I pushed him back onto the pillow and I laid down next to him, facing him. I looked down at the mp3 player and scrolled through his songs until I found one I felt like listening to and would make Jack fall asleep.

Drink up baby down, are you in or are you out?
Leave your things behind, ‘cause it’s all goin’ on without you
Excuse me, too busy, writing you’re tragedies.
These mishaps, you bubble wrap and you no idea what your like.

Martin Johnson’s voice sang the Boys Like Girls cover of Let Go by Frou Frou.

So let go, let go, jump in, no, whatcha waitin’ for?
It’s alright, ‘cause there’s beauty in the breakdown
Let go, l-let go, just get in, yeah it’s so amazing here.
It’s alright, ‘cause there’s beauty in the breakdown.

Jack’s eyes were slowly closing and I smiled at his peaceful expression. He was so… perfect. Why couldn’t we just be together?

It gains the more it gives, and then it rises with the fall.
So hand me that remote,
Can’t you see that all that stuff’s a sideshow?
Such boundless, pleasure, we’ve no time for later now.

“I’m sorry, Kay. I can’t stay awake anymore, you know this is my sleepy song,” He mumbled tiredly.

I laughed quietly. “Goodnight, Jack,”

He said something that I couldn’t quite understand and fell into slumber as I tuned back into the song, which was just ending.

So amazing,
‘Cause there’s beauty in the breakdown…